This thread delivers. Once you understand that he speaks in extremes to generate movement+action, and not take everything he says literally, you will come to appreciate him. He actually is truly motivated by what's best for America. He's not a globalist like Obama or Hillary who was interested in remaking America along those lines. For obvious reasons we're feeling the sting of globalism right now...
This thread delivers. Once you understand that he speaks in extremes to generate movement+action, and not take everything he says literally, you will come to appreciate him. He actually is truly motivated by what's best for America. He's not a globalist like Obama or Hillary who was interested in remaking America along those lines. For obvious reasons we're feeling the sting of globalism right now...
He was right on not trusting those Chi Com cunts. I’ll give him that. De-coupling - if we have the stomach for it - is gonna be hard and messy.
This thread delivers. Once you understand that he speaks in extremes to generate movement+action, and not take everything he says literally, you will come to appreciate him. He actually is truly motivated by what's best for America. He's not a globalist like Obama or Hillary who was interested in remaking America along those lines. For obvious reasons we're feeling the sting of globalism right now...
He was right on not trusting those Chi Com cunts. I’ll give him that. De-coupling - if we have the stomach for it - is gonna be hard and messy.
I'm just asking for one yellow I know you are objective. The rest just blindly swallowing.
This thread delivers. Once you understand that he speaks in extremes to generate movement+action, and not take everything he says literally, you will come to appreciate him. He actually is truly motivated by what's best for America. He's not a globalist like Obama or Hillary who was interested in remaking America along those lines. For obvious reasons we're feeling the sting of globalism right now...
He was right on not trusting those Chi Com cunts. I’ll give him that. De-coupling - if we have the stomach for it - is gonna be hard and messy.
I'm just asking for one yellow I know you are objective. The rest just blindly swallowing.
This thread delivers. Once you understand that he speaks in extremes to generate movement+action, and not take everything he says literally, you will come to appreciate him. He actually is truly motivated by what's best for America. He's not a globalist like Obama or Hillary who was interested in remaking America along those lines. For obvious reasons we're feeling the sting of globalism right now...
He was right on not trusting those Chi Com cunts. I’ll give him that. De-coupling - if we have the stomach for it - is gonna be hard and messy.
I'm just asking for one yellow I know you are objective. The rest just blindly swallowing.
He should force the congress to reduce spending and not sign a budget until they do. Shut the government down if necessary. But he’s a spender too.
The counselor was all in on the Russian collusion hoax. He can't list what Trump has done for the Russians other than build up NATO and our military and supporting the crashing of oil prices from $130 a barrel to $60. Leftards lie and love to be lied to.
I missed the part where Daddy got America anything in return for opposing and lifting sanctions on Russia and Russians whenever possible. Then there’s delaying military assistance to Ukraine. These things we’re in the newspapers, Gasbag. There’s even bipartisan support for the notion that Daddy behaved shamefully.
Delaying military assistance to Ukraine is bad, refusing to provide any lethal military assistance is good in the land of the Obama cocksucker.
This thread delivers. Once you understand that he speaks in extremes to generate movement+action, and not take everything he says literally, you will come to appreciate him. He actually is truly motivated by what's best for America. He's not a globalist like Obama or Hillary who was interested in remaking America along those lines. For obvious reasons we're feeling the sting of globalism right now...
He was right on not trusting those Chi Com cunts. I’ll give him that. De-coupling - if we have the stomach for it - is gonna be hard and messy.
I'm just asking for one yellow I know you are objective. The rest just blindly swallowing.
I've said repeatedly that Trump is often an inarticulate boob. He has a shitty personality and would be an awful friend and an even worse spouse. His spending is outrageous and I didn't agree with him imposing tariffs on our allies. I've stated all of these criticisms many, many times. Fuck off.
This thread delivers. Once you understand that he speaks in extremes to generate movement+action, and not take everything he says literally, you will come to appreciate him. He actually is truly motivated by what's best for America. He's not a globalist like Obama or Hillary who was interested in remaking America along those lines. For obvious reasons we're feeling the sting of globalism right now...
He was right on not trusting those Chi Com cunts. I’ll give him that. De-coupling - if we have the stomach for it - is gonna be hard and messy.
I'm just asking for one yellow I know you are objective. The rest just blindly swallowing.
I've said repeatedly that Trump is often an inarticulate boob. He has a shitty personality and would be an awful friend and an even worse spouse. His spending is outrageous and I didn't agree with him imposing tariffs on our allies. I've stated all of these criticisms many, many times. Fuck off.
This thread delivers. Once you understand that he speaks in extremes to generate movement+action, and not take everything he says literally, you will come to appreciate him. He actually is truly motivated by what's best for America. He's not a globalist like Obama or Hillary who was interested in remaking America along those lines. For obvious reasons we're feeling the sting of globalism right now...
He was right on not trusting those Chi Com cunts. I’ll give him that. De-coupling - if we have the stomach for it - is gonna be hard and messy.
I'm just asking for one yellow I know you are objective. The rest just blindly swallowing.
I've said repeatedly that Trump is often an inarticulate boob. He has a shitty personality and would be an awful friend and an even worse spouse. His spending is outrageous and I didn't agree with him imposing tariffs on our allies. I've stated all of these criticisms many, many times. Fuck off.
But how is he a bad president?
Btw, asswholes like IC who never let Obama's dick leave their mouths during his entire 8 years in office now demand that we list our criticisms of Trump when we've already done so many, many times. Hell I didn't even vote for Trump in 2016.
But given the Rats behavior since his election it's not as if they've put forth a reasonable alternative. Every single one of these asswholes who are now demanding we criticize Trump were fully prepared to vote for a fucking Communist if he would have won the nomination.
We know lord trump is has been perfect as president so far but do you at least have one slight criticism?
Try to to show a sliver of objectivity if you can stomach it.
I don't like lots of things but he actually works for us! He is for America.
Although I really am starting to enjoy him talking back to the bashers. They bitch and moan and then want Shit like a petulant child.
If by happy coincidence America’s interests are his interests, then in those instances he totally for America.
What is he doing that isn't for America?
Not kissing Russian and Chinese ass? telling our allies to pay up? Keeping illegals out?
Just what is it that causes your panties to creep into your snatch?
The Russians are exceedingly well satisfied with Comrade Daddy. And his little dog (Mitch) too!
Jeezus you just keep on saying the same lame dishonest bullshit. How many times do we have to go over open mic night with BO and Putins messenger? BO giving away missile locations AFTER he gets re-elected. How about our total lack of response to Russia when BO knew before the election that they were meddling.
FFS man you lose this bullshit argument every time you bring it up but somehow you think if you say it enough times it will become true.
There. It was said.
Trade in Eric, Donald Jr and Baron for Ivanka v2.0, 3.0 and 4.0
But given the Rats behavior since his election it's not as if they've put forth a reasonable alternative. Every single one of these asswholes who are now demanding we criticize Trump were fully prepared to vote for a fucking Communist if he would have won the nomination.
FFS man you lose this bullshit argument every time you bring it up but somehow you think if you say it enough times it will become true.