"Report: More vaccine deaths last week than COVID-19 deaths 'The fact that they're offering money to take, tells me that something is wrong'"
I think the Vaccine is probably fine. I hate big pharma, but I don’t think it’s dangerous and I’m not a conspiracist and believe any of the 5G shit.
I do think big pharma and other powers that be have everyone by the balls and any politician that goes against it will get fucked. I’ve commented here before that big pharma wants their government contracts and free money. Boosters, jabs for kids, etc. They benefit the longer this goes on.
I listened to a podcast with Robert Kennedy Jr and he was the one that brought Fauci carrying water for big pharma to my attention. He said nobody could stay in that job for as long as Fauci has without that being the case. Lefties loved him when he was fighting for the environment, but he’s considered a quack for not being gung ho about vaccines.
People had various serious illnesses, but every person that tested positive for Covid was considered a Covid death.
Meanwhile, someone dies after getting the vaccine and we always hear that the death wasn’t because of the vaccine. I’m not necessarily anti-vax, but there are some risks and adverse reactions that happen from vaccines.
There’s a real chance the virus originated from a lab. The feminists and hardcore lefties that are all about “my body, my choice” are often the ones screaming about people choosing to be unvaccinated. We have fake news that divides and creates hysteria all for their ratings and gain. Lockdowns were all about our safety, but the elite that were allowed to stay open profited big and the government bought poor people by giving them a couple checks.
It’s hard to know what or who to trust. There is so much propaganda from both sides and the political tribalism is mind boggling. It’s not even interesting or entertaining, but it’s almost impossible to avoid.
Singapore - 75% of cases are vaccinated (I prefer jabbed) people - I wonder what the actual number is in the USofA - we will never hear the real numbers since it goes against Fauci and his minions
On channel 13 news they call these 'breakthrough' cases - the only number I heard was approximately 40% of cases were breakthrough (previously jabbed) but that was from a twatter
"Report: More vaccine deaths last week than COVID-19 deaths 'The fact that they're offering money to take, tells me that something is wrong'"
I think the Vaccine is probably fine. I hate big pharma, but I don’t think it’s dangerous and I’m not a conspiracist and believe any of the 5G shit.
I do think big pharma and other powers that be have everyone by the balls and any politician that goes against it will get fucked. I’ve commented here before that big pharma wants their government contracts and free money. Boosters, jabs for kids, etc. They benefit the longer this goes on.
I listened to a podcast with Robert Kennedy Jr and he was the one that brought Fauci carrying water for big pharma to my attention. He said nobody could stay in that job for as long as Fauci has without that being the case. Lefties loved him when he was fighting for the environment, but he’s considered a quack for not being gung ho about vaccines.
People had various serious illnesses, but every person that tested positive for Covid was considered a Covid death.
Meanwhile, someone dies after getting the vaccine and we always hear that the death wasn’t because of the vaccine. I’m not necessarily anti-vax, but there are some risks and adverse reactions that happen from vaccines.
There’s a real chance the virus originated from a lab. The feminists and hardcore lefties that are all about “my body, my choice” are often the ones screaming about people choosing to be unvaccinated. We have fake news that divides and creates hysteria all for their ratings and gain. Lockdowns were all about our safety, but the elite that were allowed to stay open profited big and the government bought poor people by giving them a couple checks.
It’s hard to know what or who to trust. There is so much propaganda from both sides and the political tribalism is mind boggling. It’s not even interesting or entertaining, but it’s almost impossible to avoid.
After my elderly aunts skin turned bright red and then black I didn't need to know any more. That and the scientist that invented RMNA tech said it shouldn't be used for this. I don't need a vaccine for a cold.
You do you. I'll do me. That's how I look at it. But try and force me? That won't end well.
Aussie Health Minister Goes Off Script with Ivermectin Treatment for Covid-19
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
h/t JoNova; A simple tried and tested generic medical treatment which may reduce Covid deaths by 80% is slowly winning grudging acceptance.
Hunt goes off script with ivermectin
Health minister endorses doctors’ right to treat Covid
Rebecca Weisser
17 July 2021
It is to Australia’s credit that one of the most effective treatments was identified at Monash University along with the Doherty Institute which showed that ivermectin kills the Sars-CoV-2 virus within 48 hours. Yet to our national shame, the researchers have been starved of resources and the discovery ignored.
Not so in Indonesia where an enterprising philanthropist, Haryoseno, leapt into action and made ivermectin available to the masses for free or at low cost. As a result, Indonesia has had an extremely low Covid mortality rate. That is until the Ministry of Health decided, in line with the WHO’s recommendation, that ivermectin would only be used in a clinical trial. Haryoseno has been threatened with a fine and a ten-year jail sentence and the supply of ivermectin has dried up. Result? Deaths per million have increased five-fold since withdrawal of ivermectin on 12 June.
