Compared to Switzerland? Not too bad. And Sweden just let it rip. Those who locked down still have a much larger population that haven't been exposed. You don't win the game at half time. That's what we learned with Willy T.
Actually not true. Sweden took a lot of measures to slow the spread just not as significant as others. They banned all gatherings over 50 people, kept elementary schools open both closed the rest including universities, closed ski resorts and most people are working from home. This idea Sweden did nothing and just let it rip is a complete myth.
Compared to Switzerland? Not too bad. And Sweden just let it rip. Those who locked down still have a much larger population that haven't been exposed. You don't win the game at half time. That's what we learned with Willy T.
Actually not true. Sweden took a lot of measures to slow the spread just not as significant as others. They banned all gatherings over 50 people, kept elementary schools open both closed the rest including universities, closed ski resorts and most people are working from home. This idea Sweden did nothing and just let it rip is a complete myth.
Fuck Off, you lying POS parrot pedophile. Show us those words from Tulsi, lying asshole. You know. The ones that show her soft spot for Assad.
C'mon asshole. Put up or shut up. And go fuck yourself in the meantime.
Compared to Switzerland? Not too bad. And Sweden just let it rip. Those who locked down still have a much larger population that haven't been exposed. You don't win the game at half time. That's what we learned with Willy T.
Actually not true. Sweden took a lot of measures to slow the spread just not as significant as others. They banned all gatherings over 50 people, kept elementary schools open both closed the rest including universities, closed ski resorts and most people are working from home. This idea Sweden did nothing and just let it rip is a complete myth.
Compared to Switzerland? Not too bad. And Sweden just let it rip. Those who locked down still have a much larger population that haven't been exposed. You don't win the game at half time. That's what we learned with Willy T.
Actually not true. Sweden took a lot of measures to slow the spread just not as significant as others. They banned all gatherings over 50 people, kept elementary schools open both closed the rest including universities, closed ski resorts and most people are working from home. This idea Sweden did nothing and just let it rip is a complete myth.
He is right about most of this. But Stockholm still is busy as they were in November.
C'mon asshole. Put up or shut up. And go fuck yourself in the meantime.