'Bromwich' from Old English 'brom wic' meaning 'broom farm.' First recorded as "Bramewice" in the Domesday Book 1086, Bromwych magna 1272, Chastel de Bromwych 1287.
Castle Bromwich Hall Estate was sold to Meriden-based telecom company GPN in April 2001.
In July 2002, GPN, which designed and built mobile phone masts, went into administrative receivership and the estate was sold in February 2003 by receivers. In May 2003, the new buyer broke up the estate into 6 lots, which were sold again. GPN went bankrupt after two years.
Vandals and Arsonists Respond to Drug Kingpin's Call to Torch 5g Towers in Scotland
Vandals have caused thousands of pounds worth of damage after four separate attacks were reported to authorities following the nationwide lockdown.
In Glasgow two underground boxes containing phone and broadband cables were opened. The thugs poured in flammable liquid before deliberately starting the fires in Springboig Avenue and Hollowglen Road.
A third attack on more underground cables was reported on Croftspar Drive the following day.
The attacks in Scotland mirror a rising trend across the rest of the country where authorities have seen masts and equipment damaged in recent weeks.
5g Flames Lighting Up on Both Coasts of the United States of America
New Jersey
Vandals destroyed a Verizon 5g Node on Baltimore Avenue, Lavallette, in Ocean County, New Jersey, where an ordinace seeking to roll back the forced rollout of 5g has been submitted.
Trenton NJ petitioned to issue a wireless telecom ban, citing public health concerns from residents: “We ask that you impose a moratorium on ‘small cells’ and other wireless infrastructure, permits, process, and deployment. The wireless providers are using the COVID-19 emergency as cover to expand and cement their rapid and virtually unsupervised deployment of harmful wireless infrastructure.”
Arsonists have set fire to a major cell tower in Portland Oregon, damaging electrical components at the base of the structure.
5g Towers Installed During Lockdown in Portland Neighborhoods
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mulled a fresh round of changes to site planning regulations to accelerate upgrades of existing tower infrastructure for 5G.
FR though fuck these fascist facial recognition camera towers imported from communist China. I hope people start tearing them down. They've been quietly installing them here in SoCal as well.
At least 17 5g Towers have been Torched and Vandalized Since the Lockdown
"From a little spark may burst a flame" - Dante
5g towers across New Zealand are being set on fire. 17 cell towers had been attacked in Auckland, Wellington, and Northland, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.
Arson attacks were the cause of Spark mobile outage in Auckland.
Plumes of smoke were seem coming from an industrial area in Auckland in the early hours of the morning. Police found a tower ablaze in Todd Place, Ōtāhuhu before then discovering another tower alight on Savill Drive, Favona.
Police are also investigating the fires in the suburbs of Weymouth and Clendon, which happened about 11pm. Arsonists carried out a similar arson attack on Tuesday when they set a cell tower in Mangere alight
A survey released in December found 46% of people were worried the network could affect human health.
Forced Rollout of 5g for Mass Surveillance in Coordination with the Police State
The NWO is investigating after three fires started at cell phone towers in south Auckland, within the space of two hours.
Acting Detective Inspector Shaun Vickers of Counties Manukau said the overnight fires were being treated as suspicious.
The first fire occurred at 10.45pm Monday in Papatoetoe's Ferndown Ave and similar incidents were reported on Miller Rd, Māngere Bridge about 11pm and Idlewild Ave, Māngere, about 12.30am Tuesday.
There had been an attempt at pulling the side panel open to get at the inside wiring.
5g Telecom conspirators at the scene said they could smell petrol coming from the inside of the pole.They suspected people had tried to pour the petrol down and light it on fire – a method which had been seen a few times across the country.
Like the cell tower on Miller Rd, there is smoke damage to the one on Ferndown Ave in Papatoetoe and its panel was torn open.
Spark confirmed one of the 5G cell towers in Māngere was one of theirs.
A 20m tall 5g tower was set ablaze in Cranbourne West, Melbourne.
“A massive big line of fire, running up the side of the tower,” witness Graham Brammall said. “A lot of flames on the tower, most of it was the wire burning.”
A 5g tower in Morphet Vale was also torched. The tower was set alight on Flaxmill Road at 11:15 pm. The tower was significantly damaged.
The True Nature of the 5g Prison Grid Symbolized in Flags (Kyabram Victoria)
Hundreds of demonstrators in Australia gathered in Melbourne’s central business district to protest the 'pandemic' lockdown order. According to them, they will “fight for freedom and rights”. The protest did not just stop at the lockdown order. They also vehemently opposed the construction of 5G networks and called for the arrest of Bill Gates.
