Consider the following figures- US Total deaths by year per CDC:
2013: 2,596,993 2014: 2,626,418 2015: 2,712,630 2016: 2,744,248 2017: 2,813,503 2018: 2,839,205 2019: 2,855,000 2020: as of 11/14 total deaths= 2,512,880
At present the US is experiencing a 1.12% increase in overall mortality rates for 2020- not good- pandemicky numbers to be sure.
However, last year, 2019, there was also a 1.12% increase. Did we miss a pandemic in 2019?
But wait it’s even "scarier"- 2018 saw a 1.22% increase in mortality rates, 2017 saw a 1.24% increase, 2016 1.27% increase, 2015 1.27% increase, 2014 1.29% increase- all exceeding 2020’s increase in mortality rate- so does this mean we have had pandemics for the last 7 years?
Does this indicate non-stop pandemics every year for the last 7 years and we just weren’t paying attention and didn’t have an 'honest" media to keep us pinned to our beds in a proper state of fear?
And BTW 2013 all the way back to 2009 all showed .09% increases in mortality rates- don’t know where the cutoff is but certainly even these years were “pandemic like” if you feel this year was truly a pandemic.
It isn’t until we go back to the year 2008 that we see a decrease in overall mortality rates in the US. For 20 straight years there were decreases in mortality rates and then in 2009 this changed- since then we have had an increase in mortality rates. Why is that? Could this point to the 2008 economic recession as being the leading indicator rather than some supernatural viral entity? In reality this year at present seems to be no different in overall mortality rates compared to last year and less of an increase than 5 of the 6 the preceding years. How is this possible during a “pandemic of biblical proportions?”
It's always important to look at the rates (populations are increasing and rates vary) and overall trends to get a clear picture. It's also been obvious since April that how death certificates are filed have been dramatically altered (first time in history) to give liberal interpretations to "Covid" as being cause of death- and let's not forget that PCR tests at greater than 35 cycles (as is the case in virtually every lab in the US/Europe) produce massive false positives. This article illustrates indeed that past deaths caused by heart disease are now obviously getting lumped into the catch-all "Covid" category.
Oh and BTW the WHO changed it's definition of what IS a Pandemic in 2009- might want to look into how and why that was done.
Consider the following figures- US Total deaths by year per CDC:
2013: 2,596,993 2014: 2,626,418 2015: 2,712,630 2016: 2,744,248 2017: 2,813,503 2018: 2,839,205 2019: 2,855,000 2020: as of 11/14 total deaths= 2,512,880
At present the US is experiencing a 1.12% increase in overall mortality rates for 2020- not good- pandemicky numbers to be sure.
However, last year, 2019, there was also a 1.12% increase. Did we miss a pandemic in 2019?
But wait it’s even "scarier"- 2018 saw a 1.22% increase in mortality rates, 2017 saw a 1.24% increase, 2016 1.27% increase, 2015 1.27% increase, 2014 1.29% increase- all exceeding 2020’s increase in mortality rate- so does this mean we have had pandemics for the last 7 years?
Does this indicate non-stop pandemics every year for the last 7 years and we just weren’t paying attention and didn’t have an 'honest" media to keep us pinned to our beds in a proper state of fear?
And BTW 2013 all the way back to 2009 all showed .09% increases in mortality rates- don’t know where the cutoff is but certainly even these years were “pandemic like” if you feel this year was truly a pandemic.
It isn’t until we go back to the year 2008 that we see a decrease in overall mortality rates in the US. For 20 straight years there were decreases in mortality rates and then in 2009 this changed- since then we have had an increase in mortality rates. Why is that? Could this point to the 2008 economic recession as being the leading indicator rather than some supernatural viral entity? In reality this year at present seems to be no different in overall mortality rates compared to last year and less of an increase than 5 of the 6 the preceding years. How is this possible during a “pandemic of biblical proportions?”
It's always important to look at the rates (populations are increasing and rates vary) and overall trends to get a clear picture. It's also been obvious since April that how death certificates are filed have been dramatically altered (first time in history) to give liberal interpretations to "Covid" as being cause of death- and let's not forget that PCR tests at greater than 35 cycles (as is the case in virtually every lab in the US/Europe) produce massive false positives. This article illustrates indeed that past deaths caused by heart disease are now obviously getting lumped into the catch-all "Covid" category.
