Funniest part is how she gives up the game by stupidly acknowledging that the Portland Protesters are not about BLM or George Floyd, but are instead "the President's protesters."
Finally a slime bucket Democrat accidentally tells the truth.
How anyone even if they are a liberal could have watched that hearing and thought to themselves, gosh, we should give more power and authority to these people so that they can tell us how to live our lives is beyond me.
The entire display was nothing but a screaming advertisement for limited and smaller government.
How anyone even if they are a liberal could have watched that hearing and thought to themselves, gosh, we should give more power and authority to these people so that they can tell us how to live our lives is beyond me.
The entire display was nothing but a screaming advertisement for limited and smaller government.
People are stupid sometimes
Funniest part is how she gives up the game by stupidly acknowledging that the Portland Protesters are not about BLM or George Floyd, but are instead "the President's protesters."
Finally a slime bucket Democrat accidentally tells the truth.
The entire display was nothing but a screaming advertisement for limited and smaller government.
Not sure what that makes me, but YUCK.
I suppose she is, in the eyes of incompetent liberals who've never known a competent person in their entire dependent lives.