It’s like people have completely lost their senses of humor.
They haven’t.
You’re just not funny.
It's over. I was right. Fuck off
It was all a big joke? Who knew?
What part of I was right, fuck off didn't you understand?
Don't be a sore loser.
Congratulations on declaring victory . . . for some reason.
I understand you're still hopeful that millions will die, but move on. No one cares anyone. Sorry to upset you.
Or at least 12,000.
Keep hope alive. Maybe the second wave will work out for you.
I think we’ve exceeded 12,000. Better luck next time, Madam.
When did I say 12,000? Fucktard. Take the L. It's over.
Playing dumb becomes you.
Lying becomes you.
It's hard to imagine there are people rooting for a virus. I guess we found HHusky is a special breed who would do so. Then actually be angry when it didn't pan out.
He's probably at at CLink weeping for the unused hospital and demanding ventilators.
It’s like people have completely lost their senses of humor.
They haven’t.
You’re just not funny.
It's over. I was right. Fuck off
It was all a big joke? Who knew?
What part of I was right, fuck off didn't you understand?
Don't be a sore loser.
Congratulations on declaring victory . . . for some reason.
I understand you're still hopeful that millions will die, but move on. No one cares anyone. Sorry to upset you.
Or at least 12,000.
Keep hope alive. Maybe the second wave will work out for you.
I think we’ve exceeded 12,000. Better luck next time, Madam.
When did I say 12,000? Fucktard. Take the L. It's over.
Playing dumb becomes you.
Shouldn't you be filing posse comitatus friend of the court briefs or some shit to get the Big Red One out to NYC to shutdown the city to prevent the VID?
You’re just not funny.
Don't be a sore loser and angry you didn't get your millions dead.
Lying becomes you.
It's hard to imagine there are people rooting for a virus. I guess we found HHusky is a special breed who would do so. Then actually be angry when it didn't pan out.
He's probably at at CLink weeping for the unused hospital and demanding ventilators.
You’re still a dumbfuck. Accept and own it.