12,469 deaths out of 61M infections is a death rate of .02%, just around the same as the annual flu. As of this morning, the death rate of the coronavirus in the US is 2.5% (41 deaths, 1663 known cases). I know you MAGAtards don't understand math and facts but that's why there's been more hysteria and panic over this, not because of a media fueled conspiracy to take down Trump.
12,469 deaths out of 61M infections is a death rate of .02%, just around the same as the annual flu. As of this morning, the death rate of the coronavirus in the US is 2.5% (41 deaths, 1663 known cases). I know you MAGAtards don't understand math and facts but that's why there's been more hysteria and panic over this, not because of a media fueled conspiracy to take down Trump.
fI you want to hysterically panic I'm not going to stop you
Dr. Nicole Saphier told Breitbart News Daily on Friday morning that the reason the U.S. had rejected coronavirus test kits from abroad is that they had a 48% false negative rate, meaning sick people would believe, falsely, they were fine.
12,469 deaths out of 61M infections is a death rate of .02%, just around the same as the annual flu. As of this morning, the death rate of the coronavirus in the US is 2.5% (41 deaths, 1663 known cases). I know you MAGAtards don't understand math and facts but that's why there's been more hysteria and panic over this, not because of a media fueled conspiracy to take down Trump.
Wait. I thought that there were hundreds of thousands already infected that we don't know about because the LACK OF TESTS!!!!!
If you're gonna continue to let the TDS run your brain, At least stick to a talking point.
You're free to continue to embarrass yourself by claiming abundance. But anyone with self respect would pick one of the talking points.
12,469 deaths out of 61M infections is a death rate of .02%, just around the same as the annual flu. As of this morning, the death rate of the coronavirus in the US is 2.5% (41 deaths, 1663 known cases). I know you MAGAtards don't understand math and facts but that's why there's been more hysteria and panic over this, not because of a media fueled conspiracy to take down Trump.
Statistically insignificant. It got into a fucking nursing home - a nursing home that likely was one step from hospice care as disclosed by one of the poasters here.
Get back to me when there are at LEAST 10,000 confirmed cases. And even then, that is a gnats eyelash of the total population that would make any of this bullshit meaningful.
Live your life in fear if you want - but get that bullshit out of here. Maff eventually proves it all out. And right now the maff is inconclulsive at best, laughable at worst.
12,469 deaths out of 61M infections is a death rate of .02%, just around the same as the annual flu. As of this morning, the death rate of the coronavirus in the US is 2.5% (41 deaths, 1663 known cases). I know you MAGAtards don't understand math and facts but that's why there's been more hysteria and panic over this, not because of a media fueled conspiracy to take down Trump.
Statistically insignificant. It got into a fucking nursing home - a nursing home that likely was one step from hospice care as disclosed by one of the poasters here.
Get back to me when there are at LEAST 10,000 confirmed cases. And even then, that is a gnats eyelash of the total population that would make any of this bullshit meaningful.
Live your life in fear if you want - but get that bullshit out of here. Maff eventually proves it all out. And right now the maff is inconclulsive at best, laughable at worst.
Never claimed it was significant. Just explaining why there's mass panic right now compared to the swine flu that posters here barely remember.
12,469 deaths out of 61M infections is a death rate of .02%, just around the same as the annual flu. As of this morning, the death rate of the coronavirus in the US is 2.5% (41 deaths, 1663 known cases). I know you MAGAtards don't understand math and facts but that's why there's been more hysteria and panic over this, not because of a media fueled conspiracy to take down Trump.
fI you want to hysterically panic I'm not going to stop you
The positive for @dnc is that they really don't want Joe speaking in public all that much and now they have a valid reason other than we don't want him talking in public that much
And Trump won't ( I hope) be holding any rallies for awhile which are his strength
This may be a total Internet media campaign depending on if there is ever an end game to cancellations
12,469 deaths out of 61M infections is a death rate of .02%, just around the same as the annual flu. As of this morning, the death rate of the coronavirus in the US is 2.5% (41 deaths, 1663 known cases). I know you MAGAtards don't understand math and facts but that's why there's been more hysteria and panic over this, not because of a media fueled conspiracy to take down Trump.
Statistically insignificant. It got into a fucking nursing home - a nursing home that likely was one step from hospice care as disclosed by one of the poasters here.
Get back to me when there are at LEAST 10,000 confirmed cases. And even then, that is a gnats eyelash of the total population that would make any of this bullshit meaningful.
Live your life in fear if you want - but get that bullshit out of here. Maff eventually proves it all out. And right now the maff is inconclulsive at best, laughable at worst.
Never claimed it was significant. Just explaining why there's mass panic right now compared to the swine flu that posters here barely remember.
Fuck off with your mansplaining.
That's the source of the panic. The concerted and constant bombardment of statistically insignificant data. The manipulation of public thought will not abide.
Obama waited MONTHS before declaring the H1N1 a national emergency.
And despite the fact that the virus was coming into the US from Mexico President Obama NEVER shut down the border with Mexico.
This won’t make any headlines in the coming weeks.
PJ Media reported:
In April of 2009, the H1N1 became a pandemic.
But it wasn’t until six months later, October, that then-President Obama declared a public health emergency on what was already a pandemic. By that time, the disease had infected millions of Americans and more than 1,000 people had died in the U.S.
CNN reported at the time:
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [emphasis added] Furthermore, the CDC’s Frieden fretted at the time that efforts to create a vaccine had stumbled:
“We are nowhere near where we thought we would be,” Frieden said, acknowledging that manufacturing delays have contributed to less vaccine being available than expected. “As public health professionals, vaccination is our strongest tool. Not having enough is frustrating to all of us.”