Oh and BTW the WHO changed it's definition of what IS a Pandemic in 2009- might want to look into how and why that was done.
Consider the following figures- US Total deaths by year per CDC:
2013: 2,596,993 2014: 2,626,418 2015: 2,712,630 2016: 2,744,248 2017: 2,813,503 2018: 2,839,205 2019: 2,855,000 2020: as of 11/14 total deaths= 2,512,880
At present the US is experiencing a 1.12% increase in overall mortality rates for 2020- not good- pandemicky numbers to be sure.
However, last year, 2019, there was also a 1.12% increase. Did we miss a pandemic in 2019?
But wait it’s even "scarier"- 2018 saw a 1.22% increase in mortality rates, 2017 saw a 1.24% increase, 2016 1.27% increase, 2015 1.27% increase, 2014 1.29% increase- all exceeding 2020’s increase in mortality rate- so does this mean we have had pandemics for the last 7 years?
Does this indicate non-stop pandemics every year for the last 7 years and we just weren’t paying attention and didn’t have an 'honest" media to keep us pinned to our beds in a proper state of fear?
And BTW 2013 all the way back to 2009 all showed .09% increases in mortality rates- don’t know where the cutoff is but certainly even these years were “pandemic like” if you feel this year was truly a pandemic.
It isn’t until we go back to the year 2008 that we see a decrease in overall mortality rates in the US. For 20 straight years there were decreases in mortality rates and then in 2009 this changed- since then we have had an increase in mortality rates. Why is that? Could this point to the 2008 economic recession as being the leading indicator rather than some supernatural viral entity? In reality this year at present seems to be no different in overall mortality rates compared to last year and less of an increase than 5 of the 6 the preceding years. How is this possible during a “pandemic of biblical proportions?”
It's always important to look at the rates (populations are increasing and rates vary) and overall trends to get a clear picture. It's also been obvious since April that how death certificates are filed have been dramatically altered (first time in history) to give liberal interpretations to "Covid" as being cause of death- and let's not forget that PCR tests at greater than 35 cycles (as is the case in virtually every lab in the US/Europe) produce massive false positives. This article illustrates indeed that past deaths caused by heart disease are now obviously getting lumped into the catch-all "Covid" category.
Oh and BTW the WHO changed it's definition of what IS a Pandemic in 2009- might want to look into how and why that was done.
Science? Like The Who declaring Racism an equal threat to public health as the pandemic in order to retroactively immunize BLM and supporters for gathering in public without masks, packed together like sardines, and screaming in each others' faces for hours?
That ain't science. That's propaganda.
Fuck your little yard signs that say "we believe in science." How can you believe in science when you don't know what science is to begin with?
How can they believe in science when they don't know which bathroom to use or that shit isn't free?
Gun Violence Has Killed 23 Times More Chicago Youth Than COVID
by Tyler Durden Sat, 12/05/2020 - 11:10
Chicago youth are at far higher risk of dying from gun violence than they are from COVID-19. That’s been the case since the start of the pandemic.
As of December 1, four Chicago youth have died from COVID but over 90 have died from gun violence. That’s 23 children dead from gun violence for every COVID death.
The numbers are far worse than they were five months ago when Wirepoints laid out the facts about reopening Chicago Public Schools to in-class learning. One of the more revealing points we covered was that the virus was far less a threat to Chicago children than gun violence.
Data from the Cook County Medical Examiner showed 3 children had died from COVID-19 between Mar. 1 and Jul 22. In comparison, over 46 had already died of gun violence.
It’s hard for us to know just how many fewer youth would have died from gun violence if CPS had opened up months ago, but we’d venture to guess it would have been fewer.
With more experts agreeing that schools are not a COVID-spreading threat, and the negative impacts of keeping students out of school on the rise, CPS should proceed with its reopening plans with all speed.
Tested 'Positive' For COVID-19? Be Sure To Ask This Question
by Tyler Durden Sat, 12/05/2020 - 10:20
The lockdowns are based on surging “cases” which are based on positive PCR test results.
