Women are listening to the true crime podcasts. Younger women are listening to Call Her Daddy, one of the many YouTube makeup and beauty gurus, and anything else that interests them more than Alyssa fucking Milano. Nobody gives a fuck about Alyssa Milano constantly whining about Trump and Me Too. She’s irrelevant. Talk about some interesting stuff, get some guests that are funny. We know Alyssa Milano isn’t funny or interesting. Nobody, man or woman, supports something that doesn’t interest them.
You are so right when it comes to young women and true crime. In my circle of friends four of them are in their 20s and three are in their 30s, and almost all of them listen to true crime podcasts.
Now I’m picturing Derek as peak Hef, but swap out the Playboy bunny for the HCH logo.
I know you're being sarcastic, but Hugh Hefner I am not
Why ya gotta crush my dreams Derek?
The closest I've ever come to being Hugh Hefner was when I was dating an Indian girl and she broke up with me right before her two-month vacation to India. So I asked her roommate out, and she and I started dating. (Our first date was at Wing Dome in the U-District on Aurora). When girl #1 returned to Seattle and found out what was happening, only then did I find out that they were sisters.
So in this case, they all really did look the same.
Actually, not at all. The first was 5'2" with a nice ass. The second was 5'4" and slimmer and looked a lot like Sade.