I'm grooming everyone here for sex. Regrettable sex, yes. But still, sex.
The first inch is, maybe consensual?
Getting laid > Not getting laid Regrettable sex > plain old regret
Simple math really.
The "worst" is probably of the labor inductive variety. But you know what, I conducted my business with the assiduous ardor of a bear preparing for epochal length winter.
I'm grooming everyone here for sex. Regrettable sex, yes. But still, sex.
The first inch is, maybe consensual?
Getting laid > Not getting laid Regrettable sex > plain old regret
Simple math really.
The "worst" is probably of the labor inductive variety. But you know what, I conducted my business with the assiduous ardor of a bear preparing for epochal length winter.
I'm grooming everyone here for sex. Regrettable sex, yes. But still, sex.
The first inch is, maybe consensual?
Getting laid > Not getting laid Regrettable sex > plain old regret
Simple math really.
The "worst" is probably of the labor inductive variety. But you know what, I conducted my business with the assiduous ardor of a bear preparing for epochal length winter.
I'm grooming everyone here for sex. Regrettable sex, yes. But still, sex.
The first inch is, maybe consensual?
Getting laid > Not getting laid Regrettable sex > plain old regret
Simple math really.
The "worst" is probably of the labor inductive variety. But you know what, I conducted my business with the assiduous ardor of a bear preparing for epochal length winter.
I don't understand any of this.
"Choyipa kwambiri" ndichimodzi mwazinthu zosiyanasiyana zothandiza pantchito. Koma mukudziwa, ndinayendetsa bizinesi yanga ndi chidwi chonyamula chimbalangondo kukonzekera nthawi yachisanu kutalika.
I'm grooming everyone here for sex. Regrettable sex, yes. But still, sex.
The first inch is, maybe consensual?
Getting laid > Not getting laid Regrettable sex > plain old regret
Simple math really.
The "worst" is probably of the labor inductive variety. But you know what, I conducted my business with the assiduous ardor of a bear preparing for epochal length winter.
I don't understand any of this.
"Choyipa kwambiri" ndichimodzi mwazinthu zosiyanasiyana zothandiza pantchito. Koma mukudziwa, ndinayendetsa bizinesi yanga ndi chidwi chonyamula chimbalangondo kukonzekera nthawi yachisanu kutalika.
Getting laid > Not getting laid
Regrettable sex > plain old regret
Simple math really.
Wait, what?