Hell ya. You think you'd be able to get rid of me that easy? And it's "you're" Is that Fuck you fuck me fuck everyone? I saw you guys had a line going on how long I'd last, anybody win yet?
I coined FYFMFE. Plus 81% of everything else here.
You’re dad was a great athlete. How disappointed was he in you?
If he was he's never let me know. Was I right on the meaning?
He was, trust me.
You were right!
And I won. I always win because I’m always right. Ask anyone here
I'll take your word for it big guy. Can we be friends yet or shall we keep up the shit talking? I actually enjoy it. There's not many places online that I can call someone like you a faggot anymore.
I’m not big. I’m a 97lb weakling.
We can be friends and shit talk. It’s called abundance.
You’re dad didn’t express any disappointment when showed no athletic ability and hung out with the pussies in band? A great athlete like your dad should have gone The Great Santini on your candy ass.
Hell ya. You think you'd be able to get rid of me that easy? And it's "you're" Is that Fuck you fuck me fuck everyone? I saw you guys had a line going on how long I'd last, anybody win yet?
I coined FYFMFE. Plus 81% of everything else here.
You’re dad was a great athlete. How disappointed was he in you?
If he was he's never let me know. Was I right on the meaning?
He was, trust me.
You were right!
And I won. I always win because I’m always right. Ask anyone here
I'll take your word for it big guy. Can we be friends yet or shall we keep up the shit talking? I actually enjoy it. There's not many places online that I can call someone like you a faggot anymore.
The only thing worse than being ganged up on is being ignored so I think you're in good shape here
Also, if @Downey_41 can get his reads down he could be one of the greatest stories of redemption in the anals (lulz) of HH history. Tick tick tick....
I'm not. Watch how many times he told his team "It's Okay, We're Fine, We're Okay" during the 70-21 thrashing.
Guy's head is up his ass. Hard pass.
Not as the HC
No matter. I want a tough as nails, shove it up their ass, OC. So tired of these academic pussies UW has had for 20 years.
Sounds like pat hill is more your type.
Helfrich is Pete 2.0 as OC. Another lightweight coach blessed with great athletes to mask his weaknesses and failures revealed against any legit opponent.
Seems a lot of guys are content with lateral plays, trick plays and focusing on going East and West instead of North and South. If that's what you like, Helfrich is your guy. Just remember that UW doesn't have the athletes he had. Not even in the same league. He had guys who could turn the corner. UW doesn't. Good luck with that disastrous plan.
Seems a lot of guys are content with lateral plays, trick plays and focusing on going East and West instead of North and South. If that's what you like, Helfrich is your guy. Just remember that UW doesn't have the athletes he had. Not even in the same league. He had guys who could turn the corner. UW doesn't. Good luck with that disastrous plan.
I don’t really want him. But saying we need a coordinator that will ram it down their throat is short sighted. Michigan, Stanford and Wisconsin play that way their offenses always sputter.
Give me an OC that knows how to use the personnel we have and can scheme people open and get running backs in advantageous situations.
The rah rah ram it down their throat mantra is emotional tough guy talk.
Hell ya. You think you'd be able to get rid of me that easy? And it's "you're" Is that Fuck you fuck me fuck everyone? I saw you guys had a line going on how long I'd last, anybody win yet?
I coined FYFMFE. Plus 81% of everything else here.
You’re dad was a great athlete. How disappointed was he in you?
If he was he's never let me know. Was I right on the meaning?
He was, trust me.
You were right!
And I won. I always win because I’m always right. Ask anyone here
I'll take your word for it big guy. Can we be friends yet or shall we keep up the shit talking? I actually enjoy it. There's not many places online that I can call someone like you a faggot anymore.
I’m not big. I’m a 97lb weakling.
We can be friends and shit talk. It’s called abundance.
You’re dad didn’t express any disappointment when showed no athletic ability and hung out with the pussies in band? A great athlete like your dad should have gone The Great Santini on your candy ass.
It sounds like you're projecting your own insecurities about your relationship with your dad. I was never in band, my daughter is in band and she's a damn good trumpet player and no matter what I could never be disappointed in her no matter what she does. My son tho will play at UW in about 4 years so remember the last name k sweetie. Back to the issue, I think you have some deep seeded emotional issues with your father, did he touch you inappropriately?
