Does this not seem kind of odd that some rando dude is taking pictures of the night sky just as a missile hits an airliner?
I mean, on occasion The Throbber has been known to indulge in some edibles and gaze at the stars but have never pointed my phone upward for some pics. Let alone at the exact same moment at the point of impact....
I'm guessing he started recording video when he heard jet noise. With the tensions, maybe he thought it was military jet activity. Just some guy having an early morning toke.
I think he kinda shit his pants after hearing the BOOM!
I mean, on occasion The Throbber has been known to indulge in some edibles and gaze at the stars but have never pointed my phone upward for some pics. Let alone at the exact same moment at the point of impact....
I think he kinda shit his pants after hearing the BOOM!