An uncaring Petersen coaching in a shit tier bowl game that no one cares about will be special.
The players will play inspired football to send coach out with a win, just like tOSU killed us last year
Let me put it this way. I watched the Miami Pitt game. I watched Miami retard their way to a win. They were so fucking unbelievably incompetent and sloppy in inept, and yet, at home, in the cold rain of Pittsburgh, the Panthers found a way to lose.
It was a battle of retards and Miami was a little less retarded that day.
If UW can't be that team, you? all? should consider shutting down the program. Forever.
But as much as we? shit on the P12, the ACC is an abortion. Something unholy. It's Clemson and a bunch of really bad teams, and this is one of them.
It was a battle of retards and Miami was a little less retarded that day.
If UW can't be that team, you? all? should consider shutting down the program. Forever.