A Dark Omen for Australia
Flying foxes, also called fruit bats, have invaded a city in Queensland, and now outnumber the population by hundreds of thousands.
"It's like a bat tornado over the town," Ingham resident Adam Kaurila tells A Current Affair.
"It just seems to me that every bat in Australia is now in Ingham," Mayor of Hinchinbrook Council Raymon Jayo says.
The town's Botanical Gardens are completely overrun with swarms. In fact, some of the trees are so full of bats that they're breaking from the sheer weight of them.
"It's a nightmare," Cr Jayo tells A Current Affair. He thinks the infestation has reached biblical plague proportions.
The problem here has become so bad, emergency helicopters can no longer land at the hospital while the bats are in flight.
Were the Queensland bats driven into a frenzy when the 5g switch was flipped on in the country?
Because of their echo-location and maneuvering in the dark, bats represent the perception of things that others cannot see. Bats often represent death in the sense of letting go of the old, and bringing in the new. They are symbols of transition, of initiation, and the start of a new beginning.
Villagers in rural Peru have detained technicians from broadband provider Gilat Peru over fears they were installing 5G technology, which they claimed was responsible for the coronavirus, police and the company said.
The eight-member maintenance crew have been held by villagers in Acobamba province, more than 500 kilometers (300 miles) southeast of the capital Lima.
The incident occurred late when workers were sent to maintain an antenna in mountainous Acobamba’s Huancavelica region.
“They were held when they tried to leave” said Gilat Peru spokesman Arieh Rohrstoc.
Farmers from the Huachhua Chopcca community in Acobamba demanded the technicians remove existing antennas as a condition of their release.
“The engineers have not been kidnapped,” community spokesman Lorenzo Escobar told PPP radio, adding that they were free to move around and were given food.
He said the men had been held when they entered the area after the start of the nighttime curfew and had broken quarantine rules.
Multiple telecom masts were destroyed by Bolivian villagers who feared that 5G technology could transmit Covid-19 coronavirus.
Four communications towers were destroyed in Yapacani, near the city of Santa Cruz.
"We were overwhelmed," said the local police chief.
The villagers had previously held protests demanding the mayor take down the masts over fears that they could spread Covid-19, according to the newspaper.
A 5g mobile phone tower was torched. We did this as a response of pure hostility to the techno industrial nightmare we are living in. 5G towers are now live in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm.
Like a vengeful wraith, we placed our enchanted incendiary devices in the cables connecting the tower to the Leviathanic network. We howled to the moon when we lit the fuses. Only by fire can the techno-industrial leviathan be exorcised. Minutes later the cables were engulfed by a raging fire making the tower loose its connection to cyberspace. In the sudden silence when mobile phone calls and internet connections became emptiness, only the devouring fire could be heard.
The bright industrial lights that make the city shine burns our eyes and clouds our hearts. But the cybernetic silence we caused with our fire to the tower made our bodies feel alive and joy filling our hearts.
Today everything is back to normality except the burnt cables and the silenced tower.
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ------- 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ------- 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥77 5g Towers Torched in the UK
Birmingham England
Castle Bromwich
'Bromwich' from Old English 'brom wic' meaning 'broom farm.' First recorded as "Bramewice" in theDomesday Book 1086, Bromwych magna 1272, Chastel de Bromwych 1287.
Castle Bromwich Hall Estate was sold to Meriden-based telecom company GPN in April 2001.
In July 2002, GPN, which designed and built mobile phone masts, went into administrative receivership
and the estate was sold in February 2003 by receivers. In May 2003, the new buyer broke up the estate
into 6 lots, which were sold again. GPN went bankrupt after two years.
The Grounds
77 The Oaks B34 6PX77 Green Lane B36 0BA
77 Windleaves Road B36 0BS
77 Selworthy Road B36 0HR
77 Hawthorne Road B36 0HJ
77 Marlborough Road B36 0EJ
77 Park Hall Crescent B36 9SX
77 Hazelhurst Road B36 0BJ
77 Chester Road B36 9DP
77 Wyckham Road B36 0HS
77 Elmfield Road B36 0HN
77 Kingsleigh Drive B36 9SS
77 Water Orton Road B36 9EY
Vandals torch 50 ft Vodafone mast in Castle Bromwich
Police have launched an investigation after yet another phone mast was set alight inBirmingham.
Firefighters were called to the scene where they found the 50 ft mast well alight. The
mast, on Water Orton Road, was set alight just before 11pm.
Police sealed off part of Water Orton Road while a fire crew from Ward End fought the
blaze, near Park Hall Academy.
Former Vodafone Boss Exposes 5g
5g and Corona Virus Logos on New Pound Notes?
