They are now desperately walking back the threat to ban gas stoves. The utter hypocrisy of the left was totally on display. Even green nude eel promoter AOC is using gas. Like DOT secretary, Mayor Buttplug and his private jets. Gas for me but not for thee.
What you are seeing here is a classic misdirection. They are getting ready to pull these but it will be slow. But it will be on a specific issue that they supposedly discovered on their own and not the ones that they denied existed for two years. Or actually admit that they don’t work. This way they can hold their place as the trusted experts.
What you are seeing here is a classic misdirection. They are getting ready to pull these but it will be slow. But it will be on a specific issue that they supposedly discovered on their own and not the ones that they denied existed for two years. Or actually admit that they don’t work. This way they can hold their place as the trusted experts.
@GrundleStiltzkin (?)
Part I
Part II
The coverup and scalps are all that matter now.
Not sayin', just sayin'.
Hey every death in 2020 was covid