(4) No order or orders concerning waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations under subsection (2) of this section may continue for longer than thirty days unless extended by the legislature through concurrent resolution. If the legislature is not in session, the waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations may be extended in writing by the leadership of the senate and the house of representatives until the legislature can extend the waiver or suspension by concurrent resolution. For purposes of this section, "leadership of the senate and the house of representatives" means the majority and minority leaders of the senate and the speaker and the minority leader of the house of representatives.
Good luck to you bootlickers when the shit hits the fan
(4) No order or orders concerning waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations under subsection (2) of this section may continue for longer than thirty days unless extended by the legislature through concurrent resolution. If the legislature is not in session, the waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations may be extended in writing by the leadership of the senate and the house of representatives until the legislature can extend the waiver or suspension by concurrent resolution. For purposes of this section, "leadership of the senate and the house of representatives" means the majority and minority leaders of the senate and the speaker and the minority leader of the house of representatives.
Good luck to you bootlickers when the shit hits the fan
So the Deep State has legal limits on its power.
Don’t lose hope, Race. The black helicopters may still be coming.
Sh*t would get real if Trump announced that 40% of the federal workforce was being laid off without pay for a month. Notice we could shut down the federal non-essential workforce with our pretend budget battles, but it was always just a paid vacation like our still getting paid teachers who aren't teaching. Then have Trump declare a national emergency and require each state's governor lay off without pay 40% of the state workers. Next counties and cities. Then we could have a national debate on shutting everything down.
Yeah, I just had to send in my property taxes. No 40% reduction in that and the fucking schools aren't even open. Anyone think the government employees are going to take a 40% salary haircut?
(4) No order or orders concerning waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations under subsection (2) of this section may continue for longer than thirty days unless extended by the legislature through concurrent resolution. If the legislature is not in session, the waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations may be extended in writing by the leadership of the senate and the house of representatives until the legislature can extend the waiver or suspension by concurrent resolution. For purposes of this section, "leadership of the senate and the house of representatives" means the majority and minority leaders of the senate and the speaker and the minority leader of the house of representatives.
Good luck to you bootlickers when the shit hits the fan
So the Deep State has legal limits on its power.
Don’t lose hope, Race. The black helicopters may still be coming.
(4) No order or orders concerning waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations under subsection (2) of this section may continue for longer than thirty days unless extended by the legislature through concurrent resolution. If the legislature is not in session, the waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations may be extended in writing by the leadership of the senate and the house of representatives until the legislature can extend the waiver or suspension by concurrent resolution. For purposes of this section, "leadership of the senate and the house of representatives" means the majority and minority leaders of the senate and the speaker and the minority leader of the house of representatives.
Good luck to you bootlickers when the shit hits the fan
So the Deep State has legal limits on its power.
Don’t lose hope, Race. The black helicopters may still be coming.
(4) No order or orders concerning waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations under subsection (2) of this section may continue for longer than thirty days unless extended by the legislature through concurrent resolution. If the legislature is not in session, the waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations may be extended in writing by the leadership of the senate and the house of representatives until the legislature can extend the waiver or suspension by concurrent resolution. For purposes of this section, "leadership of the senate and the house of representatives" means the majority and minority leaders of the senate and the speaker and the minority leader of the house of representatives.
Good luck to you bootlickers when the shit hits the fan
So the Deep State has legal limits on its power.
Don’t lose hope, Race. The black helicopters may still be coming.
Keep licking those boots!
Too bad there's no one here from the Greatest Generation to hear your violin.
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
We now understand better how dictators come to power. Make people afraid and desperate. Convince them that the new rules are for the good of the country, the greater good. If people aren’t complying, turn them in because “they could kill someone” and “we’re all in the together”. Put out confusing information and propaganda. But don’t do it all at once. Go incrementally. First ban gatherings over 250 people, after the initial shock wears off, make it 10, after shock wears off, make it all gatherings. Close school for 3 weeks, then 6, then the entire year. Don’t boil the frog suddenly.
There is no exit strategy. As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this, then there is no time in the future that makes anymore sense to gather than it does now.
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this,
WASHINGTON – The contrast could hardly be more stark. Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York has said that if all of his sweeping, expensive measures to stem the coronavirus saved one life, it would be worth it. President Donald Trump has another view: The costs of shutting down the economy outweigh the benefits, frequently telling Americans that 35,000 people a year die from the common flu.
The question is now an urgent one given that Trump in recent days has latched on to the notion that the cure for the pandemic should not be worse than the disease and argued that “more people are going to die if we allow this to continue” if the economy remains closed. He has targeted a return to a semblance of normalcy for the economy by Easter Sunday, April 12.
Critics say he’s presenting the nation with a false choice at a moment when deaths and infections from the virus are surging.
“We’re not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable,” said Cuomo, whose state has seen far more infections and deaths from COVID-19 than any other state. “And we’re not going to put a dollar figure on human life.”
WASHINGTON – The contrast could hardly be more stark. Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York has said that if all of his sweeping, expensive measures to stem the coronavirus saved one life, it would be worth it. President Donald Trump has another view: The costs of shutting down the economy outweigh the benefits, frequently telling Americans that 35,000 people a year die from the common flu.
The question is now an urgent one given that Trump in recent days has latched on to the notion that the cure for the pandemic should not be worse than the disease and argued that “more people are going to die if we allow this to continue” if the economy remains closed. He has targeted a return to a semblance of normalcy for the economy by Easter Sunday, April 12.
