So the co-founder of the me-too movement thinks Biden should admit some fault and then move on and win the election.
Jeezus, you rats are pathetic. Politics over decency and honesty. Hell, its your politics over just being human. WTF is wrong with you people?
I have scoffed at the left and its so called feminist movements since the clinton days and their obvious politics over honesty and decency stances, so I find this kind of shit with leftist women supporting male sexual predators hilarious. Rat sexual predators can keep on forcibly sticking their fingers past the meat curtain and the women will smile and vote for them. Its truly is hilarious. You got em right where you want them rats. then offers Biden a way out: “Instead, he could demonstrate what it looks like to be both accountable and electable.”
In other words, the movement Burke lead, to remove sexual predators from positions of power, only applies when those men are unsavory characters in particular industries. In cases where alleged sexual predators may rise to positions of power that ultimately benefit progressive activists, it’s possible to promote those same alleged sexual predators, albeit with reservations.
So how does Biden demonstrate that he is “both accountable and electable?” Burke says he simply needs to admit some fault — even if it’s not specific fault. He can simply say that he’s been more comfortable with women than is socially acceptable, giving him the opportunity to maintain his innocence, while acknowledging that claims may arise regarding his behavior.
“Meaning, at minimum, acknowledging that his demonstrated learning curve around boundaries with women, at the very least, left him open to the plausibility of these claims,” Burke says. “No matter what you believe, we are allowed to expect more of the person running for U.S. President.”
Think real hard now ramen.
I've challenged you to put something on the line many times. Your response is "I don't play stupid games." Shit liars say. It's a tell.
I've never met someone less confident they aren't a lying sack of shit.
I think the greater the vitriol from the right to investigate this matter “because Kavanaugh,” the less coverage it will receive and force it will have. It *should* be covered, but won’t.
It's too early to go all in on this now. Let the other victims come forward in late September.
I just don’t think there are enough devout MeToo’ers out there to NOT vote for Biden in swing states to where it’ll tip an election, assuming its close in those states. Men don’t care and I doubt there are enough moderate suburban moms out there to make a difference.
I suspect if one polled the most vocal and ardent Trump or Sleepy Joe supporters, the consensus from each side would pick a different 7-11 platform than "Politics over decency and honesty." That's just me.
Leftards lie and love to be lied to. This isn’t a pox on both your houses thingy. This is a pox on leftards and their dem symps in Congress and the MSM. Believe all women is a leftard mantra pushed out by major MSM players and dem politicians. This isn’t some fringe group. What similar beyond phu*cking stupid phrase that is morally equivalent has Fox News and any conservative on the Tug come up with. Hands up don’t’ shoot? Nope, more MSM and dem politicians and the Tug’s own punching bag, the counselor. Honesty and integrity are pretty central to conservatives and no, republican politicians are not all that conservative, including Trump. There is no equivalency between what any group of Republicans have done compared to the dems on the Kavanaugh hearing.
When making an argument, you get actual points for bringing in facts rather than a wad of feeling to support your argument.