Why are we seeing all these vaccine conspiracy theories and AE disinformation stories? Where's the Minister of Truth? This has to stop. We need Dr. Fauci to weigh in and tell us the truth.
I was just reading a study out of Denmark yesterday that said J&J was the only one that actually had a reduction in deaths.
From Yale re J&J 3/30/22:
This is a carrier vaccine, which uses a different approach than the mRNA vaccines to instruct human cells to make the SARS CoV-2 spike protein. Scientists engineer a harmless adenovirus (a common virus that, when not inactivated, can cause colds, bronchitis, and other illnesses) as a shell to carry genetic code on the spike proteins to the cells (similar to a Trojan Horse). The shell and the code can’t make you sick, but once the code is inside the cells, the cells produce a spike protein to train the body’s immune system, which creates antibodies and memory cells to protect against an actual SARS-CoV-2 infection.
How well it works: The data J&J submitted to the FDA in early 2021 when it applied for authorization for its vaccine showed 67% efficacy in preventing moderate to severe/critical disease by 14 days after vaccination—and 66% effective 28 days after vaccination.
How well it works on virus variants: At the end of 2021, J&J announced that preliminary study results from South Africa showed a J&J booster to be 85% effective against hospitalization at a time when Omicron was the dominant variant in that country. More data on the vaccine’s effectiveness against Omicron is forthcoming.
How well it works: The data J&J submitted to the FDA in early 2021 when it applied for authorization for its vaccine showed 67% efficacy in preventing moderate to severe/critical disease by 14 days after vaccination—and 66% effective 28 days after vaccination.
How well it works on virus variants: At the end of 2021, J&J announced that preliminary study results from South Africa showed a J&J booster to be 85% effective against hospitalization at a time when Omicron was the dominant variant in that country. More data on the vaccine’s effectiveness against Omicron is forthcoming.
Fuck you, Bill. You disingenuous, lying sack of shit.
They use extra strength piano wire for lumbar decompression therapy, Bill.