Faux Chi knows the mask causes a lack of oxygen and high concentrations of carbon dioxide.
If my then pregnant wife could work a 12 hour nursing shift in a mask you can get over yourself with that shit.
Doesn't make it not true. Did she get headaches? Seems to be the most common side effect.
Nurses and doctors literally spend their career behind masks. You think a brain surgeon would wear a mask if it inhibited their abilities during a surgery?
I've seen it tested with an OSHA approved air sampler. Oxygen level inside the mask drops below what OSHA requires to work in confined spaces. Effects some more than others. Just sayin'.
I know I am ignoring the mandate here.
Samplers are calibrated and approved when worn around the face, such as attached to a shirt collar.
If you put it under your mask and exhaled on it, of course it would give a high CO2 reading.
It was sampled while breathing. You exhale into the mask and then inhale don't you? I'm ignoring this shit. I put one on to go in Costco when I need to shop there but no ones going to enforce it. I was out to breakfast with friends today nary a mask in sight.
Right, you exhale and inhale. If the sampler was in the mouth when he exhaled, it's going to give a high reading because there is a rush of CO2 going across the detector and it will give a high reading. Give it another second and it won't.
Gasses, including O2 and CO2 will pass through the mask. Gasses are very, very tiny (picometers) and will pass through cloth and most other materials. Viruses and other particles will have greater difficulty passing through because they are much larger by comparison (nanometers, or thousand-times bigger than gas).
What's a better way to see if it's unsafe to wear a mask?
Try an oximeter? Those things read the level of oxygenation in the body and can detect whether you're not breathing off enough CO2.
Hey just saw it I didn't conduct a test. The guy measured without a mask and then with a mask. Normal breathing. Not she how perfect that is. He placed the probe in the sane place for both which was at the corner of his mouth.
We’re here to educate. Some people learn some people don’t.
Use a blood oxygen sensor, it will be 98+ with or without mask
Faux Chi knows the mask causes a lack of oxygen and high concentrations of carbon dioxide.
If my then pregnant wife could work a 12 hour nursing shift in a mask you can get over yourself with that shit.
Doesn't make it not true. Did she get headaches? Seems to be the most common side effect.
Nurses and doctors literally spend their career behind masks. You think a brain surgeon would wear a mask if it inhibited their abilities during a surgery?
I've seen it tested with an OSHA approved air sampler. Oxygen level inside the mask drops below what OSHA requires to work in confined spaces. Effects some more than others. Just sayin'.
I know I am ignoring the mandate here.
Samplers are calibrated and approved when worn around the face, such as attached to a shirt collar.
If you put it under your mask and exhaled on it, of course it would give a high CO2 reading.
It was sampled while breathing. You exhale into the mask and then inhale don't you? I'm ignoring this shit. I put one on to go in Costco when I need to shop there but no ones going to enforce it. I was out to breakfast with friends today nary a mask in sight.
Right, you exhale and inhale. If the sampler was in the mouth when he exhaled, it's going to give a high reading because there is a rush of CO2 going across the detector and it will give a high reading. Give it another second and it won't.
Gasses, including O2 and CO2 will pass through the mask. Gasses are very, very tiny (picometers) and will pass through cloth and most other materials. Viruses and other particles will have greater difficulty passing through because they are much larger by comparison (nanometers, or thousand-times bigger than gas).
What's a better way to see if it's unsafe to wear a mask?
Try an oximeter? Those things read the level of oxygenation in the body and can detect whether you're not breathing off enough CO2.
Hey just saw it I didn't conduct a test. The guy measured without a mask and then with a mask. Normal breathing. Not she how perfect that is. He placed the probe in the sane place for both which was at the corner of his mouth.
We’re here to educate. Some people learn some people don’t.
Use a blood oxygen sensor, it will be 98+ with or without mask
Use a blood oxygen sensor, it will be 98+ with or without mask