Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit.
That video was kinda lame. ‘Hey look at me on a stationary bike, I think iI am going fast’!!! There was no puking, no pooping, no one tuggin’ on their junk. How am I supposed to know they won something? And where are they back from, cause they didnt ride that bike to the weed store to grab a fat sack? Maybe this is just as good as football gets in the offseason.
According to Hugh Millen we were officially back after winning at Utah in 2011.
This is why I stopped listening to these morons. Nothing they say is important. People think that what Hugh Millen says matters but it's still tye same bullshit as Bill in Tukwila. Guess work that's wrong 81% of the time
This is on another level of sad.
Learn the difference.