However, what exactly is a positive PCR test result? What does it mean? As Dr. Tommy Megremis summarized recently:
If you are generally aware, the PCR test is used to amplify small amount of genetic material so as to recognize patterns of DNA by “cycling.” (Also, for RNA virus, the RNA is converted to DNA in order to be detected, it’s just the way the test works) This is how we have been able to recognize the genomes in Egyptian mummies and Wooly Mammoths. It works because if you amplify and cycle enough times to “grow” legitimate DNA fragments, you get something with with a fair amount of specificity. What is becoming more and more apparent is that the PCR test was not designed as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot function as one without having a huge amount of false positives, period.
When it comes to COVID, the presence of viral particles picked up by the PCR technique does not and has not been quantitatively linked to an active “symptomatic” infection. It simply cannot be so, because infection threshold as a result of viral load is different for each patient. It turns out, if you “cycle” over around 25 times, the false positivity of COVID infection starts getting very high.
I and others have explained in blogs how people can be exposed to virus, and mount a simple innate immune response and never know any differently. When you test these people with very low viral loads, who are not sick, you can find the viral RNA code that is used to “diagnose” if you cycle enough times. The last I read, Labcorp cycles at least 40 times to detect viral genome fragments. The PCR test was never intended for diagnosis of infection but as a qualitative test for presence of parts of a virus genome. I know there has been some confusion circulating the net about what the inventor Kary Mullis had said about that. But we walk daily with people who have any number of parts of killer virus or bacterial genomes which one could pick up with a PCR test if one had the specific test for it. Would we claim that that individual was an infected patient? No!
So given all that, PeakProsperity's Chris Martenson explains below, in great details, the answer to the most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result.
“What’s the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?”
Sounds wonky but it’s actually really important to understand. A low CT value means someone is loaded with virus. A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load.
Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever.
The problem? Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high. Too high.
Science? Like The Who declaring Racism an equal threat to public health as the pandemic in order to retroactively immunize BLM and supporters for gathering in public without masks, packed together like sardines, and screaming in each others' faces for hours?
That ain't science. That's propaganda.
Fuck your little yard signs that say "we believe in science." How can you believe in science when you don't know what science is to begin with?
these are the people who believe racism is a public health emergency
LEFTIST RECEIVING PAYCHECK MOCKS THOSE WHO AREN’T: Pete Davidson rips Staten Island’s anti-COVID-19 lockdown ‘babies’ on ‘SNL.’
Related: Protests show two Americas — those who lost their jobs and those still getting paid.
Also, from a lefty source:
There’s a huge Covid class divide. The economy has not just bounded back for upper income Americans; it’s given them higher housing values and lower interest rates. Meanwhile, 12 million service industry workers are still out of work. Small businesses are struggling. The affluent see Covid as a health problem, while for the working class it’s about economic survival. And liberals are doing the same thing they did with Trump: Clothing their class privilege as science and facts and morality.
The politicians are even worse. Instead of coming up with a clean Covid bill, Democrats are now trying to pressure Biden into student loan forgiveness. Can you believe it? What kind of society thinks it’s ok to ask 12 million people who lost their jobs to Covid to foot the bill for the student loans of the top 40% of earners? Sure, maybe it will accidentally help someone in a food line who dropped out of college. But college-educated Americans are back at work. The Covid recession is over for them. Why are the Democrats designing legislation to help the people who need it least, in the belief that some of the benefits might trickle down to help those who need it most?
Oh, I think I know why. And this whole interview is pretty sensible.
Sheriffs are beholding only to the voters. They do have crazy city council members issuing orders telling them to do stupid shit. When civil service protection was pulled from Chiefs of police and they became contract employees basically serving at will resistance to this kind of overreach stopped. It's done quietly by many but they have to be careful or they are out of a job. Many just do as they are told!
That guym is a good follow btw
The ICU is 75% full!
1000 people died today in the US!
Gun Violence Has Killed 23 Times More Chicago Youth Than COVID
by Tyler Durden
Sat, 12/05/2020 - 11:10
Chicago youth are at far higher risk of dying from gun violence than they are from COVID-19. That’s been the case since the start of the pandemic.
As of December 1, four Chicago youth have died from COVID but over 90 have died from gun violence. That’s 23 children dead from gun violence for every COVID death.
The numbers are far worse than they were five months ago when Wirepoints laid out the facts about reopening Chicago Public Schools to in-class learning. One of the more revealing points we covered was that the virus was far less a threat to Chicago children than gun violence.
