But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
He actually accomplished things while the left committed treason. He has something to brag about. lots of things.
We’re? long past bringing people together. I say this as a convert to a Trumptard Racist Russian Bot Deplorable voter. Didn’t vote for him in 2016. Will this fall.
Biden is running on 2 messages. Unite the country. And I'm not Trump. Shallow maybe but it seems to be working out for him
Haven't really heard anything about Unite the country from him. Help me what his plan is.
Every speech is about "restoring the core of this nation" and a bunch of other platitudes that I don't really buy into but voters seem to.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
Exactly I live in the SF Bay area if I told people I was s conservative I would get attacked. Its nuts
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
Getting headlines
I mean, it’s clear many think neither issue is as dramatic as the press makes it, but lots of people watch the “fake news.” He was able to rage against the cancel culture vote on his first go around and it helped get him elected (I always like him using the phrase “cancel culture, btw, as it’s clearly a hip term someone threw in his speeches). Is the same strategy enough this time? Thus far, his rally speeches have centered on “the other” as they typically do.
This is how Biden unites America according to the esteemed political sage @MelloDawg
- In response to a question on Ukraine/Hunter Biden at an Iowa campaign event -"listen, fat ass"
- Challenges another participant to a pushup contest
- Tells black media personality those considering voting for Trump "aint black". Gives a half ass apology where he says that was "too cavalier", which is faux-apology speech for "it's what I believe but maybe shouldn't have said that, there"
- Said he doesn't want his kids growing up in the "racial jungle" of desegregated schools. What the actual fuck is this? If Trump were to have made that comment in the past, he'd be fucking done and youd never hear the end of it. With Biden people just shrug?
And listen, I dont like to point fingers at character flaws of others, but holy shit is Hunter Biden a disaster. Is Joe blaming that on the racial jungle?
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
It's the conservatives fault
What a fucking moron
You’re not conservatives. You’re not bright enough to have an actual philosophy.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
It's the conservatives fault
What a fucking moron
You’re not conservatives. You’re not bright enough to have an actual philosophy.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
It's the conservatives fault
What a fucking moron
You’re not conservatives. You’re not bright enough to have an actual philosophy.
The irony is almost unbelievable
Your desire to flatter yourself as being conservative is very believable.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
It's the conservatives fault
What a fucking moron
You’re not conservatives. You’re not bright enough to have an actual philosophy.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
It's the conservatives fault
What a fucking moron
You’re not conservatives. You’re not bright enough to have an actual philosophy.
The irony is almost unbelievable
NOT TRUMP is such a deep political philosophy.
A clear choice informed by philosophy.
Aren’t you the anti-choice poaster who paid for an abortion? Philosophy!
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
Getting headlines
I mean, it’s clear many think neither issue is as dramatic as the press makes it, but lots of people watch the “fake news.” He was able to rage against the cancel culture vote on his first go around and it helped get him elected (I always like him using the phrase “cancel culture, btw, as it’s clearly a hip term someone threw in his speeches). Is the same strategy enough this time? Thus far, his rally speeches have centered on “the other” as they typically do.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
It's the conservatives fault
What a fucking moron
You’re not conservatives. You’re not bright enough to have an actual philosophy.
The irony is almost unbelievable
Your desire to flatter yourself as being conservative is very believable.
I am not a conservative. El oh el
I have what's called a brain
Youre a partisan hack sexually obsessed with "Daddy"
We’re? long past bringing people together. I say this as a convert to a Trumptard Racist Russian Bot Deplorable voter. Didn’t vote for him in 2016. Will this fall.
Biden is running on 2 messages. Unite the country. And I'm not Trump. Shallow maybe but it seems to be working out for him
Unite the country by telling the colored folk they “Ain’t Black” if they vote for Trump. Such a unifier. Why don’t you post under your primary account?
Biden is a human gaffe machine. He's able to cloak what he is now behind voters fond memories of him as VP and a senator. I was one of the people trying to point out these flaws in the primary, but any criticism was basically off limits in the primary as everyone with TDS would scream "you're helping Trump. Then it was decided before super Tuesday that he was the unity candidate and the candidate to defeat Trump.
As long as the country is on fire no one is paying any attention to what he is saying in his basement. Voters, specifically old voters see him as generic Dem X who is not Trump which more than half of the country is United in hating. He's also the candidate who dominated with black voters (specifically old black voters and in the south).
Furthermore Trump didn't even talk about that moment. He instead pivoted to conspiracy theories about Morning Joe killing his intern.
This is normally a thread I'd avoid before noon. But, if you think the country is on fire now, wait until the real implications of 40 million out of work, and God knows how many people being evicted, and how many more small and retired landlords who've tied up their retirement in rental properties unable to collect rent from people they can't evict, or can't find replacement renters because they have no money with which to pay rent.
