Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
You say that it's laughable that people say Dawgman.com is worried about access.
So at the presser, why was Kim's only question to Petersen about the kind of access there would be?
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Fuck you fleenor, Andyy and Kim. All the phone calls in the world can't keep you ahead of guys located 3 time zones away. Brb. Phone call.
Can anyone even name the last thing Dawgman.com actually scooped over someone else?
I don't think doogman not scooping something first or breaking stories is a problem. Doogman is a forum where people discuss the stories, so where they break isn't really an issue. We discuss what is happening with Husky Football here, and I don't think anyone gives a fuck that nobody here is breaking stories. It's really not important.
The problem is consistently giving rumors to customers, but NEVER getting them right. It's not a big deal to get some wrong, after all they are rumors, but every fucking one? Batting .000 is a problem, and proves how little these fucks know. Kim is so fucking desperate to be someone in the Seattle Sports scene, but it will never happen.
Oh wait, Ruth broke that story.
Oh wait, Ruth was making up shit and Kim just copied her shit. Timely post, RoadDawg.
I was met with "you just don't like Kim BC he is against your anti Sark agenda".
Well with his obvious agenda against Petersen they have caned their Doogman subscription. Even they are sick of Kim's BS.
Kim going after Petersen will be his undoing as Doogs naturally like whoever the coach is at the time. This will turn off the Doogs while all the Nega's either hate him or been banned. Most likely both.
All in all, Fuck you Kim, fuck me, fuck you and fuck everyone.
Kim and his stooges said the name would come from that list, and Ecklund then made his 81% comment about Mora.
Sark wasn't listed.
That's what I think he'd like to do ...