Race Relations under DeBlasio's NYC Administration have clearly never been better.
I guess NYC needs to hire more Diversity officers, cause it's working so well, so far.
Btw, the lack of information about the perp tells me that either this is bullshit, or it was one of the Rat party's protected racial classes that did this.
Race Relations under DeBlasio's NYC Administration have clearly never been better.
I guess NYC needs to hire more Diversity officers, cause it's working so well, so far.
Btw, the lack of information about the perp tells me that either this is bullshit, or it was one of the Rat party's protected racial classes that did this.
Home Depot 's have camera's in the parking lots. I am sure we will see the CCTV any minute now.
Race Relations under DeBlasio's NYC Administration have clearly never been better.
I guess NYC needs to hire more Diversity officers, cause it's working so well, so far.
Btw, the lack of information about the perp tells me that either this is bullshit, or it was one of the Rat party's protected racial classes that did this.
Home Depot 's have camera's in the parking lots. I am sure we will see the CCTV any minute now.
As usual this is billion $ bullshit.
So far all I've seen is video of a black kid harassing a Chinese person in the NYC subway and a Puerto Rican male assaulting a Chinese woman again in NYC. But Trump calling it the "China virus" is what's to blame.
I was dating an Indian woman during 9/11. She was afraid to go into public. She cited the fact that a Sikh was murdered in Arizona reportedly for wearing a Turban. And of course, Sikh men wear turbans but have nothing to do with Islam. But I pressured her to find any other example of actual violence, because I said that America is actually a pretty tolerant society compared to much of the world. And if Sikhs were being attacked on the regular the news would be plastered all over the mainstream news. She never did really agree with me, though.
Are my impure thoughts racist?
Totally acceptable to pillage. Rape, not so much but the first six are consensual. So you have 5 left.
It’s like the Ballard School of Driving all over again.
I guess NYC needs to hire more Diversity officers, cause it's working so well, so far.
As usual this is billion $ bullshit.
But she is remarkably m'eh.
wok her dog?
Read the fucking book, whiner.