Well well well, Mr. Crow T Robot -- if that is indeed your real name... Are you here to simply advertise your podcast, or are you going to hang out and post like you told me you were going to back in August?
Well well well, Mr. Crow T Robot -- if that is indeed your real name... Are you here to simply advertise your podcast, or are you going to hang out and post like you told me you were going to back in August?
Well well well, Mr. Crow T Robot -- if that is indeed your real name... Are you here to simply advertise your podcast, or are you going to hang out and post like you told me you were going to back in August?
I haven't posted, podded or done shit besides get on twitter while I'm waiting in the doctor's office because I have inoperable brain cancer you fucking JERKS!!!!
Not really. I've just been busy. And we have fucking sucked. This year was like watching your dog go senile and slowly die, while everyone is saying he's fine even though he's taking a shit in his food bowl.
Well well well, Mr. Crow T Robot -- if that is indeed your real name... Are you here to simply advertise your podcast, or are you going to hang out and post like you told me you were going to back in August?
I haven't posted, podded or done shit besides get on twitter while I'm waiting in the doctor's office because I have inoperable brain cancer you fucking JERKS!!!!
Not really. I've just been busy. And we have fucking sucked. This year was like watching your dog go senile and slowly die, while everyone is saying he's fine even though he's taking a shit in his food bowl.
Nobody at Hardcore Husky has stated that everything is fine. Pete shitting in his food bowl was well-documented.
Well well well, Mr. Crow T Robot -- if that is indeed your real name... Are you here to simply advertise your podcast, or are you going to hang out and post like you told me you were going to back in August?
I haven't posted, podded or done shit besides get on twitter while I'm waiting in the doctor's office because I have inoperable brain cancer you fucking JERKS!!!!
Not really. I've just been busy. And we have fucking sucked. This year was like watching your dog go senile and slowly die, while everyone is saying he's fine even though he's taking a shit in his food bowl.
Nobody at Hardcore Husky has stated that everything is fine. Pete shitting in his food bowl was well-documented.
Also sad to see @Dennis_DeYoung has fallen victim to the great password reset purge of 2019.
Is it?
It is. This place isn't the same without you here gaying it up. The sausage grabbing, ass slapping frat boy atmosphere is a poor substitute...no authenticity at all.
Not really. I've just been busy. And we have fucking sucked. This year was like watching your dog go senile and slowly die, while everyone is saying he's fine even though he's taking a shit in his food bowl.