yeah I don't know how we should handle this. It's so widespread that waiting for the "curve" to go down seems hard to actually imagine unless you wait for a longer period of time than Americans will be willing. Specific things like restaurants, theatres, spas, etc. should definitely stay closed to ensure that the healthcare system isn't overwhelmed, teleworking should still be encouraged. But I'm not sure that pouring sand into skate parks, and closing golf courses is really helping.
Find a way to protect care centers, and the more vulnerable communities and start to open.
This further illustrates that number of cases doesn't matter and never has. So testing is an absolute waste of time and money, unless its for antibodies.
The scoreboard is hospitalizations and deaths. In Oregon, at least, that curb has been stomped.
Can you name anyone who didn't know that the fatality rate would decline with more testing?
14% or 20%? Regardless, not even one-third of the way to herd immunity.
20% is exactly 1/3 of the way toward herd immunity.
That's incorrect. But regardless, do your part and catch the damn thing.
It caught me, asshole
Time to stop worrying so much about the 2%(old and infirm) and start focusing on the 98% Who will lead us into the future.
That concept went the way of the dodo bird once we started allowing heroin users and homeless people to shit on the sidewalks. Time to take back the middle of the bell curve and say FUCK OFF to the outlying 1%'ers.
The scoreboard is hospitalizations and deaths. In Oregon, at least, that curb has been stomped.
Live shot of the Dazzler plying his trade in projections and deflections....
Time to stop worrying so much about the 2%(old and infirm) and start focusing on the 98% Who will lead us into the future.