Carmen Best might end up as police chief for New York. Good thing Seattle's white progressives sent goons to her home and pushed her out to show how anti-racist they are.
NY elected a former cop mayor. No doubt he has to be liberal to win but not a leftist. He specifically ran against the anti police sentiment and got the votes of people watch NYC turn to shit
Was it @HHusky that said only dumb-dumbs get the Vid? Maybe he was right.
I remember when it was a sign of moral failure to get the vid
I just getting over it, for the second time, so that makes sense…
But I have natural immunity and no vaccination. Make sure you limit my travel and other Rights.
This has never been about "following the science". Truth is, natural immunity to the whole virus >>>>>>>>> vaccine induced immune response to the alpha strain spike protein. A positive anti-body test should trump a vaccine card, every time, but it doesn't even register with these authoritarian vaccine mandating asshats with ties to Pfizer and Moderna.
A real CDC would have sponsored trials on HCQ and ivermectin cocktails with steroids and basic antibiotics. Would cost several millions. But we have spent trillions on the chicom crud, directly and through economic devastation. That is how deep the corruption runs in the US medical establishment. Money to pay the chicoms to infect the word, but none for horse paste. Phuck the public.
Carmen Best might end up as police chief for New York. Good thing Seattle's white progressives sent goons to her home and pushed her out to show how anti-racist they are.
I was never more proud of my Bothell/Snohomish County friends than when they confronted Seattle's Antifa Faggots with shotguns, ARs and a clear message that CHOP shit doesn't play in their woods.
Just ask a leftard how a non-N95 mask (properly fitted and changed at least every day) with filtration pores substantially larger than the diameter of a virus particle, filters out said particles. Geezus, the ignorance. You can look at literally every countries mask mandates and discover they had no impact on any of the "waves".
NY elected a former cop mayor. No doubt he has to be liberal to win but not a leftist. He specifically ran against the anti police sentiment and got the votes of people watch NYC turn to shit
Just ask a leftard how a non-N95 mask (properly fitted and changed at least every day) with filtration pores substantially larger than the diameter of a virus particle, filters out said particles. Geezus, the ignorance. You can look at literally every countries mask mandates and discover they had no impact on any of the "waves".
You don't understand. It would be 1000x worse if not for the masks. Trust me.
Anyway, cheers to recovering ..... twice.
Fuck. Another blonde.