Who did Trump lockdown? In Oregon, anything that was locked down was because of Kate Brown's illegal executive order. Wasn't Trump that dumped sawdust of the local school tennis court.
I’m still convinced that Inslee shut down golf courses because Trump likes to golf.
Inslee still has emergency powers.
When my course reopened in May 2020 and we were restricted to 2 somes, we had members ratting out groups that merged into 4somes out on the course.
I had a short wedge for eagle ruined by those stupid fucking foam inserts in the cups.
I lost like 3-4 shots that YEAR on that bullshit. We really should be doing more to honor the real victims of Covid.
Who did Trump lockdown? In Oregon, anything that was locked down was because of Kate Brown's illegal executive order. Wasn't Trump that dumped sawdust of the local school tennis court.
I’m still convinced that Inslee shut down golf courses because Trump likes to golf.
Inslee still has emergency powers.
When my course reopened in May 2020 and we were restricted to 2 somes, we had members ratting out groups that merged into 4somes out on the course.
I had a short wedge for eagle ruined by those stupid fucking foam inserts in the cups.
I lost like 3-4 shots that YEAR on that bullshit. We really should be doing more to honor the real victims of Covid.
The thing that pisses me off is at least half of America thinks that Fow Chee is a saint and saved lives instead of ruining them. And having club members thinking that a foursome outdoors was a public danger, not to the chicken sh*ts themselves, but to the foursome and it was their patriotic duty to rat out these golfers for voluntarily having a foursome shows how deep the rot is.
Fauci and Birx should be tried for mass murder. Fucking cock-suckers killed at least a half-million people by denying them treatment, sending them home, then hooking them up to ventilators when they got really sick and watching them die by the hundreds of thousands when therapeutics and over-the-counter remedies were cutting into their vaccine turf.
Those two are fucking sociopaths that belong in prison.
Dan Bongino said that getting vaxxed was “the biggest mistake of my life.” He said so after watching the segment on TCT about what the vaxx is doing to the immune system.
Dan Bongino said that getting vaxxed was “the biggest mistake of my life.” He said so after watching the segment on TCT about what the vaxx is doing to the immune system.
Dan Bongino said that getting vaxxed was “the biggest mistake of my life.” He said so after watching the segment on TCT about what the vaxx is doing to the immune system.
3000K kids did not make it to the end of the trial. In normal times if Pfizer were developing a drug for say, GERD, and this happened, trial over. End of story. Pharmaceutical companies once lived for the next "blockbuster" med but those days are long over. Then COVID. This is like printing money for Pfizer.
3000K kids did not make it to the end of the trial. In normal times if Pfizer were developing a drug for say, GERD, and this happened, trial over. End of story. Pharmaceutical companies once lived for the next "blockbuster" med but those days are long over. Then COVID. This is like printing money for Pfizer.
Rand Paul tears Fow Chee a new one just by asking if any vaxx studies shows a decreased risk for death or hospitalizations for children. Look at how incompetent Fow Chee looks compared to someone who actually cared about looking at the vaxx data. When the Tug conservatives/liberals can figure this out, you can see how corrupt and incompetent the American medical bureaucracy and medical profession is, let alone the vast majority or our politicians.
Those two are fucking sociopaths that belong in prison.
The super smug ones deserve what's befalling them.