Has anyone run the numbers of scaling up to everyone driving an electric car? Let's look at a few things
Expensive batteries that don't last and can't be recycled but require ingredients that we will need to rape third world countries for. Landfills galore
Completely changing the grid and delivery of electricity to power your 60 mile trip. Massive new electric generation using coal and other fossil fuels
But it sounds neat. The next thing is well it won't work so let's just get rid of all individual cars which SURPRISE has been the goal all along. Socialists hate freedom of movement among the serfs because its freedom
They want us in a box where they can find us
Good ideas don't require force.
Same thing with our now rotting wind mills that provide less than 5% of energy at an inefficient cost.
Let's not have the church of climate change enforcing their beliefs on us with a gun. Thanks in advance
I love following a $100,000 S Model Tesla and figure out that the American taxpayer forked over $7,500 in federal tax credits and that the dude is paying zero dollars for road construction and maintenance. That is just phu*cked up. As long as the guy isn't HH, I don't blame him for taking the free money. Of course, HH strongly feels he doesn't pay enough in taxes, but won't voluntarily right a check for the true-up unless he is forced at the threat of a gun.
(1) "2030 requirement" refers to the requirement that all 7 privately owned and publicly owned passenger and light duty vehicles 8 of model year 2030 or later sold or registered in Washington state be electric vehicles.
(1) "2030 requirement" refers to the requirement that all 7 privately owned and publicly owned passenger and light duty vehicles 8 of model year 2030 or later sold or registered in Washington state be electric vehicles.
Expensive batteries that don't last and can't be recycled but require ingredients that we will need to rape third world countries for. Landfills galore
Completely changing the grid and delivery of electricity to power your 60 mile trip. Massive new electric generation using coal and other fossil fuels
But it sounds neat. The next thing is well it won't work so let's just get rid of all individual cars which SURPRISE has been the goal all along. Socialists hate freedom of movement among the serfs because its freedom
They want us in a box where they can find us
Good ideas don't require force.
Same thing with our now rotting wind mills that provide less than 5% of energy at an inefficient cost.
Let's not have the church of climate change enforcing their beliefs on us with a gun. Thanks in advance
Enjoy your horse and buggy.
Not in MY America, commie!
7 privately owned and publicly owned passenger and light duty vehicles
8 of model year 2030 or later sold or registered in Washington state be
electric vehicles.