In Australia, one of the few doctors brave enough to use the drug to treat patients and save lives, Dr Mark Hobart, was reported to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Thankfully, AHPRA advised that there had been no infringement. Indeed, federal Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote to one of the doctors in Australia who prescribes ivermectin confirming that he was aware that some physicians are prescribing ivermectin off-label for Covid and that they were quite within their rights as the practice of prescribing registered medicines outside of their approved indications is not regulated or controlled by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), it is at the discretion of the prescribing physician. Yet the silence persists. Ivermectin is the drug that dare not speak its name.
Read more: https://spectator.com.au/2021/07/hunt-goes-off-script-with-ivermectin/ Regardless of your views about vaccination, there will always be a core of people who refuse vaccines. Having a cheap and effective generic therapeutic available would take the heat out of the debate, about whether vaccines should be mandatory.
I am not disputing that more work needs to be done, to establish the effectiveness of drug therapies, but denying therapies which appear to be well supported by anecdotal evidence could cost someone their life. President Trump understood this, when he established the right to try – a principle which in my opinion should be unequivocally extended to treatment of Covid-19.
How many times are these assholes going to move the goalposts to cling to their new found power?
Until 2025, or until most of the global population has been culled. They need to fulfill the Deagel predictions and be well under way to fulfilling the Georgia Guidestones Ten Commandments of the Illuminati by then, most importantly "to maintain the world's population at 500,000,000." They tell you what they are going to do, just like Hitler did. They use art, architecture, films, obscure articles, to reveal their plans and to satisfy the "Karmic Law" they must obey, that is, to warn the sheeple ahead of time.
They concluded that the path of least resistance was to being with a 'vaccine' genocide campaign, which all of your leaders on the right and the left are participating in together. They want you to stay in the left right paradigm so you won't turn your attention on the real problem - them. Be grateful if you were among those who got a saline shot instead of the real thing. The shots will become increasingly deadlier from now on. They need some of the 'vaxxed' to be healthy, in order to convince fence sitters to take the lethal injection, which will kill in the weeks, months and few years ahead, and be blamed on covid or other ailments. 45,000 deaths in just 3 days from the 'vax' in the USA according to a group of lawyers who plan to sue the US government. And those are just very short term effects.
Singapore - 75% of cases are vaccinated (I prefer jabbed) people - I wonder what the actual number is in the USofA - we will never hear the real numbers since it goes against Fauci and his minions
On channel 13 news they call these 'breakthrough' cases - the only number I heard was approximately 40% of cases were breakthrough (previously jabbed) but that was from a twatter
"Of Singapore's 1,096 locally transmitted infections in the last 28 days, 484, or about 44%, were in fully vaccinated people, while 30% were partially vaccinated and just over 25% were unvaccinated, Thursday's data showed.
While seven cases of serious illness required oxygen, and another was in critical condition in intensive care, none of the eight had been fully vaccinated, the health ministry said.
"There is continuing evidence that vaccination helps to prevent serious disease when one gets infected," the ministry said, adding that all the fully vaccinated and infected people had shown no symptoms, or only mild ones.
Infections in vaccinated people do not mean vaccines are ineffective, experts said."
Singapore - 75% of cases are vaccinated (I prefer jabbed) people - I wonder what the actual number is in the USofA - we will never hear the real numbers since it goes against Fauci and his minions
On channel 13 news they call these 'breakthrough' cases - the only number I heard was approximately 40% of cases were breakthrough (previously jabbed) but that was from a twatter
"Of Singapore's 1,096 locally transmitted infections in the last 28 days, 484, or about 44%, were in fully vaccinated people, while 30% were partially vaccinated and just over 25% were unvaccinated, Thursday's data showed.
While seven cases of serious illness required oxygen, and another was in critical condition in intensive care, none of the eight had been fully vaccinated, the health ministry said.
"There is continuing evidence that vaccination helps to prevent serious disease when one gets infected," the ministry said, adding that all the fully vaccinated and infected people had shown no symptoms, or only mild ones.
Infections in vaccinated people do not mean vaccines are ineffective, experts said."
So you can transmit it and get it if you’re vaccinated, the only difference is how sick you get. Sounds like a personal problem not a community problem.
We NEED to see who obeyed and who didn't.
So what if they’ve transmitted the (insert variant here). The unvaccinated took an informed risk and lost. Right? Isn’t this still America?
