It would go down as the most gutless move in history
And one of the more stupid
Please kill me, I'm watching CNN ( just for some perspective ) but even they are debating whether this would be a good move or whether Pelosi actually has the leverage to do this.
I lose IQ points everyone I turn on CNN or one of the other lefty loon networks.
I kind of treat it like comedy to see how fucked in the head they are but I can only take so much. They have a panelist who is still saying "I need you to do ME a favor..." right now.
Its vital and we have to remove him because the constitution and republic are at stake
When we feel like it
Seems like just a few hours ago they were arguing this needed to be done now because we are watching a crime in process and the integrity of our election is at stake. I guess that was a lie.
I saw the local chan 13 interview with JaymyaPal or whatever and she said he needed to be impeached because he is a bully. she even said it twice.
Holding the articles in the house they can wait till after the election and if Trump wins while the Senate switches to the Dems - then they move the articles of impeachment forward.
Stupid move imho but american voters are so effing stupid it may work
I saw the local chan 13 interview with JaymyaPal or whatever and she said he needed to be impeached because he is a bully. she even said it twice.
Holding the articles in the house they can wait till after the election and if Trump wins while the Senate switches to the Dems - then they move the articles of impeachment forward.
Stupid move imho but american voters are so effing stupid it may work
It is a stupid move - but I disagree that american voters are stupid. They were smart enough to elect Trump when every 'expert' predicted Hillary in a landslide. The experts drink their own Koolaid and dismiss common sense.
I can think of several sticks to beat them with on that, but I imagine they have too.
Makes sense. The moment they give it over to the senate the whole charade is over.
And one of the more stupid
Once Nancy gave in to the insane this was always going the distance
When we feel like it
Had to chin
Holding the articles in the house they can wait till after the election and if Trump wins while the Senate switches to the Dems - then they move the articles of impeachment forward.
Stupid move imho but american voters are so effing stupid it may work
Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment
The absurdity of this entire thing is a black stain on what's left of the Republic.