How does that at all differ with what governors like the West Coast Trio did in their lockdowns? Exercising basic civil liberties was punished and Leftist/Democrat voters were completely onboard with the tyranny.
Don't get that shit under your skin to buy and sell
I’m in my 50s now, live in Montana with property an hour away from my house set up for a decent off-grid with water access, and feel I’ve lived a good life if stuff is heading rapidly toward choosing between liberty or HHusky-fascism. Pretty much insulated here in Dead Red south central MT and my kids are fine so I’ll totally resist until the ashes are smoldering west of me.
3 hours, 45 min, 53 seconds
I was also being sarkastic.
Listen to this shit!
Don't get that shit under your skin to buy and sell
Video from 8 years ago
Fuck them all. Start bullying Nerds again, as much and as fast as you can, before it's too late.
Your life, happiness, food supply and sanity depend upon it.