I do think big pharma and other powers that be have everyone by the balls and any politician that goes against it will get fucked. I’ve commented here before that big pharma wants their government contracts and free money. Boosters, jabs for kids, etc. They benefit the longer this goes on.
I listened to a podcast with Robert Kennedy Jr and he was the one that brought Fauci carrying water for big pharma to my attention. He said nobody could stay in that job for as long as Fauci has without that being the case. Lefties loved him when he was fighting for the environment, but he’s considered a quack for not being gung ho about vaccines.
People had various serious illnesses, but every person that tested positive for Covid was considered a Covid death.
Meanwhile, someone dies after getting the vaccine and we always hear that the death wasn’t because of the vaccine. I’m not necessarily anti-vax, but there are some risks and adverse reactions that happen from vaccines.
There’s a real chance the virus originated from a lab. The feminists and hardcore lefties that are all about “my body, my choice” are often the ones screaming about people choosing to be unvaccinated. We have fake news that divides and creates hysteria all for their ratings and gain. Lockdowns were all about our safety, but the elite that were allowed to stay open profited big and the government bought poor people by giving them a couple checks.
It’s hard to know what or who to trust. There is so much propaganda from both sides and the political tribalism is mind boggling. It’s not even interesting or entertaining, but it’s almost impossible to avoid.
On channel 13 news they call these 'breakthrough' cases - the only number I heard was approximately 40% of cases were breakthrough (previously jabbed) but that was from a twatter
You do you. I'll do me. That's how I look at it. But try and force me? That won't end well.
Aussie Health Minister Goes Off Script with Ivermectin Treatment for Covid-19
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
h/t JoNova; A simple tried and tested generic medical treatment which may reduce Covid deaths by 80% is slowly winning grudging acceptance.
Hunt goes off script with ivermectin
Health minister endorses doctors’ right to treat Covid
Rebecca Weisser
17 July 2021
It is to Australia’s credit that one of the most effective treatments was identified at Monash University along with the Doherty Institute which showed that ivermectin kills the Sars-CoV-2 virus within 48 hours. Yet to our national shame, the researchers have been starved of resources and the discovery ignored.
Not so in Indonesia where an enterprising philanthropist, Haryoseno, leapt into action and made ivermectin available to the masses for free or at low cost. As a result, Indonesia has had an extremely low Covid mortality rate. That is until the Ministry of Health decided, in line with the WHO’s recommendation, that ivermectin would only be used in a clinical trial. Haryoseno has been threatened with a fine and a ten-year jail sentence and the supply of ivermectin has dried up. Result? Deaths per million have increased five-fold since withdrawal of ivermectin on 12 June.
In Australia, one of the few doctors brave enough to use the drug to treat patients and save lives, Dr Mark Hobart, was reported to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Thankfully, AHPRA advised that there had been no infringement. Indeed, federal Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote to one of the doctors in Australia who prescribes ivermectin confirming that he was aware that some physicians are prescribing ivermectin off-label for Covid and that they were quite within their rights as the practice of prescribing registered medicines outside of their approved indications is not regulated or controlled by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), it is at the discretion of the prescribing physician. Yet the silence persists. Ivermectin is the drug that dare not speak its name.
Read more: https://spectator.com.au/2021/07/hunt-goes-off-script-with-ivermectin/
Regardless of your views about vaccination, there will always be a core of people who refuse vaccines. Having a cheap and effective generic therapeutic available would take the heat out of the debate, about whether vaccines should be mandatory.
I am not disputing that more work needs to be done, to establish the effectiveness of drug therapies, but denying therapies which appear to be well supported by anecdotal evidence could cost someone their life. President Trump understood this, when he established the right to try – a principle which in my opinion should be unequivocally extended to treatment of Covid-19.
They concluded that the path of least resistance was to being with a 'vaccine' genocide campaign, which all of your leaders on the right and the left are participating in together. They want you to stay in the left right paradigm so you won't turn your attention on the real problem - them. Be grateful if you were among those who got a saline shot instead of the real thing. The shots will become increasingly deadlier from now on. They need some of the 'vaxxed' to be healthy, in order to convince fence sitters to take the lethal injection, which will kill in the weeks, months and few years ahead, and be blamed on covid or other ailments. 45,000 deaths in just 3 days from the 'vax' in the USA according to a group of lawyers who plan to sue the US government. And those are just very short term effects.
While seven cases of serious illness required oxygen, and another was in critical condition in intensive care, none of the eight had been fully vaccinated, the health ministry said.
"There is continuing evidence that vaccination helps to prevent serious disease when one gets infected," the ministry said, adding that all the fully vaccinated and infected people had shown no symptoms, or only mild ones.
Infections in vaccinated people do not mean vaccines are ineffective, experts said."