Vandals and Arsonists Respond to Drug Kingpin's
Call to Torch 5g Towers in Scotland
Vandals have caused thousands of pounds worth of damage after four
separate attacks were reported to authorities following the nationwide
In Glasgow two underground boxes containing phone and broadband
cables were opened. The thugs poured in flammable liquid before
deliberately starting the fires in Springboig Avenue and Hollowglen
A third attack on more underground cables was reported on Croftspar
Drive the following day.
The attacks in Scotland mirror a rising trend across the rest of the
country where authorities have seen masts and equipment damaged
in recent weeks.
🔥🔥🔥🔥5g Flames Lighting Up on Both Coasts
of the United States of America
New Jersey
Vandals destroyed a Verizon 5g Node on Baltimore Avenue, Lavallette, inOcean County, New Jersey, where an ordinace seeking to roll back the
forced rollout of 5g has been submitted.
Trenton NJ petitioned to issue a wireless telecom ban, citing public health
concerns from residents: “We ask that you impose a moratorium on ‘small
cells’ and other wireless infrastructure, permits, process, and deployment.
The wireless providers are using the COVID-19 emergency as cover to
expand and cement their rapid and virtually unsupervised deployment of
harmful wireless infrastructure.”
Arsonists have set fire to a major cell tower in Portland Oregon,
damaging electrical components at the base of the structure.
5g Towers Installed During Lockdown in Portland Neighborhoods
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mulled a fresh round of changes to site planning regulations to accelerate upgrades of existing tower infrastructure for 5G.
FR though fuck these fascist facial recognition camera towers imported from communist China. I hope people start tearing them down. They've been quietly installing them here in SoCal as well.
🔥🔥🔥🔥Roma is Motabilem in Italia
The Italian Gubernatio has Lied to the Orbus about the Pestilentia
Italian MP Demands Arrest of Bill Gates, the Prohibendo of Vg
New Zealand
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥At least 17 5g Towers have been Torched
and Vandalized Since the Lockdown
"From a little spark may burst a flame" - Dante
5g towers across New Zealand are being set on fire. 17 cell towers had been attacked
in Auckland, Wellington, and Northland, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in
Arson attacks were the cause of Spark mobile outage in Auckland.
Plumes of smoke were seem coming from an industrial area in Auckland in the early
hours of the morning. Police found a tower ablaze in Todd Place, Ōtāhuhu before then
discovering another tower alight on Savill Drive, Favona.
Police are also investigating the fires in the suburbs of Weymouth and Clendon, which
happened about 11pm. Arsonists carried out a similar arson attack on Tuesday when
they set a cell tower in Mangere alight
A survey released in December found 46% of people were worried the network could
affect human health.
Forced Rollout of 5g for Mass Surveillance in Coordination with
the Police State
New Zealand
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥3 More 5g Towers Torched Overnight
in Auckland
The NWO is investigating after three fires started at cell phone towers in
south Auckland, within the space of two hours.
Acting Detective Inspector Shaun Vickers of Counties Manukau said the
overnight fires were being treated as suspicious.
The first fire occurred at 10.45pm Monday in Papatoetoe's Ferndown Ave
and similar incidents were reported on Miller Rd, Māngere Bridge about
11pm and Idlewild Ave, Māngere, about 12.30am Tuesday.
There had been an attempt at pulling the side panel open to get at the
inside wiring.
5g Telecom conspirators at the scene said they could smell petrol coming
from the inside of the pole.They suspected people had tried to pour the
petrol down and light it on fire – a method which had been seen a few times
across the country.
Like the cell tower on Miller Rd, there is smoke damage to the one on
Ferndown Ave in Papatoetoe and its panel was torn open.
Spark confirmed one of the 5G cell towers in Māngere was one of theirs.
🔥5g Towers Torched in Australia
A 20m tall 5g tower was set ablaze in Cranbourne West, Melbourne.
“A massive big line of fire, running up the side of the tower,” witness Graham Brammall
said. “A lot of flames on the tower, most of it was the wire burning.”
A 5g tower in Morphet Vale was also torched. The tower was set alight on Flaxmill Road
at 11:15 pm. The tower was significantly damaged.
The True Nature of the 5g Prison Grid Symbolized in Flags
(Kyabram Victoria)
Hundreds of demonstrators in Australia gathered in Melbourne’s central business district
to protest the 'pandemic' lockdown order. According to them, they will “fight for freedom
and rights”. The protest did not just stop at the lockdown order. They also vehemently
opposed the construction of 5G networks and called for the arrest of Bill Gates.
