Dude I know. Dude this made the news. Dude it further shows what morons Democrats are in general and Biden supporters are in particular.
With all due respect dude, If you hadn’t noticed, even though Biden is toast he still has a large amount of people who support him.
Your post would suggest that everyone that has less support than Biden we shouldn’t even mention. Ok.
“ Sanders, a Vermont independent, is leading the pack as the candidates head to the Nevada caucuses with 28% of support among registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents or likely Democratic voters. Following behind him is former Vice President Joe Biden with 16%, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg with 15% and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren with 13%.”-CNN
Dude I know. Dude this made the news. Dude it further shows what morons Democrats are in general and Biden supporters are in particular.
With all due respect dude, If you hadn’t noticed, even though Biden is toast he still has a large amount of people who support him.
Your post would suggest that everyone that has less support than Biden we shouldn’t even mention. Ok.
“ Sanders, a Vermont independent, is leading the pack as the candidates head to the Nevada caucuses with 28% of support among registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents or likely Democratic voters. Following behind him is former Vice President Joe Biden with 16%, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg with 15% and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren with 13%.”-CNN
Dude I know. Dude this made the news. Dude it further shows what morons Democrats are in general and Biden supporters are in particular.
With all due respect dude, If you hadn’t noticed, even though Biden is toast he still has a large amount of people who support him.
Your post would suggest that everyone that has less support than Biden we shouldn’t even mention. Ok.
“ Sanders, a Vermont independent, is leading the pack as the candidates head to the Nevada caucuses with 28% of support among registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents or likely Democratic voters. Following behind him is former Vice President Joe Biden with 16%, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg with 15% and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren with 13%.”-CNN
Dude I know. Dude this made the news. Dude it further shows what morons Democrats are in general and Biden supporters are in particular.
With all due respect dude, If you hadn’t noticed, even though Biden is toast he still has a large amount of people who support him.
Your post would suggest that everyone that has less support than Biden we shouldn’t even mention. Ok.
“ Sanders, a Vermont independent, is leading the pack as the candidates head to the Nevada caucuses with 28% of support among registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents or likely Democratic voters. Following behind him is former Vice President Joe Biden with 16%, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg with 15% and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren with 13%.”-CNN
Fuck off. Leave. In whichever order you like.
The judges will also accept dying.
That’s a bridge-jump too far for this touchy pussy, but I won’t argue with you.
dude not even the dems give a fuck about Biden now
Dude your opinion lookin’ a little stupid right about now. Maybe you should know what you’re talking about before you make some ignorant statement just to denigrate another poster. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
dude not even the dems give a fuck about Biden now
Dude your opinion lookin’ a little stupid right about now. Maybe you should know what you’re talking about before you make some ignorant statement just to denigrate another poster. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Next time you want to dunk on somebody's stupid little opinion, make sure the very next post after the one you're dunking on isn't you starting with words "dude I know".
Otherwise it just kinda sounds like you shared Wilbur's stupid little opinion.
Deej, Biden lies so much it is now his defining characteristic. Other than a few others (Weiner, Franks, BO, any Chicago politician) Biden is the biggest liar to ever run for President. That isn't the worst thing about Biden though. The worst thing is that he is so dumb, he continues to do it even though people know he is lying. That senile idiot thinks he is getting away with it and clearly with the rat voter he is getting away with it. It is everyone else who sees and smells the bullshit when it rolls off his lips.
dude not even the dems give a fuck about Biden now
Dude your opinion lookin’ a little stupid right about now. Maybe you should know what you’re talking about before you make some ignorant statement just to denigrate another poster. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Next time you want to dunk on somebody's stupid little opinion, make sure the very next post after the one you're dunking on isn't you starting with words "dude I know".
Otherwise it just kinda sounds like you shared Wilbur's stupid little opinion.
dude not even the dems give a fuck about Biden now
Dude your opinion lookin’ a little stupid right about now. Maybe you should know what you’re talking about before you make some ignorant statement just to denigrate another poster. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Next time you want to dunk on somebody's stupid little opinion, make sure the very next post after the one you're dunking on isn't you starting with words "dude I know".
Otherwise it just kinda sounds like you shared Wilbur's stupid little opinion.
Self dunks are auce. Dude.
I have him on Tug bodyguard retainer, send the fine to me.
dude not even the dems give a fuck about Biden now
Dude your opinion lookin’ a little stupid right about now. Maybe you should know what you’re talking about before you make some ignorant statement just to denigrate another poster. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Next time you want to dunk on somebody's stupid little opinion, make sure the very next post after the one you're dunking on isn't you starting with words "dude I know".
Otherwise it just kinda sounds like you shared Wilbur's stupid little opinion.
Self dunks are auce. Dude.
Maybe it has to do with HIM using the term “DUDE” moron. 😂
With all due respect dude, If you hadn’t noticed, even though Biden is toast he still has a large amount of people who support him.
Your post would suggest that everyone that has less support than Biden we shouldn’t even mention. Ok.
“ Sanders, a Vermont independent, is leading the pack as the candidates head to the Nevada caucuses with 28% of support among registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents or likely Democratic voters. Following behind him is former Vice President Joe Biden with 16%, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg with 15% and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren with 13%.”-CNN
Dude your opinion lookin’ a little stupid right about now. Maybe you should know what you’re talking about before you make some ignorant statement just to denigrate another poster. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Otherwise it just kinda sounds like you shared Wilbur's stupid little opinion.
Self dunks are auce. Dude.
That's like appointing Venoy Overton as your District Attorney.
And yes, Biden deserves to be mocked.