Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
No, you're petty little fascist who wants to force your liberty and freedom denying beliefs on others. You're free to never carry a weapon but you're not content with that, you want to deny people who feel differently from you from making that same choice.
The problem with gun violence is that it's so obviously a black people problem, that the dems dont want to do anything at all about it. Except paint it as a redneck thing.
The problem with gun violence is that it's so obviously a black people problem, that the dems dont want to do anything at all about it. Except paint it as a redneck thing.
The dems don't care about black deaths they're just voting pawns in their game.
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
The problem with gun violence is that it's so obviously a black people problem, that the dems dont want to do anything at all about it. Except paint it as a redneck thing.
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
True, I’ve never killed anyone nor have I ever been in a position to kill anyone. My best fri
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
That’s correct tough guy. I don’t have experience of seeing someone killed. The majority of the people that served for our country aren’t packing in their churches and movie theaters. What is your point?
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
True, I’ve never killed anyone nor have I ever been in a position to kill anyone. My best fri
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
That’s correct tough guy. I don’t have experience of seeing someone killed. The majority of the people that served for our country aren’t packing in their churches and movie theaters. What is your point?
I’d say 75% or so of the ex military and law enforcement I currently know carry.
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
True, I’ve never killed anyone nor have I ever been in a position to kill anyone. My best fri
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
That’s correct tough guy. I don’t have experience of seeing someone killed. The majority of the people that served for our country aren’t packing in their churches and movie theaters. What is your point?
I’d say 75% or so of the ex military and law enforcement I currently know carry.
More and more everyday, to turn the odds against mass-shooters, like they did in church today. And hopefully will do at schools, churches and synagogues in the future. It's way past time to dream about a gun-free world and time to step up and defend yourselves, adequately.
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
True, I’ve never killed anyone nor have I ever been in a position to kill anyone. My best fri
Hmm, took the family out for breakfast today. Conceal carried my 40mm and it behaved itself and stayed in the holster for the entire meal.
So you’re a giant pussy?
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Uh huh, spoken like someone who’s never seen someone killed. Unlike you, I’ve made the decision as to when to pull the trigger and when not to pull the trigger. I bet you’ve never experienced anything more stressful than did I knock up my cousin, or not?
That’s correct tough guy. I don’t have experience of seeing someone killed. The majority of the people that served for our country aren’t packing in their churches and movie theaters. What is your point?
My point is, if you’re not going to prepare yourself to combat evil, fine. Just stay out of the way of those of us who will.
Yep, the contrast between what freedom and liberty loving people in Texas allow their citizens to do in order to exercise their god given right of self defense and what a state like NY does to disarm religious minority groups that the state despises couldn’t be greater.
Bob loves bumper stickers.
Hey Bob, you might want to check out the gun violence differences between the FREEDOM and LIBERTY LOVERS of TX vs. the communist socialist freedom and liberty haters of NY.
Oh yea, I’ll bet the folks at the TX church that got shot up in 2017 where 26 people were killed had a lot of your favorite bumper sticker on their cars.
Keep in mind that we’re talking about people at fucking church.
Only a dumbass rat would post that chart. You have no idea what you are talking about so you post a chart that has pretty colors without knowing any of the details. It looked pretty and made you FEEL good unfortunately for you it does anything but help you make your point.
I took my family out to breakfast and didn’t pack a weapon. Am I the toughest guy in the world?
I’m obviously tougher than you.
Unlike Vincent and Jules, who were cool. Like Fonzie.
And you’re a fucking idiot.
I'll stay a sheepdog.