What’s the point of having conservatives on the court anyhow if they are going to allow whacko 9th circuit decisions to stand? NOC about abortion but fucking losers. Just get the fucking bums outta here.
Well fuck. This sucks. Again, the narrative is this is a housing problem. It's a drug problem. Fucking arrest these addicts and get them help. Don't get me wrong - There will always be "bums" and mentally ill people on the streets in large cities but this new wave of people camping and shitting everywhere is only happening because it is allowed and people prefer to live this way so they can shoot up.
I have compassion but this situation is completely rat made and I am not risking my life to help many of those homeless who have decided to not help themselves even though they are very capable of doing so.
Losing body parts from handing out bottles of water to the bums? Not a chance. Went for a walk with the family in Ptld. Had never been around the loop over the river downtown before and thought it would be fun for the family before heading over to Saturday Market. The drug deals and blatant out in the open drug use by many young homeless people was a bit unnerving for my wife and daughter so we made the walk a very brisk one. No one felt safe. In one loop we saw at least 6 people using and a couple drug deals right out in the open. This is at 9:30 in the morning.
There is a big difference between the poor Vet who has PTSD or the mentally ill person and what we saw that day in downtown Portland.
Well fuck. This sucks. Again, the narrative is this is a housing problem. It's a drug problem. Fucking arrest these addicts and get them help. Don't get me wrong - There will always be "bums" and mentally ill people on the streets in large cities but this new wave of people camping and shitting everywhere is only happening because it is allowed and people prefer to live this way so they can shoot up.
Thanks for your tax dollars for these increased mental health and DSHS services! All the new social workers being hired in the most populous state in the nation appreciate your donation!
What’s the point of having conservatives on the court anyhow if they are going to allow whacko 9th circuit decisions to stand? NOC about abortion but fucking losers. Just get the fucking bums outta here.
What’s the point of having conservatives on the court anyhow if they are going to allow whacko 9th circuit decisions to stand? NOC about abortion but fucking losers. Just get the fucking bums outta here.
When exactly have you heard me bitching about government for 40 years exactly? I criticize government for its failures and praise its successes. Reagan's policy successes outweigh his failures (mental hospitals seem to be one of those) and therefore most historians rate him high on the list of good presidents.
I donated money to and voted for the candidate for city council in my district who's solution was a rapidly build emergency shelter facilities. Those that refuse to accept shelter beds need to LEAVE. Simple as that. Allowing people to live in squalor on our streets is the definition of insanity.
What’s the point of having conservatives on the court anyhow if they are going to allow whacko 9th circuit decisions to stand? NOC about abortion but fucking losers. Just get the fucking bums outta here.
Furthermore, while there is a mental health component to the problem, the majority of it in our city is drug related. How does Reagan get the blame for that?
What’s the point of having conservatives on the court anyhow if they are going to allow whacko 9th circuit decisions to stand? NOC about abortion but fucking losers. Just get the fucking bums outta here.
Furthermore, while there is a mental health component to the problem, the majority of it in our city is drug related. How does Reagan get the blame for that?
To be fair 'just say no' is a failed policy.
Especially all of the incarceration that followed.
Well fuck. This sucks. Again, the narrative is this is a housing problem. It's a drug problem. Fucking arrest these addicts and get them help. Don't get me wrong - There will always be "bums" and mentally ill people on the streets in large cities but this new wave of people camping and shitting everywhere is only happening because it is allowed and people prefer to live this way so they can shoot up.
They've rolled out the red carpet for people who want to do drugs and drink all day. They've stopped enforcing petty theft, public drunkenness, and pissing and shitting in public laws. Open air drug dealing and usage are allowed, no one will even be hassled, let alone arrested for engaging in any of his behavior.
If you're a dirt bag drug addict/drunk what better place is there for you? You can do drugs all day, steal from stores and cars to support your habit. Get free food, sleeping bags, tents and needles from the city and the homeless industrial complex and you never have to fear ever being arrested or hassled by the cops. You're treated better and given more freedom than the people who work for a living and pay the taxes.
What’s the point of having conservatives on the court anyhow if they are going to allow whacko 9th circuit decisions to stand? NOC about abortion but fucking losers. Just get the fucking bums outta here.
When exactly have you heard me bitching about government for 40 years exactly? I criticize government for its failures and praise its successes. Reagan's policy successes outweigh his failures (mental hospitals seem to be one of those) and therefore most historians rate him high on the list of good presidents.
I donated money to and voted for the candidate for city council in my district who's solution was a rapidly build emergency shelter facilities. Those that refuse to accept shelter beds need to LEAVE. Simple as that. Allowing people to live in squalor on our streets is the definition of insanity.
Collective you.
We can continue this privately. No use doing it here
9th circuit court
Losing body parts from handing out bottles of water to the bums? Not a chance. Went for a walk with the family in Ptld. Had never been around the loop over the river downtown before and thought it would be fun for the family before heading over to Saturday Market. The drug deals and blatant out in the open drug use by many young homeless people was a bit unnerving for my wife and daughter so we made the walk a very brisk one. No one felt safe. In one loop we saw at least 6 people using and a couple drug deals right out in the open. This is at 9:30 in the morning.
There is a big difference between the poor Vet who has PTSD or the mentally ill person and what we saw that day in downtown Portland.
Andy Bales, CEO of Union Rescue Mission in LA, lost his leg to infection after stepping in human waste while helping the homeless on Skid Row.
When you bitch for 40 years about government being the problem and not part of the solution, you don't get to bitch about stuff like this
Powerless for 40 years to overcome Reagan
I donated money to and voted for the candidate for city council in my district who's solution was a rapidly build emergency shelter facilities. Those that refuse to accept shelter beds need to LEAVE. Simple as that. Allowing people to live in squalor on our streets is the definition of insanity.
Especially all of the incarceration that followed.
If you're a dirt bag drug addict/drunk what better place is there for you? You can do drugs all day, steal from stores and cars to support your habit. Get free food, sleeping bags, tents and needles from the city and the homeless industrial complex and you never have to fear ever being arrested or hassled by the cops. You're treated better and given more freedom than the people who work for a living and pay the taxes.
We can continue this privately. No use doing it here