Hysterical scared fear mongers with absolutely no understanding of basic science. Or evil fear mongers who could give a sh*t about the population but want the total control. Or both like the dazzler.
I searched the death rate for the flu and per the CDC the death rate is approximately 0.1% to 0.2%. If c-19 was a fraction of 1%, then why are people still wearing masks today who didn't wear them for the flu?
Just a bit outside. Apparently, Illinois hired Dazzler Financial Analysts, LLC to do some program spending analysis. As usual when dealing with lying leftard "professionals" the estimated spending came in showing an on time spending estimate which is nether on time and is always underestimating costs. Rumor has it DFA was in on the ground floor planning for California's high speed trains to nowhere.
ILLINOIS: SLIGHTLY OFF ON THAT ESTIMATE! Illinois instituted a program to pay medical expenses for illegal immigrants. Shockingly, more illegals showed up than had been anticipated, and a program estimated to cost $2 million to $4 million now weighs in at $1.1 billion. They were only off by 27,500 percent! Close enough, I suppose, for government work:
Hive mind at work. Just repeat the religious magic dogma "No One is Safe" and you will be saved. One of the most effective vaxxes ever doesn't work until everyone is vaccinated. And for god's sake, don't read any of satan's work on the limitations of the vaxx and who is actually at risk from the virus. No independent thinking allowed, St. Fow Chee has spoken. The unthinking obedience and hatred and fear for a virus that for healthy people under 60 was less dangerous than the actual flu. Van Gundy should just shut up and talk about dribbling.
Looking Back On The Sadism Of The COVID-19 Shaming Campaign
BY TYLER DURDEN SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023 - 10:30 AM Authored by Matt Taibbi and Matt Orfalea via Racket News,
There’s a scene in videographer Matt Orfalea’s arresting new “Nobody is Safe!” compilation in which Jeff Van Gundy — one of the sharpest basketball announcers alive, and one of my favorites to watch — leans back and says, “I don’t even understand what means, ‘I’m doing my own research.’”
The whole quote, from a preseason Heat-Rockets game Van Gundy called in October of 2021:
What does that look like, you doing your own research? Are you doing studies yourself? Are you in a lab on a nightly basis? What are you doing? I don’t understand what that means, ‘I’m doing my own research.’
How about this: we’ve got really smart people… who’ve already done the research.
The subtext of Van Gundy’s quote was one of the many stages of the Covid-19 messaging campaign, a collective roar against “asking questions” or “doing your own research.” Just a few weeks earlier, Brian Stelter on CNN hosted a panel about “four little words that are hurting America’s pandemic response.” He showed evil always-villain Sean Hannity repeatedly uttering the “seemingly innocent” phrase, “Do your own research.” He then rolled tape of comic Trevor Noah saying, “Nobody who’s saying that is getting in a lab and doing tests.”
In hindsight, who knows, that might have been where Van Gundy got the idea. Make no mistake, however, there was and is an active campaign against people who do their “own research.” This was a mostly unexplored theme in the #TwitterFiles material, as we did repeatedly see anti-disinformation “experts” identifying people who didn’t quickly accept official messaging without question as already, in a way, spreaders of mis- or disinformation.
We touched on this a little in a report about the Stanford Virality Project, which advised that “just asking questions” was a tactic “commonly used by spreaders of misinformation.” We also saw it in an Aspen Institute report on misinformation, which recommended “strikes” against people they called “savvy spreaders,” i.e. those who used phrases like “just asking questions,” evading censors by “couching” misinformation as mere “uncertainty”:
"Don't do your own research" The dazzler's life view. No thinking allowed. You have no individual sovereignty or personal freedom. Under no circumstances discuss potential democratic candidates for US president for 2024. Just don't call them moral and intellectual cowards.
Don't build it and they won't come. Oregon is deeply committed to build nothing but mass transportation. No widening of I-5 and no replacing a deteriorating I-5 bridge. They are deeply committed to having a union workforce and unconstitutional minority quotas.
I also found this article from Washington to be interesting.
Data from the CDC on the flu
Chinteresting at a number of levels.
The whole operation was keyed by the Department of Defense.
Will ultimately cost the state billions upon billions of dollars.
The legal fees on the Rolovich case alone is going to be in the millions.
"Those vaccinated against COVID-19 have a 26 percent higher mortality rate on average compared to those who declined the jab – and the death toll is even more staggering for vaccinated people under 50 years old, where mortality is 49 percent higher than for those unvaccinated."
Illinois instituted a program to pay medical expenses for illegal immigrants. Shockingly, more illegals showed up than had been anticipated, and a program estimated to cost $2 million to $4 million now weighs in at $1.1 billion. They were only off by 27,500 percent! Close enough, I suppose, for government work:
Looking Back On The Sadism Of The COVID-19 Shaming Campaign
SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2023 - 10:30 AM
Authored by Matt Taibbi and Matt Orfalea via Racket News,
There’s a scene in videographer Matt Orfalea’s arresting new “Nobody is Safe!” compilation in which Jeff Van Gundy — one of the sharpest basketball announcers alive, and one of my favorites to watch — leans back and says, “I don’t even understand what means, ‘I’m doing my own research.’”
The whole quote, from a preseason Heat-Rockets game Van Gundy called in October of 2021:
What does that look like, you doing your own research? Are you doing studies yourself? Are you in a lab on a nightly basis? What are you doing? I don’t understand what that means, ‘I’m doing my own research.’
How about this: we’ve got really smart people… who’ve already done the research.
The subtext of Van Gundy’s quote was one of the many stages of the Covid-19 messaging campaign, a collective roar against “asking questions” or “doing your own research.” Just a few weeks earlier, Brian Stelter on CNN hosted a panel about “four little words that are hurting America’s pandemic response.” He showed evil always-villain Sean Hannity repeatedly uttering the “seemingly innocent” phrase, “Do your own research.” He then rolled tape of comic Trevor Noah saying, “Nobody who’s saying that is getting in a lab and doing tests.”
In hindsight, who knows, that might have been where Van Gundy got the idea. Make no mistake, however, there was and is an active campaign against people who do their “own research.” This was a mostly unexplored theme in the #TwitterFiles material, as we did repeatedly see anti-disinformation “experts” identifying people who didn’t quickly accept official messaging without question as already, in a way, spreaders of mis- or disinformation.
We touched on this a little in a report about the Stanford Virality Project, which advised that “just asking questions” was a tactic “commonly used by spreaders of misinformation.” We also saw it in an Aspen Institute report on misinformation, which recommended “strikes” against people they called “savvy spreaders,” i.e. those who used phrases like “just asking questions,” evading censors by “couching” misinformation as mere “uncertainty”: