Who cares? He locked down China travel, he locked down Europe travel. He's pushing money directly to people.
WTF has Schiff or Pelosi or any of the deadbeat motherfuckers "done" other than second-guess and stir trouble?
Don't you have an assassination to plot?
Don't tire yourself out too much humping Trump's leg all month... you might need that energy later to haul your stupid ass to the ICU when Trump's shitty response causes the # of infected to snowball in comming weeks.
Who cares? He locked down China travel, he locked down Europe travel. He's pushing money directly to people.
WTF has Schiff or Pelosi or any of the deadbeat motherfuckers "done" other than second-guess and stir trouble?
Don't you have an assassination to plot?
Don't tire yourself out too much humping Trump's leg all month... you might need that energy later to haul your stupid ass to the ICU when Trump's shitty response causes the # of infected to snowball in comming weeks.
Do you ever shut the fuck up or does the TDS require your two cent analysis? I call Trump out when necessary. Are you in on the assassination plot, too?
My immune system is damned near good as Methusala @RaceBannon 's. One builds up tolerance ingesting huge quantities of bad shit over a lifetime.
The dem alternative is a senile incompetent and an ancient commie who loves the chicoms and their approach to health care. Talk about leg humpers. I don't see JFK on the ballot. I do see Trump and Biden. Any you will be carry that senile old phu*ck on your back and proclaiming he is Jonas Salk reincarnated.
Who cares? He locked down China travel, he locked down Europe travel. He's pushing money directly to people.
WTF has Schiff or Pelosi or any of the deadbeat motherfuckers "done" other than second-guess and stir trouble?
Don't you have an assassination to plot?
Don't tire yourself out too much humping Trump's leg all month... you might need that energy later to haul your stupid ass to the ICU when Trump's shitty response causes the # of infected to snowball in comming weeks.
Who cares? He locked down China travel, he locked down Europe travel. He's pushing money directly to people.
WTF has Schiff or Pelosi or any of the deadbeat motherfuckers "done" other than second-guess and stir trouble?
Don't you have an assassination to plot?
Don't tire yourself out too much humping Trump's leg all month... you might need that energy later to haul your stupid ass to the ICU when Trump's shitty response causes the # of infected to snowball in comming weeks.
Who cares? He locked down China travel, he locked down Europe travel. He's pushing money directly to people.
WTF has Schiff or Pelosi or any of the deadbeat motherfuckers "done" other than second-guess and stir trouble?
Don't you have an assassination to plot?
Don't tire yourself out too much humping Trump's leg all month... you might need that energy later to haul your stupid ass to the ICU when Trump's shitty response causes the # of infected to snowball in comming weeks.
You cult of personality types crack me up. I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not that fond of the guy's personality, tweeting or big mouth.
What matters to me is who is best, or at least not worst, for the country. After 8 years of do-nothing Obama, whom I twice voted for, Trump is a radical change, a breath of fresh air and raw, naked power, instead of that mealy-mouthed bullshit and virtue signaling from the hypocritical Dems who talk endlessly but never accomplish Jack Shit.
Bashing the Chi-Coms alone is enough for me to vote for Trump, regardless of what you Hillary Humpers and Bernie Biden Stooges think. The Dems have once again run a Mondale and a Dukakis, because they have no vision for the country at all, lack anything resembling balls, and wouldn't know a "leader" if their lives depended on it.
Not the political approach. But it ensures re election so there's that
Wow. The Resistance really needs Therapy. You guys are fucked in the head.
WTF has Schiff or Pelosi or any of the deadbeat motherfuckers "done" other than second-guess and stir trouble?
Don't you have an assassination to plot?
I think it is funny that Trump is offending the media by calling it the China/Wuhan Virus still
My immune system is damned near good as Methusala @RaceBannon 's. One builds up tolerance ingesting huge quantities of bad shit over a lifetime.
I can't say what God is plotting.
Don't go outside.
What matters to me is who is best, or at least not worst, for the country. After 8 years of do-nothing Obama, whom I twice voted for, Trump is a radical change, a breath of fresh air and raw, naked power, instead of that mealy-mouthed bullshit and virtue signaling from the hypocritical Dems who talk endlessly but never accomplish Jack Shit.
Bashing the Chi-Coms alone is enough for me to vote for Trump, regardless of what you Hillary Humpers and Bernie Biden Stooges think. The Dems have once again run a Mondale and a Dukakis, because they have no vision for the country at all, lack anything resembling balls, and wouldn't know a "leader" if their lives depended on it.
What matters to me is who is best, or at least not worst, for the country. After 8 years of do-nothing Obama,