I agree, and always have, that this almost certainly was not a deliberate bioweapon attack.
Yes probably initially an accident but then covered up to save face by trying to hide it.
Imagine scaring the fuck out of everyone and locking us down and then saying - uh we paid for it and developed it and fucked up and let it loose.
On the other hand had they blamed Trump early and often it might have worked
I do blame China in a small way, but we gave them the tech and funded their scientists and did so knowing this was a risk. And we shut down our own economy. And as we know there was no stopping the spread. It's our fault.
Trump was talking the other day about getting $50 trillion in reparations from them the other day. That's laughable, it wasn't China's fault that we overreacted.
I agree, and always have, that this almost certainly was not a deliberate bioweapon attack.
Yes probably initially an accident but then covered up to save face by trying to hide it.
Imagine scaring the fuck out of everyone and locking us down and then saying - uh we paid for it and developed it and fucked up and let it loose.
On the other hand had they blamed Trump early and often it might have worked
I do blame China in a small way, but we gave them the tech and funded their scientists and did so knowing this was a risk. And we shut down our own economy. And as we know there was no stopping the spread. It's our fault.
Trump was talking the other day about getting $50 trillion in reparations from them the other day. That's laughable, it wasn't China's fault that we overreacted.
Chaos Under Heaven by Josh Rogin provides a good summary of what happened. Xi told Trump it was gonna be no big deal.
I agree, and always have, that this almost certainly was not a deliberate bioweapon attack.
Yes probably initially an accident but then covered up to save face by trying to hide it.
Imagine scaring the fuck out of everyone and locking us down and then saying - uh we paid for it and developed it and fucked up and let it loose.
On the other hand had they blamed Trump early and often it might have worked
I do blame China in a small way, but we gave them the tech and funded their scientists and did so knowing this was a risk. And we shut down our own economy. And as we know there was no stopping the spread. It's our fault.
Trump was talking the other day about getting $50 trillion in reparations from them the other day. That's laughable, it wasn't China's fault that we overreacted.
Chaos Under Heaven by Josh Rogin provides a good summary of what happened. Xi told Trump it was gonna be no big deal.
Oh I believe that. But even if Xi told Trump it was a big deal, there was nothing actionable that would've worked.
I agree, and always have, that this almost certainly was not a deliberate bioweapon attack.
Yes probably initially an accident but then covered up to save face by trying to hide it.
Imagine scaring the fuck out of everyone and locking us down and then saying - uh we paid for it and developed it and fucked up and let it loose.
On the other hand had they blamed Trump early and often it might have worked
I do blame China in a small way, but we gave them the tech and funded their scientists and did so knowing this was a risk. And we shut down our own economy. And as we know there was no stopping the spread. It's our fault.
Trump was talking the other day about getting $50 trillion in reparations from them the other day. That's laughable, it wasn't China's fault that we overreacted.
Chaos Under Heaven by Josh Rogin provides a good summary of what happened. Xi told Trump it was gonna be no big deal.
Oh I believe that. But even if Xi told Trump it was a big deal, there was nothing actionable that would've worked.
Sure, but it does go along with what you say that it was our decision to lockdown, etc. Can't ask for compensation for that.
If you said it was no big deal in March of 2020 and 2021 you wanted to kill people. Literally blood on your hands. Anti science murderer
Fatties like @hhusky were the selfish ones all along. Youngish people like @mellodawg that got vax'd up for no reason actually killed grandma with his mutated variants.
Another voluntary disease based on behavior that the dazzler finds morally abhorrent in that you are getting a disease based on your extraordinary science denying behavior like not getting vaxxed and therefore should be denied medical treatment. The new dazzler approved Hippocratic oath.
I agree, and always have, that this almost certainly was not a deliberate bioweapon attack.
Mostly agree - the leak was accidental - but the small mention of the site going off line in September is making me suspicious of the way the Chinese handled the event. Then announcing the first cases being in November? What happened between going off line and November? The outbreak in Wuhan, imho, was out of control and they let everyone fly out of Wuhan to Europe and the US. Thus spreading the virus that they knew about. Not super deadly, unless you were old and/or had other illnesses. They took a mild virus and let it spread globally. The US just happened to have paid for it.
There are emails that have mentioned that the virus was nothing any of the scientists had seen in nature - to me confirming that gain of function modifications were human in origin. Fuck with Mother Nature and see what happens. Now the spike protein in the vaccinate is doing untold damage
She is so close to understanding the truth, earlier than most in fact. But is 180 degrees off in the action plan. The variants took over because too many were vaccinated. I was first and right on this.
On the other hand had they blamed Trump early and often it might have worked
Trump was talking the other day about getting $50 trillion in reparations from them the other day. That's laughable, it wasn't China's fault that we overreacted.
There are emails that have mentioned that the virus was nothing any of the scientists had seen in nature - to me confirming that gain of function modifications were human in origin. Fuck with Mother Nature and see what happens. Now the spike protein in the vaccinate is doing untold damage
Yeah, if you're 94, have stage 4 cancer, heart problems, Gaut, can't walk, can't speak, and have had three strokes.
Biden’s Covid policy dude: