My friend got back from Italy about 2 weeks ago and has cold symptoms now. She’s being told she can’t be tested because her fever isn’t high enough.
I had a fever that spiked above 103 for 4 days. I am still coughing from the chest shit you get with the flu. But apparently I'm not contagious (7 days from when symptoms first appear). I'm 2 weeks into the shit and played 43 holes of golf yesterday. Flying to AZ right now. People are freaking out because people are stupid. Sorry if that angers some of you stupid people.
Stay home dumb cunt.
Why? I'm not contagious dumb cunt. I did what I was supposed to do and stayed home for 7 days. Were you a product of the public schools dumb cunt?
Patients with the new coronavirus keep the pathogen in their respiratory tract for as long as 37 days, a new study found, suggesting they could remain infectious for many weeks.
we found that the detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA persisted for a median of 20 days in survivors and that it was sustained until death in non-survivors.
I don't really care that much though, go kill some Boomers in AZ.
Because I'm a bad mother fucker and no TDS, pole smoking libtard is slowing me down.
Look pajama boy, if you want to run around with your hair on fire, blaming all that's wrong in the world and with you personally on Trump, knock yourfuckingself out.
This is a democratic republic. Restricting the right to assemble or travel isn't a decision for one man to make.
Its all bullshit. Wake up sheeple
And just as I predicted when Trump does join the panic all of a sudden a lot of folks will agree with me
I don't like washingtonians. Too pale and fat