Data from the Cook County Medical Examiner showed 3 children had died from COVID-19 between Mar. 1 and Jul 22. In comparison, over 46 had already died of gun violence.
It’s hard for us to know just how many fewer youth would have died from gun violence if CPS had opened up months ago, but we’d venture to guess it would have been fewer.
With more experts agreeing that schools are not a COVID-spreading threat, and the negative impacts of keeping students out of school on the rise, CPS should proceed with its reopening plans with all speed.
by Tyler Durden
Sat, 12/05/2020 - 10:20
The lockdowns are based on surging “cases” which are based on positive PCR test results.
However, what exactly is a positive PCR test result? What does it mean? As Dr. Tommy Megremis summarized recently:
If you are generally aware, the PCR test is used to amplify small amount of genetic material so as to recognize patterns of DNA by “cycling.” (Also, for RNA virus, the RNA is converted to DNA in order to be detected, it’s just the way the test works) This is how we have been able to recognize the genomes in Egyptian mummies and Wooly Mammoths. It works because if you amplify and cycle enough times to “grow” legitimate DNA fragments, you get something with with a fair amount of specificity. What is becoming more and more apparent is that the PCR test was not designed as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot function as one without having a huge amount of false positives, period.
When it comes to COVID, the presence of viral particles picked up by the PCR technique does not and has not been quantitatively linked to an active “symptomatic” infection. It simply cannot be so, because infection threshold as a result of viral load is different for each patient. It turns out, if you “cycle” over around 25 times, the false positivity of COVID infection starts getting very high.
I and others have explained in blogs how people can be exposed to virus, and mount a simple innate immune response and never know any differently. When you test these people with very low viral loads, who are not sick, you can find the viral RNA code that is used to “diagnose” if you cycle enough times. The last I read, Labcorp cycles at least 40 times to detect viral genome fragments. The PCR test was never intended for diagnosis of infection but as a qualitative test for presence of parts of a virus genome. I know there has been some confusion circulating the net about what the inventor Kary Mullis had said about that. But we walk daily with people who have any number of parts of killer virus or bacterial genomes which one could pick up with a PCR test if one had the specific test for it. Would we claim that that individual was an infected patient? No!
So given all that, PeakProsperity's Chris Martenson explains below, in great details, the answer to the most important question you should ask if you or a loved one gets a positive PCR test result.
“What’s the Cycle Threshold (CT) value for that test?”
Sounds wonky but it’s actually really important to understand. A low CT value means someone is loaded with virus. A high value, oppositely, means less of a viral load.
Beyond a certain level the load is insufficient to either infect someone else or be of any clinical or epidemiological relevance whatsoever.
The problem? Governments all over the country and world are basing their decisions on CT values that are very high. Too high.
I did my part to contribute to negative tests.
PCR test sensitivity has been bullshit since day one, but nobody is talking about it.
LEFTIST RECEIVING PAYCHECK MOCKS THOSE WHO AREN’T: Pete Davidson rips Staten Island’s anti-COVID-19 lockdown ‘babies’ on ‘SNL.’
Related: Protests show two Americas — those who lost their jobs and those still getting paid.
Also, from a lefty source:
There’s a huge Covid class divide. The economy has not just bounded back for upper income Americans; it’s given them higher housing values and lower interest rates. Meanwhile, 12 million service industry workers are still out of work. Small businesses are struggling. The affluent see Covid as a health problem, while for the working class it’s about economic survival. And liberals are doing the same thing they did with Trump: Clothing their class privilege as science and facts and morality.
The politicians are even worse. Instead of coming up with a clean Covid bill, Democrats are now trying to pressure Biden into student loan forgiveness. Can you believe it? What kind of society thinks it’s ok to ask 12 million people who lost their jobs to Covid to foot the bill for the student loans of the top 40% of earners? Sure, maybe it will accidentally help someone in a food line who dropped out of college. But college-educated Americans are back at work. The Covid recession is over for them. Why are the Democrats designing legislation to help the people who need it least, in the belief that some of the benefits might trickle down to help those who need it most?
Oh, I think I know why. And this whole interview is pretty sensible.
Fuck Pete Davidson. Should have offed himself when he had the chance.
Fuck that guy.