All this other stuff, some legitimate and some not so much, will fall away as a detail. People who are desperate do desperate things.
There is nothing more important than safeguarding the economy right now. By (almost) any means necessary. Because when we define the lucky ones as those who have retirement accounts to raid so as to buy themselves some time, meaning they'll have to piss it away to survive, shit's going to get really real, and the political talk will be left for old men who have nothing better to do than waiting to die.
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
It's the conservatives fault
What a fucking moron
You’re not conservatives. You’re not bright enough to have an actual philosophy.
The irony is almost unbelievable
Your desire to flatter yourself as being conservative is very believable.
Yes, yes Dazzler. You're the only real conservative here. You'll notice that the Dazzler is always very vague on just what qualifies him as a Conservative. But we know that Mitt Romney was too extreme for Dazzler's "conservative" beliefs thus forcing him to vote for the "more fiscally responsible alternative" Obama
But they do though. If Trump’s goal is to try and garner an independent, moderate, or suburban white woman vote, the issues that matter are COVID and race relations. That is what is getting headlines presently. Whether or not they are real or deserving of the attention isn’t the issue.
So race relations is more important than the economy to voters?
no. But not getting COVID under control has caused and will prolong a massive economic calamity. So he's losing badly on that front too. The only thing holding us afloat is the unemployment insurance which is expiring in a month.
But all he has to do for the next 4 months is say “remember my economy from 2016-2019? I’ll do that again.” I think he can get away with having projections of extended economic recoveries, but he keeps doubling down on how America is under attack by the cancel culture and saying COVID was handled miraculously.
America IS under attack by cancel culture. Where have you been? I think there are tens of millions of people sick and fucking tired of not being able to say anything for fear of losing their jobs, even when what they say isn't racist. When someone posts "Will the current rioting violence help BLM achieve their political goals?" (I'm paraphrasing but you get it) on twitter, and gets fired for it, then we have entered an entirely new world of social justice warrior zealotry. I think Trump should continue to pound on the cancel culture zealots all the way to November. I think the cancel culture retards are nothing but a small but loud minority of social media rejects and true believers who are terrible for liberty, the country and America, and they should be lambasted at every opportunity.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
This is the leftward swing I warned of as the GOP gleefully embraced a RW brand of populism. Politics has a lot in common with physics. The hysterical RW shit one reads here has a lot to do with the hysterical LW shit you can read elsewhere.
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
It's the conservatives fault
What a fucking moron
You’re not conservatives. You’re not bright enough to have an actual philosophy.
The irony is almost unbelievable
Your desire to flatter yourself as being conservative is very believable.
Yes, yes Dazzler. You're the only real conservative here. You'll notice that the Dazzler is always very vague on just what qualifies him as a Conservative. But we know that Mitt Romney was too extreme for Dazzler's "conservative" beliefs thus forcing him to vote for the "more fiscally responsible alternative" Obama
Obama being the moderate Republican you girls called a Marxist.
And Mitt, like Bob Dole, had to become someone he wasn’t in order to get the nomination from you nuts who would call Reagan a RINO today.
I will concede the point that Trump should just drop all the grandiose COVID shit. I agree with you there. It's a political loser at this point.
- In response to a question on Ukraine/Hunter Biden at an Iowa campaign event -"listen, fat ass"
- Challenges another participant to a pushup contest
- Tells black media personality those considering voting for Trump "aint black". Gives a half ass apology where he says that was "too cavalier", which is faux-apology speech for "it's what I believe but maybe shouldn't have said that, there"
- Said he doesn't want his kids growing up in the "racial jungle" of desegregated schools. What the actual fuck is this? If Trump were to have made that comment in the past, he'd be fucking done and youd never hear the end of it. With Biden people just shrug?
And listen, I dont like to point fingers at character flaws of others, but holy shit is Hunter Biden a disaster. Is Joe blaming that on the racial jungle?
Mello....seriously....fuck off
I get my political philosophy from the esteemed Rodney King. Can’t we just get along?
What a fucking moron
Aren’t you the anti-choice poaster who paid for an abortion? Philosophy!
To stupid to watch again.
I have what's called a brain
Youre a partisan hack sexually obsessed with "Daddy"
All this other stuff, some legitimate and some not so much, will fall away as a detail. People who are desperate do desperate things.
There is nothing more important than safeguarding the economy right now. By (almost) any means necessary. Because when we define the lucky ones as those who have retirement accounts to raid so as to buy themselves some time, meaning they'll have to piss it away to survive, shit's going to get really real, and the political talk will be left for old men who have nothing better to do than waiting to die.
And Mitt, like Bob Dole, had to become someone he wasn’t in order to get the nomination from you nuts who would call Reagan a RINO today.