Just watch when have downtime. I know it’s long. Can’t land an aircraft when the pilot kills over in fuckin minutes unless an explosion is involved. It’s worth the watch. Even for a bunch of ADD hamburgerheads like here. No wonder can’t win a football game or stay past halftime. Puh.
Like Ground control your major Tom, Doug same way with ATC, “Let’s go Miami!!! Fuckin emergency situation up here, Pod!”
Maybe @GrundleStiltzkin can edit this and make giphys of the highlights.
Just watch when have downtime. I know it’s long. Can’t land an aircraft when the pilot kills over in fuckin minutes unless an explosion is involved. It’s worth the watch. Even for a bunch of ADD hamburgerheads like here. No wonder can’t win a football game or stay past halftime. Puh.
Like Ground control your major Tom, Doug same way with ATC, “Let’s go Miami!!! Fuckin emergency situation up here, Pod!”