The same filth were present in Nazi Germany. Give it one or two more lockdowns, more masks, more restrictions, and these pigs would sign the same petition when asked "should we round up the remaining anti vaxxers and put them in concentration camps?"
I just went to an outdoor event the other day with 150+ unmasked folks outside. Great time had by all. GRIM.
Good Guys car show at the Puyallup Fair Grounds last weekend. Thousands of people, only about 100 masks. Thousands of cars spewing massive amounts of pollution. Inslee's nightmare. It was fun.
The situation angered neighbors who said they were surprised the city would take the time to shut down a lemonade stand while a nearby homeless encampment continues to cause problems in the community.
Just ignore the ranger. He’s used to it. Nothing will happen.
Brilliant but I already knew all of this and never believed one iota. If you didn't know all of this you were either ignorant and not very intelligent, you're an American hating Marxist, or, like many on this site, you have to love and support our? government because it's how you're making your living or you're actively defrauding the American public through your multi-million dollar government pension.
This is what I was saying in the thread I started last year when HTard said I thought it was a “joke”.
Take this twitter thread and go back over 50 years. This shit didn’t start in 2016. It’s been around as long as any of us have been alive. Including Race. I was right, same shit, new year. And the fools fell for it again. And here we are over a year later, the goal posts being moved so many times we aren’t sure where they are. Citizens being pitted against each other. People being mocked and shamed. People being told to carry their papers. And the “experts” and politicians won’t stop until there are zero cases of covid. Which is impossible. So that means they won’t stop.
For the record, it’s well documented that I’m vaxed, but anyone asking to see my card will be met with a prompt fuck off.
Brilliant but I already knew all of this and never believed one iota. If you didn't know all of this you were either ignorant and not very intelligent, you're an American hating Marxist, or, like many on this site, you have to love and support our? government because it's how you're making your living or you're actively defrauding the American public through your multi-million dollar government pension.
How is a pension that a worker has contributed to with each paycheck over an entire career, “defrauding the American public”?
Brilliant but I already knew all of this and never believed one iota. If you didn't know all of this you were either ignorant and not very intelligent, you're an American hating Marxist, or, like many on this site, you have to love and support our? government because it's how you're making your living or you're actively defrauding the American public through your multi-million dollar government pension.
How is a pension that a worker has contributed to with each paycheck over an entire career, “defrauding the American public”?
I'm sorry doogie if I offended you or anyone who worked hard for their pension. I don't believe they are good for our country as they are unsustainable. Why should the American taxpayers have to work well into their 70's to fund their own retirement as well as a government employee's retirement who only has to work 25 years? Do you have any idea how much money a private sector employee would have to put away into a retirement fund over 25 years to make $125,000 a year for the rest of their life and their spouses life for say 30 years of retirement? It's millions of dollars and the government employee now makes more money a year with gold plated benefits than the private sector employee before retirement. I'm not a fan of government and at least I'm still free to write that.
Full Thread sans Twitter at Not the Bee:
Just click on the Twitter and follow the thread. Epic.
they know everything
that way, I don't have to think or question anything
Just ignore the ranger. He’s used to it. Nothing will happen.
Take this twitter thread and go back over 50 years. This shit didn’t start in 2016. It’s been around as long as any of us have been alive. Including Race. I was right, same shit, new year. And the fools fell for it again. And here we are over a year later, the goal posts being moved so many times we aren’t sure where they are. Citizens being pitted against each other. People being mocked and shamed. People being told to carry their papers. And the “experts” and politicians won’t stop until there are zero cases of covid. Which is impossible. So that means they won’t stop.
For the record, it’s well documented that I’m vaxed, but anyone asking to see my card will be met with a prompt fuck off.
Possible unknown long term effects of the vax?
Not an issue
2. Your narrative if filled with inaccuracies.
3. I don’t get a pension.
4. Yes, I understand free choice and analyzing total compensation packages when taking a job.
5. Yes, I understand algebra story problems.