Pup almost ran you. It was neck and neck there for a while, but you stayed strong and prevailed. I personally do not wish to see any more of such carnage and vitriol between those I care about. Better to let Pup just die and remember the good times.
I boat raced Pup. It wasn’t fair.
You don't seem to have much of a sense of humor about pumpy my friend. The way I look at it, his existence makes the world a shittier place, and that amuses me to no end. You should try on this sunny outlook. You may find yourself missing the old cunt.
I do miss the comedy of old pup. But I also enjoy sparring with his dumbass.
Pup almost ran you. It was neck and neck there for a while, but you stayed strong and prevailed. I personally do not wish to see any more of such carnage and vitriol between those I care about. Better to let Pup just die and remember the good times.
I boat raced Pup. It wasn’t fair.
You don't seem to have much of a sense of humor about pumpy my friend. The way I look at it, his existence makes the world a shittier place, and that amuses me to no end. You should try on this sunny outlook. You may find yourself missing the old cunt.
I do miss the comedy of old pup. But I also enjoy sparring with his dumbass.
and before u buttsniffers pipe off, I know JH was DJ's some in law. I worked and interned under Jim in late 80's early 90's. Back when u buttfucks were playing battleship, hanging at home rubbing your Momma's feet while sugar was banging coot in the discipline hole on a nightly basis.
Doesn't matter, he nor any other real husky fan would charge for this. Just want to reiterate that.;) peace out all you white people. (no brother would waste his time reading this board) Oh, I'm supposed to say "bored", hee hee, has has, take it to the front of the 7-11 store, IR whatever you boofs say!
We should have a brother board where coo conversation happens, instead of the goofy-ass white bread (75k) and other 6th grade shit that happens here. Oh Harvey Road, where you at? Bunch of faggy white chumps round here! Hee hee, has haa
Pup almost ran you. It was neck and neck there for a while, but you stayed strong and prevailed. I personally do not wish to see any more of such carnage and vitriol between those I care about. Better to let Pup just die and remember the good times.
I boat raced Pup. It wasn’t fair.
You don't seem to have much of a sense of humor about pumpy my friend. The way I look at it, his existence makes the world a shittier place, and that amuses me to no end. You should try on this sunny outlook. You may find yourself missing the old cunt.
I do miss the comedy of old pup. But I also enjoy sparring with his dumbass.
I hated sparring with him, but it was necessary to get a decent rant out of him. In the end, I think it drove him insane.
Without pup, I never would have found out that I was a gay lying fuck that drives a corolla with 500k miles on it.
Pup almost ran you. It was neck and neck there for a while, but you stayed strong and prevailed. I personally do not wish to see any more of such carnage and vitriol between those I care about. Better to let Pup just die and remember the good times.
I boat raced Pup. It wasn’t fair.
You don't seem to have much of a sense of humor about pumpy my friend. The way I look at it, his existence makes the world a shittier place, and that amuses me to no end. You should try on this sunny outlook. You may find yourself missing the old cunt.
I do miss the comedy of old pup. But I also enjoy sparring with his dumbass.
I hated sparring with him, but it was necessary to get a decent rant out of him. In the end, I think it drove him insane.
Without pup, I never would have found out that I was a gay lying fuck that drives a corolla with 500k miles on it.
True. I had to work hard, but I did get row peter puffer from my efforts.
"You is a laaazy bastard aintcha! You just lookin ta get out the easy way... Whadoya wanna TV on the god dam thing too?!"
My dads loved their lawn more than anything and this was the only blade to ever touch it. I shoved that rusty fucker around all spring and summer to earn money for the annual trip to Boom City
Doesn't matter, he nor any other real husky fan would charge for this. Just want to reiterate that.;) peace out all you white people. (no brother would waste his time reading this board) Oh, I'm supposed to say "bored", hee hee, has has, take it to the front of the 7-11 store, IR whatever you boofs say!
We should have a brother board where coo conversation happens, instead of the goofy-ass white bread (75k) and other 6th grade shit that happens here.
Oh Harvey Road, where you at? Bunch of faggy white chumps round here! Hee hee, has haa
Without pup, I never would have found out that I was a gay lying fuck that drives a corolla with 500k miles on it.
My dads loved their lawn more than anything and this was the only blade to ever touch it. I shoved that rusty fucker around all spring and summer to earn money for the annual trip to Boom City
It all started on a scrappy little website called Hardcore Husky, run by Stalin.