Going to enjoy it more when Kellen Moore is announced
This is the kind of smug comment I would expect from Fetters.
I’m enjoying watching the BDTW group melt down daily ...
I’m also enjoying that people are judging Moore not based on his resume but solely because he has ties to Boise
Fetters is smug because he likes to act like he knows inside information that nobody else knows.
I don’t have any info on this search ... just sitting back eating some popcorn and watching everybody freak out
I judge him based on the fact that he has no experience recruiting, and his only coaching experience is 2 years working for the team where he formerly played as he retired from playing so it was basically a nepotism hire. We should be able to hire a better and more experienced candidate. It has nothing to do with any ties to Boise.
Nepotism hire? The Cowboys cut him but wanted him there so badly they gave him the QB coach. NFL teams cut QB’s and hire them just because. They obviously thought he would add value. Maybe he was a friend of the Jones’ or the Dallas coaching staff, but they don’t hire guys to their coaching staff just because they like him.
I get the experience aspect. I don’t agree or care as much (although I want Monken more), but I get it.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
It’s the fact that you’re an asshole ... your comments are beyond inappropriate and have no place on a message board
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
It’s the fact that you’re an asshole ... your comments are beyond inappropriate and have no place on a message board
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
The Creep v Teq feud goes back a long tim. It’s just been dormant for a while.
Alas, Creep is a buck in rut right now cuz La Raza is winning big.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
It’s the fact that you’re an asshole ... your comments are beyond inappropriate and have no place on a message board
your opinion shows just how immature you are, those of us who are actual Husky Alums know to trust Jen and Coach Lake in the process of hiring the right OC not just the one most popular on social media. If you don’t care for the process you’re welcome to root for UO
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
The Creep v Teq feud goes back a long tim. It’s just been dormant for a while.
Alas, Creep is a buck in rut right now cuz La Raza is winning big.
And because I haven't smacked that smug POS around for some tim. So I'm due.
Alas, the real reason it goes dormant for long periods of tim is because I like to punch against people who can punch back. Tequilla always loses his shit right out of the gate, takes everything personally and is just not very good at the whole back & forth. Wit is not his specialty either.
You can only beat up a retard for so long before it becomes unseemly. Something unholy, if you will.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the side lines. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
The Creep v Teq feud goes back a long tim. It’s just been dormant for a while.
Alas, Creep is a buck in rut right now cuz La Raza is winning big.
And because I haven't smacked that smug POS around for some tim. So I'm due.
Alas, the real reason it goes dormant for long periods of tim is because I like to punch against people who can punch back. Tequilla always loses his shit right out of the gate, takes everything personally and is just not very good at the whole back & forth. Wit is not his specialty either.
You can only beat up a retard for so long before it becomes unseemly. Something unholy, if you will.
When it comes to you and Teq, Creep, I’ll always have to triangulate. @Tequilla was an early backer of my shitty little bored and I have a long memory.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
The Creep v Teq feud goes back a long tim. It’s just been dormant for a while.
Alas, Creep is a buck in rut right now cuz La Raza is winning big.
And because I haven't smacked that smug POS around for some tim. So I'm due.
Alas, the real reason it goes dormant for long periods of tim is because I like to punch against people who can punch back. Tequilla always loses his shit right out of the gate, takes everything personally and is just not very good at the whole back & forth. Wit is not his specialty either.
You can only beat up a retard for so long before it becomes unseemly. Something unholy, if you will.
When it comes to you and Teq, Creep, I’ll always have to triangulate. @Tequilla was an early backer of my shitty little bored and I have a long memory.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
The Creep v Teq feud goes back a long tim. It’s just been dormant for a while.
Alas, Creep is a buck in rut right now cuz La Raza is winning big.
And because I haven't smacked that smug POS around for some tim. So I'm due.
Alas, the real reason it goes dormant for long periods of tim is because I like to punch against people who can punch back. Tequilla always loses his shit right out of the gate, takes everything personally and is just not very good at the whole back & forth. Wit is not his specialty either.
You can only beat up a retard for so long before it becomes unseemly. Something unholy, if you will.
When it comes to you and Teq, Creep, I’ll always have to triangulate. @Tequilla was an early backer of my shitty little bored and I have a long memory.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
The Creep v Teq feud goes back a long tim. It’s just been dormant for a while.
Alas, Creep is a buck in rut right now cuz La Raza is winning big.
And because I haven't smacked that smug POS around for some tim. So I'm due.
Alas, the real reason it goes dormant for long periods of tim is because I like to punch against people who can punch back. Tequilla always loses his shit right out of the gate, takes everything personally and is just not very good at the whole back & forth. Wit is not his specialty either.
You can only beat up a retard for so long before it becomes unseemly. Something unholy, if you will.
When it comes to you and Teq, Creep, I’ll always have to triangulate. @Tequilla was an early backer of my shitty little bored and I have a long memory.
I am Zermatt!
You will regret this decision.
Also, that alliance really hurts your brand.
Not really. The Pax Flavo endures.
No really. Outwardly acknowledging an alliance with Tequilla is a far different branding matter than just being your usual emotionally balanced and polite self.
Worried about your future Yella. Remember the last tim you sided against me; your hated foe wound up winning a Rose Bowl and effectively ending Peterman's cute little run.
What’s with all the beefs @creepycoug involved with these days? He & Teq now hate each other for unknown reasons, and creepy apparently has it out for my man @HuskyJW
The Creep v Teq feud goes back a long tim. It’s just been dormant for a while.
Alas, Creep is a buck in rut right now cuz La Raza is winning big.
And because I haven't smacked that smug POS around for some tim. So I'm due.
Alas, the real reason it goes dormant for long periods of tim is because I like to punch against people who can punch back. Tequilla always loses his shit right out of the gate, takes everything personally and is just not very good at the whole back & forth. Wit is not his specialty either.
You can only beat up a retard for so long before it becomes unseemly. Something unholy, if you will.
When it comes to you and Teq, Creep, I’ll always have to triangulate. @Tequilla was an early backer of my shitty little bored and I have a long memory.
I am Zermatt!
You will regret this decision.
Also, that alliance really hurts your brand.
Not really. The Pax Flavo endures.
No really. Outwardly acknowledging an alliance with Tequilla is a far different branding matter than just being your usual emotionally balanced and polite self.
Worried about your future Yella. Remember the last tim you sided against me; your hated foe wound up winning a Rose Bowl and effectively ending Peterman's cute little run.
I voted for you over Teq in the Circle Jerk. Its a matter of public record. Look it up. Deeds, not words counselor.
I get the experience aspect. I don’t agree or care as much (although I want Monken more), but I get it.
Alas, Creep is a buck in rut right now cuz La Raza is winning big.
You really are a smug son of a bitch.
Alas, the real reason it goes dormant for long periods of tim is because I like to punch against people who can punch back. Tequilla always loses his shit right out of the gate, takes everything personally and is just not very good at the whole back & forth. Wit is not his specialty either.
You can only beat up a retard for so long before it becomes unseemly. Something unholy, if you will.
I am Zermatt!
Also, that alliance really hurts your brand.
Worried about your future Yella. Remember the last tim you sided against me; your hated foe wound up winning a Rose Bowl and effectively ending Peterman's cute little run.
I voted for you over Teq in the Circle Jerk. Its a matter of public record. Look it up. Deeds, not words counselor.