Captain Redact-o didn't even run out of the tunnel when his name was called, as best as I could tell. Was he shook? Was coaches shook, afraid he'd get booed? Or I might have just missed him, but I was watching...
They skipped over Hilbers name when Manu was announced ... Hilbers ran out instead
Saw that Senior list back in March and my 1st thought was "meh and uh-oh". Would have been worse had Tre not been hurt and left last year when he should have, but on other hand, had Rapp and Murphy came back it looks much better.
On some level, had you looked at just the senior class, and then was told to make a season prediction, 7-5 makes complete sense.
Pounds showed some glimpses last year but was a complete non-factor this season.
He got suspended too. But it does show Pete doesn’t play seniors just because. I have no idea how and why Baccallia played so much, but Pounds would have played too if seniority was the only thing that mattered.
Trey Adams, Andre Baccellia, Malik Braxton, Myles Bryant, Dustin Bush, AJ Carty, John Clark, Aaron Fuller, Blake Gregory, Nick Harris, Jared Hilbers, Kyler Manu, Chico McClatcher, Benning Potoa'e, Quinten Pounds, Myles Rice, Henry Roberts, Brandon Wellington, Joel Whitford
Other than a couple bright spots, that's a whole heap of dung.
Coaching deficiencies is obviously the biggest issue this year but senior leadership/talent is clearly lacking looking at this list. In terms of Pete's recruiting evolution, I believe this represented the final class before we began to "level up". Hioefully we will look on next years group more fondly and with less disappointment
I'm putting these guys in tiers based on whatever I feel like.
Better than expected: Myles Bryant Nick Harris Jared Hilbers
Injuries ruined him AKA redshirt OL & DL: Trey Adams Chico McClatcher
Walk-ons who probably contributed behind the scenes more than basement dwelling loosers will ever know: Malik Braxton Dustin Bush Blake Gregory
Walk ons who played more than they should have considering they were a walk on: John Clark
Should've been walk ons and instead wasted scholarships and cost us? games: Andre Baccellia Kyler Manu *REDACTED*
Solid but not spectacular Benning Potoa'e AJ Carty Joel Whitford Aaron Fuller
What would you say it is you did at UW? Quinten Pounds Myles Rice Henry Roberts
Disagree that Fuller was solid. He was shit in conference and a notoriously lazy fuck who thought he was far better than he actually was. We can thank Pete's "great in practice" philosophy that rewards years in the program over talent, but still, fuck Fuller.
On some level, had you looked at just the senior class, and then was told to make a season prediction, 7-5 makes complete sense.