Armed rioters have taken over the 3rd Precinct In Mogadishu-apolis. @GrundleStiltzkin, what is the appropriate response to this situation if not shooting back?
I'm actually glad to see them targeting government infrastructure instead of private businesses.
Agree in theory but they did take out a bunch of public assistance housing and a Native American Youth Center as well. That's totally fucked. Burn down poor kid youth centers and affordable housing that your community residents live in? WTF over?
I'm actually glad to see them targeting government infrastructure instead of private businesses.
Agree in theory but they did take out a bunch of public assistance housing and a Native American Youth Center as well. That's totally fucked. Burn down poor kid youth centers and affordable housing that your community residents live in? WTF over?
It's all fucked. I condemn the burning of the police station, but I understand it. The rest is completely fucktarded.
Not surprising. Mobs are gonna mob. The thin line of civilization. Throw in 40 million unemployed and its going to be a hot fucking summer
This is a good point. Do not underestimate the effect months of "lock down" is having here. No better way to blow off lock down steam than burning down your whole neighborhood and stealing some shit from the liquor store I always say.
Trump is a fucking dumb monkey. Simply no reason to inflame the situation. Idiot.
That said, you do need to roll the NG in there and restore order, forcibly if required. The rioters just assaulted and burned a police station down. WTF? This shit has jumped the shark. Police brutality and a tragic event is not open fucking season to use fake SJW anger to loot, pillage, attack people and burn shit to the ground. Force to stop this lawlessness is an appropriate response. 100%.
Trump needs to shut the fuck up and let people who have some sense of tact handle it. That said, the limp noodle Mayor (what a fucking beta pussy) is not that guy. Whole thing is fucked up. The death is a travesty, but the "protestors" (what a fucking joke) are a blight. Restore order, using force if required, prosecute the cop who killed him to the fullest extent of the law, and take away Trumps twitter account for about a week. While you are at it take away the Twitter of some of the prominent SJWs who are also saying inflammatory shit to stir up the rioters. It's a mess.
I want to know more about the George Soros sponsorship of this event and also the Professional relationship between the Cop and the TV Victim as well as verification of the so called dead body.
It would also be nice to see who coordinated these riots in cities throughout America
Soros, dems, ANTIFA and assorted other terror groups.
Again, lack of discipline by Trump. I thought—or hoped rather—that's what Trump meant, but who the fuck knows. Damage has already been done.
What damage? To your tender sensibilities? Lived through the LA riots. All kinds of people were shot after the looting started and they weren't being shot by the police or NG.
Minnesota just a bad place or what?
Riot : protestors : TVS :: COVID : governors : civil liberties
I think Minnesota was a state that Mondale won in 84
Again, lack of discipline by Trump. I thought—or hoped rather—that's what Trump meant, but who the fuck knows. Damage has already been done.
Food deserts