Shit. I’d die of bbq and affordable bourbon if I lived down there. No wonder everyone is so healthy looking in the south.
And I get the whoosh. Bbq not the problem. But great fried food and Cajun cousine may have to do wit the national average. A lot of good food this way. And cheap. We grow it and farm it.
It’s hard.
Want to know what southern, SEC Country state produces the most food in the country?
Highest ranked southeast state is Missouri, at 13. I guess Texas at 4 if you call that southeast. The state of city slicker Warshington comes in at 16, a whole 8 places higher than tuff, farming Mississippi (and produces 3/4 of the country's all-important hops).
Clearly, this list doesn't account for fisheries, as Alaska's fisheries bring in over $3 billion in exports alone. It's not proximity to agriculture that makes southern food cheap, it's economics.