Leftards hate choice. They love the state. Education of our kids is not to involve parents. Leftards hate homeschoolers, private schools (unless they are the ones they are sending their kids to) and public charter schools. The incredible hypocrisy of denying an inner city black parent the opportunity to get a real education while white leftards lecture us about the importance of public schools while sending their kids to private schools. This alone is the closest thing to institutional systemic racism. Terminating public charter schools is one of the demands of the Cali teacher unions that are supposed to be met before they go back to teaching this fall.
https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2020/08/the-case-for-charter-schools.phpTHE CASE FOR CHARTER SCHOOLSKevin Williams reviews Thomas Sowell’s new book on charter schools in the July 27 issue of National Review. The review is published under the headline “The Collapsing Case against Charter Schools.” ...
And the numbers? That’s the bloodbath I mentioned.
There is, as one would expect, significant variability in the performance of the charter schools, just as there is significant variability in the performance of the conventional public schools. (And here it bears underscoring: Charter schools are public schools, publicly funded and serving public-school students; the difference is that charter schools are relieved of some of the constraints imposed on conventional schools by public-sector unions, their financial interests, and the political interests built atop those financial interests.) In almost every case, the charter schools — including the worst of them — outperformed the conventional public schools operating in the same buildings, in the same neighborhoods, serving very similar students. In most cases, the share of charter-school students achieving proficiency or better on standardized tests was a multiple of the number of the conventional public-school students doing so; similarly, in most cases the number of conventional public-school students receiving the lowest classification on those same tests was some multiple of the number of charter-school students doing so. Sowell lets the data speak for themselves, reporting the high and low English and math figures for each of his comparison sets.
For the charter schools, the data are a litany of triumph, and for the conventional public schools, they are a lamentation….
Williamson concludes his review on a bitter if realistic note: “Our political culture is sick, and many of our institutions are corrupt. Many of them would not be capable of acting on what they could learn from Charter Schools and Their Enemies even if they were so inclined, which they aren’t. Thomas Sowell is a national treasure in a nation that does not entirely deserve him.”
Democrats aren't pro-choice? When did that happen?
But when you look at average test scores, college placements and attendance rates, graduation rates from both HS and college, it's hard to argue that charters aren't a godsend for a lot of kids who's only other option was the shitty, failed neighborhood schools.
My parents were both teachers and I've done a ton of work in the schools and behind the scenes in SPS, and from what I experienced and saw, my faith in the traditional schools is dropping like a rock, while my faith in charters has increased. It deeply saddens me to see this happening, but I would not send my kids to public schools in Seattle anymore, because doing so today would be tantamount to child abuse. Fuck that.
That lesbo went HAM on that. #MyTabibibibibibibibibibibibiiiii tore apart too.
The Disintegrationists are the hyenas who prey on the weakest of the herd who wander from the powerful union of shared good.
She's got a Masters or MBA, plus a PhD in Organizational Psychology, which requires the polar opposite of what's being taught by the anti-racists today, in order for groups of people to learn to get along and work as a cohesive unit in the workplace. Naturally, she read Robin DeAngelo's BBC Plea, er "White Fragility" and tore it to pieces in a couple of YouTube videos. I'll link them if I can find them. But either way, this Borycenko chick totally gets it.