Fuck you bitch. You don't know me. I don't have narcissistic personality disorder. If I did, I would be a liar which is the strongest trait of a narcissist. Somebody who is extremely comfortable lying and very good at it. Somebody who could be the leader of cult, leader of a scam, or commit fraud on a large scale. I'm not a fucking liar. That's one thing I don't do. It's not in my nature to lie, I'm terrible at it, so I don't even try.
Don't ever try to psychoanalyze me bitch. You're not a fucking psychologist. You're a fucking nobody on a message board like the rest of us.
But you are right about one thing. If you don't want to debate, don't engage me. If you don't want to be cussed at, don't insult me first or say incredibly stupid shit like a high school recruit having a "way higher ceiling" than the most talented DT on the planet.
This is such a perfect copy pasta because Ballz was the original "Sign Helfrich for OC!!!" doog.
Seems a lot of guys are content with lateral plays, trick plays and focusing on going East and West instead of North and South. If that's what you like, Helfrich is your guy. Just remember that UW doesn't have the athletes he had. Not even in the same league. He had guys who could turn the corner. UW doesn't. Good luck with that disastrous plan.
I don’t really want him. But saying we need a coordinator that will ram it down their throat is short sighted. Michigan, Stanford and Wisconsin play that way their offenses always sputter.
Give me an OC that knows how to use the personnel we have and can scheme people open and get running backs in advantageous situations.
The rah rah ram it down their throat mantra is emotional tough guy talk.
Jesus Fucking Christ. What wilted dick offensive team have you been watching for the past 6 years? You want more of that? That's Helfrich.
Of course you go to war with the army you have. Duh! But what UW absolutely does not need is another cerebral whiteboard guy that will complicate the fuck out of his offense drawing up and calling over-complicated plays and blocking schemes to "deceive" opposing defenses.
Seems a lot of guys are content with lateral plays, trick plays and focusing on going East and West instead of North and South. If that's what you like, Helfrich is your guy. Just remember that UW doesn't have the athletes he had. Not even in the same league. He had guys who could turn the corner. UW doesn't. Good luck with that disastrous plan.
I don’t really want him. But saying we need a coordinator that will ram it down their throat is short sighted. Michigan, Stanford and Wisconsin play that way their offenses always sputter.
Give me an OC that knows how to use the personnel we have and can scheme people open and get running backs in advantageous situations.
The rah rah ram it down their throat mantra is emotional tough guy talk.
Seems a lot of guys are content with lateral plays, trick plays and focusing on going East and West instead of North and South. If that's what you like, Helfrich is your guy. Just remember that UW doesn't have the athletes he had. Not even in the same league. He had guys who could turn the corner. UW doesn't. Good luck with that disastrous plan.
I don’t really want him. But saying we need a coordinator that will ram it down their throat is short sighted. Michigan, Stanford and Wisconsin play that way their offenses always sputter.
Give me an OC that knows how to use the personnel we have and can scheme people open and get running backs in advantageous situations.
The rah rah ram it down their throat mantra is emotional tough guy talk.
Jesus Fucking Christ. What wilted dick offensive team have you been watching for the past 6 years? You want more of that? That's Helfrich.
Of course you go to war with the army you have. Duh! But what UW absolutely does not need is another cerebral whiteboard guy that will complicate the fuck out of his offense drawing up and calling over-complicated plays and blocking schemes to "deceive" opposing defenses.
Again. I don’t want helfrich. Apparently you didn’t hear the first time. He coasted off of chips scheme imo and had generational qb cover everything up.
I would say look at what Penn St, and LSU or in the pros the 49ers are doing as a comp. can we replicate that? They consistently scheme the ball to their playmakers in space. Pete’s offense rarely did that. They were more prone to the random play generator than using a offense that consistently builds off of things gas that worked.
Also, if @Downey_41 can get his reads down he could be one of the greatest stories of redemption in the anals (lulz) of HH history. Tick tick tick....
Can we please get a gender assignment on this toolbox?
Guy's head is up his ass. Hard pass.
Give me an OC that knows how to use the personnel we have and can scheme people open and get running backs in advantageous situations.
The rah rah ram it down their throat mantra is emotional tough guy talk.
Of course you go to war with the army you have. Duh! But what UW absolutely does not need is another cerebral whiteboard guy that will complicate the fuck out of his offense drawing up and calling over-complicated plays and blocking schemes to "deceive" opposing defenses.
I would say look at what Penn St, and LSU or in the pros the 49ers are doing as a comp. can we replicate that? They consistently scheme the ball to their playmakers in space. Pete’s offense rarely did that. They were more prone to the random play generator than using a offense that consistently builds off of things gas that worked.