Critics say he’s presenting the nation with a false choice at a moment when deaths and infections from the virus are surging.
“We’re not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable,” said Cuomo, whose state has seen far more infections and deaths from COVID-19 than any other state. “And we’re not going to put a dollar figure on human life.”
I think that's the single largest question we're collectively being asked that we haven't had to address until now. There exists a theoretical number of lives we are willing to lose in order to keep the economy functioning (which of course indirectly saves a number of lives in its own right, as difficult of an estimate as that is to make).
So where's that line? Cuomo has said one life, which sounds nice on a bumper sticker, but isn't really an honest answer. Nothing Trump has said or done has been consistent for a streak exceeding 24 hours, so I'm going to assume he has no fucking clue where to draw the line either.
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this,
Lies libertarians tell.
You should cut Damone and Race some slack. They're understandably perplexed by the fact that smart public policy is saving thousands of lives because they've convinced themselves that govts. ARE the problem
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this,
Lies libertarians tell.
You should cut Damone and Race some slack. They're understandably perplexed by the fact that smart public policy is saving thousands of lives because they've convinced themselves that govts. ARE the problem
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this,
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this,
Lies libertarians tell.
You should cut Damone and Race some slack. They're understandably perplexed by the fact that smart public policy is saving thousands of lives because they've convinced themselves that govts. ARE the problem
Serious question: If it were Trump's executive order keeping you home, would you feel differently?
(4) No order or orders concerning waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations under subsection (2) of this section may continue for longer than thirty days unless extended by the legislature through concurrent resolution. If the legislature is not in session, the waiver or suspension of statutory obligations or limitations may be extended in writing by the leadership of the senate and the house of representatives until the legislature can extend the waiver or suspension by concurrent resolution. For purposes of this section, "leadership of the senate and the house of representatives" means the majority and minority leaders of the senate and the speaker and the minority leader of the house of representatives.
Good luck to you bootlickers when the shit hits the fan
So the Deep State has legal limits on its power.
Don’t lose hope, Race. The black helicopters may still be coming.
Keep licking those boots!
Too bad there's no one here from the Greatest Generation to hear your violin.
I'm playing the worlds smallest violin for you.
Race is a Dwag he bled on the field in 1750's and you fucking manlet are gonna shit on for some stiff from DC. FoH.
Here is me not giving two fcks what you thing is smart or dumb.
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this,
Lies libertarians tell.
You should cut Damone and Race some slack. They're understandably perplexed by the fact that smart public policy is saving thousands of lives because they've convinced themselves that govts. ARE the problem
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this,
Is it even legal for a Governor to force you to stay at home? I mean, without martial law declared, what powers does the government have to tell you that you cannot leave home? And there appears to be limited enforcement of this. Some dude in CA was wakeboarding alone on a a beach and they hauled him off in handcuffs. Cited some Mom and Dad who were at a baseball field with their daughter, alone, playing t-ball. I am sure there are lots of other examples. What gives some Governor the ability to tell me to lock myself in my house, and to arrest or ticket me if I do not comply?
This is a serious question. How can you "close" rivers and streams and tell people they can't fish in the middle of nowhere? Do the fish transmit COVID? I am really struggling to understand the validity of some low rent asshole like Governor Blackface telling me I can't go out.
It's a massive infringement on civil liberties. It's unfathomable to me that the public is letting our government get away with it. It's not like these were laws created by a legislative body either, these are the sole dictums of the governors of their respective States.
Then there is the Edmonds Mayor who tried an emergency ban of firearms (since retracted). And did I mention the people weren't allowed to assemble at a city hall meeting to discuss?
I honestly don't know which is more disconcerting. That our government officials brazenly violate our civil rights, or that the citizenry does not stand up and tell them to fuck off.
As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this,
Lies libertarians tell.
You should cut Damone and Race some slack. They're understandably perplexed by the fact that smart public policy is saving thousands of lives because they've convinced themselves that govts. ARE the problem
And it stopped the aliens from coming
Because they aren't here
Yes. But your quarrel is with actuarial studies. Math is hard!
Good luck to you bootlickers when the shit hits the fan
Don’t lose hope, Race. The black helicopters may still be coming.
There is no exit strategy. As long as the standard is zero tolerance for any illness of death caused by this, then there is no time in the future that makes anymore sense to gather than it does now.
The question is now an urgent one given that Trump in recent days has latched on to the notion that the cure for the pandemic should not be worse than the disease and argued that “more people are going to die if we allow this to continue” if the economy remains closed. He has targeted a return to a semblance of normalcy for the economy by Easter Sunday, April 12.
Critics say he’s presenting the nation with a false choice at a moment when deaths and infections from the virus are surging.
“We’re not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable,” said Cuomo, whose state has seen far more infections and deaths from COVID-19 than any other state. “And we’re not going to put a dollar figure on human life.”
So where's that line? Cuomo has said one life, which sounds nice on a bumper sticker, but isn't really an honest answer. Nothing Trump has said or done has been consistent for a streak exceeding 24 hours, so I'm going to assume he has no fucking clue where to draw the line either.
People die every day. I'm sorry kids but that's life
This is unprecedented and was done with no public input. Asking about it now is a tad late
All we got was snark and its not the flu and you're stupid to question your leaders
It's for the greater good. Everybody says so.
Race is a Dwag he bled on the field in 1750's and you fucking manlet are gonna shit on for some stiff from DC. FoH.
Here is me not giving two fcks what you thing is smart or dumb.
Because they aren't here