I passed on this one because Frontline. The Throbber recommendation carries some weight but still undecided
America always seems to be divided when a GOP (allegedly) wins the White House. Its all butterflies and rainbows when a Democrat is there
Bi partisan is agreeing with the left and giving them what they want. Partisanship is doing what your conservative base elected you to do which is also divisive. And racist
I found it to be a good refresher of 'how' we got to where we have. 2008 was all hope and change and unity and hugs....and in less than a decade, reasonable people are pissed off at the extremes.
Obama pushed the wrong buttons when he embarrassed Trump at the DC Correspondents Dinner. That's the day the world changed imho.
Also pretty interesting too to watch the clip of Ann Coulter on Bill Mahrer literally getting laughed at by the leftists when she predicted Trump would win. Like guffaws and knee slapping. Which shows how out of touch the left had become to a rising tide of discontent.
After I tend to my chicken, planning on watching Part 2 this afternoon.
To me it isn't that complicated. The left has continued to move further and further to the left, while criticizing the right for being unreasonable. Has the right not given in on Gay Marriage? Have the right not given a wink & nod to abortion for 50 years while objecting to "Shout Your Abortion" type libs?
It's the slow creep of socialism, with shit like Zinn's "People's" History of the US and the NYT 1619 project greasing the skids for the ultimate overthrow of the Capitalist system in favor of what the hard & far left thinks is better.
Unfortunately, the US is not the racist, xenophobic, oppressive nation the left needs to believe and propagandize about to get their wish, so the pendulum is going to smack their power-hungry little asses about every 8 years or so when they go too far.
Obama let too many "critical theory" educated termites into his Administration, hired his inept basketball buddy Arne Duncan to run the Dept of Ed, and appointed his flunky, unqualified, POS partisan buddy Erik Holder as AG. To many Americans, it showed Obama to be an ideologue, reckless, careless, and throwing his lot in with power-hungry, America-last group of assholes who lust for power and unwarranted "revenge" - but which really means getting power and riches at the expense of the voters they act like they care about.
I like Obama, still. But as a two time supporter, I can also say he was a pretty weak, ineffectual President, especially in his 2nd Term.
Not to mention the most corrupt President in history. Spying on a competing Presidential campaign. Wire tapping reporters. Lying to the American people about their health benefits. Using the IRS to take away the rights of everyone but liberals. Holder lying, Rice lying, The Bitch lying. Surrounding himself with some of the most corrupt and racially divisive individuals in the country.
Thank God he was weak and ineffectual. He did enough damage as it was. We are locked down right now because of political hacks like barry and the weak minded bureaucrats that he supported.
The list goes on and on.