Frieden said that while the way vaccine is manufactured is “tried and true,” it’s not well-suited for ramping up production during a pandemic because it takes at least six months. The vaccine is produced by growing weakened virus in eggs.
But wait, there’s more.
According to Virology Journal, the 2009 H1N1 came into the U.S. from Mexico:
The swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus that appeared in 2009 and was first found in human beings in Mexico, is a reassortant with at least three parents. Six of the genes are closest in sequence to those of H1N2 ‘triple-reassortant’ influenza viruses isolated from pigs in North America around 1999-2000.
I don’t give a shit that Trump is out there. The media is creating hysteria for political purposes. That you can’t see this says a lot about you
You might try reality and ask yourself a few questions:
Here we are with the NBA shut down along with the NHL, MLB, all college athletics including March Madness, schools closed etc. because of the Corona virus.
Why weren’t all these measures taken during far worse epidemics?
The H1N1 epidemic which was far worse Polio Measles Mumps Rubella Tuberculosis Chicken Pox Even the fucking yearly flu FFS
Why might that be the case?
Trump asks for us to come together and all we get is Democrats, libs nevertrumpers and people of your ilk criticizing and attacking because of the need to retake political power.
If Trump was so clear how Biden and Obama fucked up he would have shut everything down six weeks ago. He is not ahead of this. I'm glad measures are being taken but it should have been done six weeks ago.
Don't be an idiot. Trump is whiny and complaining about the past.
I forgot, Trump is the Messiah here. He does no wrong!
Trump had what he thinks to be his "presidential moment" with his address, which sewed more confusion and sent actual policy makers and administrators into turmoil, so good work to him there. I don't even care that he said "foreign virus." Regardless, now that he thinks he's been decisive, he'll spend the next 6 months on tweeting on "whataboutism" sorts of things. Comparisons to previous pandemics are relevant, the problem is he can't do it without politicizing the whole deal (which both sides are doing, sure).
But hey, Masters is postponed. The Field wins again.
I don’t give a shit that Trump is out there. The media is creating hysteria for political purposes. That you can’t see this says a lot about you
You might try reality and ask yourself a few questions:
Here we are with the NBA shut down along with the NHL, MLB, all college athletics including March Madness, schools closed etc. because of the Corona virus.
Why weren’t all these measures taken during far worse epidemics?
The H1N1 epidemic which was far worse Polio Measles Mumps Rubella Tuberculosis Chicken Pox Even the fucking yearly flu FFS
Why might that be the case?
Trump asks for us to come together and all we get is Democrats, libs nevertrumpers and people of your ilk criticizing and attacking because of the need to retake political power.
If Trump was so clear how Biden and Obama fucked up he would have shut everything down six weeks ago. He is not ahead of this. I'm glad measures are being taken but it should have been done six weeks ago.
Don't be an idiot. Trump is whiny and complaining about the past.
I forgot, Trump is the Messiah here. He does no wrong!
Trump had what he thinks to be his "presidential moment" with his address, which sewed more confusion and sent actual policy makers and administrators into turmoil, so good work to him there. I don't even care that he said "foreign virus." Regardless, now that he thinks he's been decisive, he'll spend the next 6 months on tweeting on "whataboutism" sorts of things. Comparisons to previous pandemics are relevant, the problem is he can't do it without politicizing the whole deal (which both sides are doing, sure).
But hey, Masters is postponed. The Field wins again.
I think that may change today when Trump declares a national emergency. That opens the floodgates.
I know a lot of folks are going to be hurting. The job losses alone from no sporting events is staggering
The issue as always is are our? tax dollars ever going to get to people who need it.
Probably not
I'm getting kind of pissed at both sides now. It's like they are trying to one up each other with who can make the biggest declaration of panic.
I just watched a news conference for a regional health district. I kid you not, the administrator started crying. Dude couldn't speak. LIke it was his one shining moment and he was overcome with the enormity of it all.
But your stats are meaningless as of this morning
Something about incomplete data and sample sizes.
Dr. Nicole Saphier told Breitbart News Daily on Friday morning that the reason the U.S. had rejected coronavirus test kits from abroad is that they had a 48% false negative rate, meaning sick people would believe, falsely, they were fine.
If you're gonna continue to let the TDS run your brain, At least stick to a talking point.
You're free to continue to embarrass yourself by claiming abundance. But anyone with self respect would pick one of the talking points.
I remember in July of 2105 when the Trump campaign was over. I like Zombie Trump in this one. Awfully warm for November
Get back to me when there are at LEAST 10,000 confirmed cases. And even then, that is a gnats eyelash of the total population that would make any of this bullshit meaningful.
Live your life in fear if you want - but get that bullshit out of here. Maff eventually proves it all out. And right now the maff is inconclulsive at best, laughable at worst.
Turn off cable news bullshit, that stupid msn homepage, and social media. Total fear mongering.
Panic! is cool.
Hysterical panic, not so much.
And Trump won't ( I hope) be holding any rallies for awhile which are his strength
This may be a total Internet media campaign depending on if there is ever an end game to cancellations
That's the source of the panic. The concerted and constant bombardment of statistically insignificant data. The manipulation of public thought will not abide.
Well, you don't arrest people for crimes....d'uh.
Mass death would too but even if it is nothing we will #neverforget this winter / spring
RIP to you perhaps.
I know a lot of folks are going to be hurting. The job losses alone from no sporting events is staggering
The issue as always is are our? tax dollars ever going to get to people who need it.
Probably not
I just watched a news conference for a regional health district. I kid you not, the administrator started crying. Dude couldn't speak. LIke it was his one shining moment and he was overcome with the enormity of it all.
There are zero known cases in the county.
Da fuq is wrong with people right now?!?!