Jimmy has a higher ceiling because he’s an unknown. The current UW defensive staff has been more successful than Wilcox was too, although having Pete instead of Sark does make a difference. Sark doesn’t care at all about defense. Pete at least recognized the importance of having good defenses.
Wilcox isn’t terrible, but hasn’t fielded a good offense yet. I think he’s in a good place in Cal and can be a 8-9 win coach some years with some 5 win years mixed in. That ain’t gonna cut it at UW.
Little early for this talk IMO. We’re gonna find out if Lake can run a program pretty quickly. Tell you what, Lake can recruit like a muthafucka. Wilcox is stuck in 3 star OKG land.
Wilcox isn’t terrible, but hasn’t fielded a good offense yet. I think he’s in a good place in Cal and can be a 8-9 win coach some years with some 5 win years mixed in. That ain’t gonna cut it at UW.
Didn't think so.