Dazzler, when the topic strays from cocksucking, you're out of your area of expertise.
The GOP was specifically founded in opposition to the expansion of slavery. It wasn’t founded with the goal of abolishing slavery. Congrats on the killer fly spec though.
Odd. “Democrats are the party of slavery, the GOP freed the slaves” is usually a false equivalency meme I see on FB. I didn’t think I’d see it over here.
Dazzler, when the topic strays from cocksucking, you're out of your area of expertise.
The GOP was specifically founded in opposition to the expansion of slavery. It wasn’t founded with the goal of abolishing slavery. Congrats on the killer fly spec though.
Yes, yes we know Dazzler and the people who supported the anti-lynching laws weren't really is support of Civil Rights for blacks.
Nobody should hold up the dems as the beacon of freedom and civil rights, but this attempt to rebrand the GOP as the true saviors of the black man and destroyers of racism is hilariously inept. But keep beating that drum, at least you have Candace Owens on board.
Which party was anti-slavery and which was pro-slavery?
Serious question (lol), do the GOP strategists think this is a persuasive argument that'll win over voters, or is this just another tactic to send libs into a frenzy and laugh at their overreaction?
Was the question too tough for you?
I ignore most of your questions. Just be @guntlove blessed that I answered this particular one.
https://books.google.com/books?id=9fjPAQAAQBAJ&pg=PT118&lpg=PT118&dq=Matthias+Baldwin+Republican&source=bl&ots=iJA6ZtdRZA&sig=ACfU3U3tC-wtrSsDZ0bVLuue0MbcdCxlEQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSxNzCnfvpAhWlJzQIHcQ0ALAQ6AEwBXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Matthias Baldwin Republican&f=false
Dazzler, when the topic strays from cocksucking, you're out of your area of expertise.