A Dark Omen for Australia
Flying foxes, also called fruit bats, have invaded a city in Queensland, and now outnumber
the population by hundreds of thousands.
"It's like a bat tornado over the town," Ingham resident Adam Kaurila tells A Current Affair.
"It just seems to me that every bat in Australia is now in Ingham," Mayor of Hinchinbrook
Council Raymon Jayo says.
The town's Botanical Gardens are completely overrun with swarms. In fact, some of the
trees are so full of bats that they're breaking from the sheer weight of them.
"It's a nightmare," Cr Jayo tells A Current Affair. He thinks the infestation has reached
biblical plague proportions.
The problem here has become so bad, emergency helicopters can no longer land at the
hospital while the bats are in flight.
Were the Queensland bats driven into a frenzy when the 5g switch was flipped on in the
Because of their echo-location and maneuvering in the dark, bats
represent the perception of things that others cannot see. Bats often
represent death in the sense of letting go of the old, and bringing in
the new. They are symbols of transition, of initiation, and the start of
a new beginning.
🏹Peruvian Villagers Detain 5g Technicians
Villagers in rural Peru have detained technicians from broadband
provider Gilat Peru over fears they were installing 5G technology,
which they claimed was responsible for the coronavirus, police
and the company said.
The eight-member maintenance crew have been held by villagers
in Acobamba province, more than 500 kilometers (300 miles)
southeast of the capital Lima.
The incident occurred late when workers were sent to maintain an
antenna in mountainous Acobamba’s Huancavelica region.
“They were held when they tried to leave” said Gilat Peru spokesman
Arieh Rohrstoc.
Farmers from the Huachhua Chopcca community in Acobamba
demanded the technicians remove existing antennas as a condition
of their release.
“The engineers have not been kidnapped,” community spokesman
Lorenzo Escobar told PPP radio, adding that they were free to move
around and were given food.
He said the men had been held when they entered the area after the
start of the nighttime curfew and had broken quarantine rules.
🔥🔥Bolivians Torch 5g Towers
Multiple telecom masts were destroyed by Bolivian villagers who feared that 5G technology
could transmit Covid-19 coronavirus.
Four communications towers were destroyed in Yapacani, near the city of Santa Cruz.
"We were overwhelmed," said the local police chief.
The villagers had previously held protests demanding the mayor take down the masts over fears that
they could spread Covid-19, according to the newspaper.
Texas has either OBK proofed itself or it’s set a trap, time will tell.
🔥5g Tower Torched in Malmö
A 5g mobile phone tower was torched. We did this as a response of
pure hostility to the techno industrial nightmare we are living in. 5G
towers are now live in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm.
Like a vengeful wraith, we placed our enchanted incendiary devices
in the cables connecting the tower to the Leviathanic network. We
howled to the moon when we lit the fuses. Only by fire can the
techno-industrial leviathan be exorcised. Minutes later the cables
were engulfed by a raging fire making the tower loose its connection
to cyberspace. In the sudden silence when mobile phone calls and
internet connections became emptiness, only the devouring fire could
be heard.
The bright industrial lights that make the city shine burns our eyes
and clouds our hearts. But the cybernetic silence we caused with our
fire to the tower made our bodies feel alive and joy filling our hearts.
Today everything is back to normality except the burnt cables and the
silenced tower.
🔥Cell Tower Burned in Paraguay
Residents in the town of Villarrica set fire to a cell tower with the
intention of destroying it, mirroring scenes elsewhere in the world.
5g Tower Disguised as a Church Bell Tower Torched in Hanover County
Crews were called to the 9200 block of New Ashcake Road around11:15 p.m.
When they arrived, they saw a cell tower, disguised as a Bell Tower, completely
covered in flames.
Talbot County Planning Commission in Hanover County, Virginia, approved the site
plan for a tower on the property of Tilghman United Methodist Church.
For 20 years, Van Thompson, president of TARA Communications, has tried to get
a cell tower on Tilghman, he said.
“Every carrier has been trying to get a tower up there. I’ve failed three times before
This time, the tower is concealed as a bell tower and that made all the difference,
he said.
The tower was contested by neighbors of the church on Tilghman Island Road who
said it would devalue their property and provide an unsightly view.
That is no longer a concern for the residents and church folk on Tilghman Island Road.
5g Towers Torched in Fontana
At approximately 3:15 p.m. officers responded to the Jurupa Hills area near MartinTudor Park in Fontana, California regarding a 5g tower fire.
San Bernardino County Fire Department discovered a telecommunications tower and
dry brush around it were burning.
Approximately 15 minutes later another fire broke out at an additional tower in the
When a third tower was examined, an incendiary device was found that had failed
to ignite.