If anyone here has spent 5 seconds around the corner of 3rd and Pine you know exactly what the suspects looked like, and what the shooting was about. SPD could arrest every person loitering there over the course of the day and they'd solve half the city's drug problems. It truly is a shit hole.
I personally know someone who had video surveillance of the suspects. According to him, the police had this at 5:15pm At that point they had the race, sexual, clothing, approximate ages, weight and height.
The didn't release the information. The person who told me this was pissed about it.
The police this morning, thru the news, was asking for video evidence. I call into question your story. That being said, even if your story is true, the police have reasons for when they release the information. And isn't some liberal conspiracy theory that you want it to be.
If anyone here has spent 5 seconds around the corner of 3rd and Pine you know exactly what the suspects looked like, and what the shooting was about. SPD could arrest every person loitering there over the course of the day and they'd solve half the city's drug problems. It truly is a shit hole.
I personally know someone who had video surveillance of the suspects. According to him, the police had this at 5:15pm At that point they had the race, sexual, clothing, approximate ages, weight and height.
The didn't release the information. The person who told me this was pissed about it.
If anyone here has spent 5 seconds around the corner of 3rd and Pine you know exactly what the suspects looked like, and what the shooting was about. SPD could arrest every person loitering there over the course of the day and they'd solve half the city's drug problems. It truly is a shit hole.
I personally know someone who had video surveillance of the suspects. According to him, the police had this at 5:15pm At that point they had the race, sexual, clothing, approximate ages, weight and height.
The didn't release the information. The person who told me this was pissed about it.
It was a shooting in downtown Seattle at 5:00 PM during rush hour. There had to have been dozens of eyewitnesses and yes multiple video recordings of the shooters. Of course they knew the race of the shooters. If they had been white that information would have been released immediately. But due to the fact that blacks are one of the Rat Party's pet victim groups we have to go through this fucking charade where we pretend that we just don't know the perp's race.
The "broken windows" theory is valid. Let the little shit go and it turns to big shit.
Yes, but if you start enforcing the laws you end up arresting too many "people of color" and we can't have that. Better to let crime and criminals run rampant.
NOT arresting criminals leads to worse outcomes than arresting them.
But the two shooters in this case obviously didn't receive enough love and understanding from their oppressors. Maybe they'll find it in their Redemption Circles where they'll be told none of it is their fault.
If anyone here has spent 5 seconds around the corner of 3rd and Pine you know exactly what the suspects looked like, and what the shooting was about. SPD could arrest every person loitering there over the course of the day and they'd solve half the city's drug problems. It truly is a shit hole.
I personally know someone who had video surveillance of the suspects. According to him, the police had this at 5:15pm At that point they had the race, sexual, clothing, approximate ages, weight and height.
The didn't release the information. The person who told me this was pissed about it.
It was a shooting in downtown Seattle at 5:00 PM during rush hour. There had to have been dozens of eyewitnesses and yes multiple video recordings of the shooters. Of course they knew the race of the shooters. If they had been white that information would have been released immediately. But due to the fact that blacks are one of the Rat Party's pet victim groups we have to go through this fucking charade where we pretend that we just don't know the perp's race.
Like I said, person I know gave the cops the footage at about 5:15. He had a very good description from that and so did the cops.
The point is with a white male suspect race is the lead.
If anyone here has spent 5 seconds around the corner of 3rd and Pine you know exactly what the suspects looked like, and what the shooting was about. SPD could arrest every person loitering there over the course of the day and they'd solve half the city's drug problems. It truly is a shit hole.
I personally know someone who had video surveillance of the suspects. According to him, the police had this at 5:15pm At that point they had the race, sexual, clothing, approximate ages, weight and height.
The didn't release the information. The person who told me this was pissed about it.
It was a shooting in downtown Seattle at 5:00 PM during rush hour. There had to have been dozens of eyewitnesses and yes multiple video recordings of the shooters. Of course they knew the race of the shooters. If they had been white that information would have been released immediately. But due to the fact that blacks are one of the Rat Party's pet victim groups we have to go through this fucking charade where we pretend that we just don't know the perp's race.
Like I said, person I know gave the cops the footage at about 5:15. He had a very good description from that and so did the cops.
The point is with a white male suspect race is the lead.
If you're looking for two shooters and you're trying to protect the public, a full and accurate description of the people you're looking for should be the priority. But as we see all the fucking time, PC sensibilities and placating the leftist bigots trumps public safety.
If anyone here has spent 5 seconds around the corner of 3rd and Pine you know exactly what the suspects looked like, and what the shooting was about. SPD could arrest every person loitering there over the course of the day and they'd solve half the city's drug problems. It truly is a shit hole.
It really needs to be Napalmed. Seriously. Been a stinky dirty asshole stretch of 3rd for 40 fucking years at least.
Anyone here ever met someone who works for the police? You monkeys are alleging they are liberal. And putting their liberal politics over the safety of the people who live in Seattle. Da fuq is wrong with you?
If the suspects had been white this would have been national news and H and his buddies would have been on here crying about how senseless and pointless this violence was.
But the two shooters in this case obviously didn't receive enough love and understanding from their oppressors. Maybe they'll find it in their Redemption Circles where they'll be told none of it is their fault.
The point is with a white male suspect race is the lead.
Her response to the bum crisis was a bunch of cost of living bull shit. It’s all your fault @RaceBannon you greedy fucking flooring gouger.