Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
Weird how Hunter Biden's potential corruption was important enough for the Obama Admin to raise it but it's not important enough for the Rats to allow any questions or witnesses to speak to it during this Kangaroo Court hearing.
Weird how Hunter Biden's potential corruption was important enough for the Obama Admin to raise it but it's not important enough for the Rats to allow any questions or witnesses to speak to it during this Kangaroo Court hearing.
It’s actually an impeachment inquiry under article 2 section 4 of the constitution.
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
Weird how Hunter Biden's potential corruption was important enough for the Obama Admin to raise it but it's not important enough for the Rats to allow any questions or witnesses to speak to it during this Kangaroo Court hearing.
It’s actually an impeachment inquiry under article 2 section 4 of the constitution.
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
It wasn't an appearance it was a flat out conflict of interest hence the need to prep the gal and send Joe to threaten the Ukraine on withholding aid unless they dropped the investigation
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
One of the guys who's ass you tongue here.
*whose Your homoerotic porn fantasies are even more white trash when grammatically incorrect.
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
It wasn't an appearance it was a flat out conflict of interest hence the need to prep the gal and send Joe to threaten the Ukraine on withholding aid unless they dropped the investigation
Daddy that idiot
So Joe was doing something in Ukraine that was contrary to Obama’s policy?
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
It wasn't an appearance it was a flat out conflict of interest hence the need to prep the gal and send Joe to threaten the Ukraine on withholding aid unless they dropped the investigation
Daddy that idiot
So Joe was doing something in Ukraine that was contrary to Obama’s policy?
C’mon Race! Why was Obama so interested in saving Hunter Biden?
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
It wasn't an appearance it was a flat out conflict of interest hence the need to prep the gal and send Joe to threaten the Ukraine on withholding aid unless they dropped the investigation
Daddy that idiot
So Joe was doing something in Ukraine that was contrary to Obama’s policy?
Did you catch the part where Joe told the Ukraine that if they didn't believe him they could ask Obama and then they caved on the investigation? Obama was in on it. Obviously
That's why scotty was trying to tell everyone it was an international effort
Obama threatened to withhold aid if Junior got investigated. FACT
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
It wasn't an appearance it was a flat out conflict of interest hence the need to prep the gal and send Joe to threaten the Ukraine on withholding aid unless they dropped the investigation
Daddy that idiot
So Joe was doing something in Ukraine that was contrary to Obama’s policy?
C’mon Race! Why was Obama so interested in saving Hunter Biden?
When the facts are against you start talking about why someone did something. I don't know why and I don't care. Obama threatened the Ukraine with the withholding of aid unless Junior was let of the hook
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
It wasn't an appearance it was a flat out conflict of interest hence the need to prep the gal and send Joe to threaten the Ukraine on withholding aid unless they dropped the investigation
Daddy that idiot
So Joe was doing something in Ukraine that was contrary to Obama’s policy?
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
It wasn't an appearance it was a flat out conflict of interest hence the need to prep the gal and send Joe to threaten the Ukraine on withholding aid unless they dropped the investigation
Daddy that idiot
So Joe was doing something in Ukraine that was contrary to Obama’s policy?
C’mon Race! Why was Obama so interested in saving Hunter Biden?
Concerned about the appearance of conflict. Exciting.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
Why would they be concerned? I've been told that Hunter Biden was a highly qualified lawyer who was doing very important legal work for the company. Why would the Obama Admin feel the need to ask the incoming Ambassador about it?
I don’t know who told you Hunter Biden was more than a guy with a last name. The appearance of conflict was pretty fucking obvious. It pales in comparison to the conflicts in Daddy’s administration however.
It wasn't an appearance it was a flat out conflict of interest hence the need to prep the gal and send Joe to threaten the Ukraine on withholding aid unless they dropped the investigation
Daddy that idiot
So Joe was doing something in Ukraine that was contrary to Obama’s policy?
C’mon Race! Why was Obama so interested in saving Hunter Biden?
When the facts are against you start talking about why someone did something. I don't know why and I don't care. Obama threatened the Ukraine with the withholding of aid unless Junior was let of the hook
Weirdly, only Daddy is on record mentioning Burisma (sp?) while making demands of the Ukraine.
You’ve cracked the case. Daddy is innocent.
This gal is a gold mine of good information
Why is Trump being impeached for Biden being corrupt?
Fact check saying this video o Biden's own words is false tells you all you need to know about "fact check"
Daddy that idiot
Your homoerotic porn fantasies are even more white trash when grammatically incorrect.
That's why scotty was trying to tell everyone it was an international effort
Obama threatened to withhold aid if Junior got investigated. FACT
Obama’s motive was what?