Come on Race. Even Hondo deserves a chin once in a while. That was funny.
Good god man. We're never going to fix this country's problems if we can't have some compromises once in a while.
No surrender
Politics is the art of the possible.
Meh. No reason to give these dipshit commies an inch.
The 1909/1910 People's Budget was a proposal of the Liberal government that introduced unprecedented taxes on the lands and incomes of Britain's wealthy to fund new social welfare programmes. It passed the House of Commons in 1909 but was blocked by the House of Lords for a year and became law in April 1910.
It was championed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, David Lloyd George, and his young ally Winston Churchill, who was then President of the Board of Trade and a fellow Liberal; called the "Terrible Twins" by certain Conservative contemporaries.[1]
Churchill's biographer, William Manchester, called the People's Budget a "revolutionary concept" because it was the first budget in British history with the expressed intent of redistributing wealth equally amongst the British population.[2] It was a key issue of contention between the Liberal government and the Conservative-dominated House of Lords, leading to two general elections in 1910 and the enactment of the Parliament Act 1911.
Haven't been to the Wolf's Lair. Went to Obersalzburg and Berchtesgaden where the top Nazis had their summer homes in the Bavarian Alps. The road to the Eagle's Nest goes past where the Berghof once stood. You can walk through a creepy tunnel that Hitler walked through at the Eagle's Nest.
Nazi's and commies hated each other because they are similar and competing philosophies.
The democrats have managed to blend both in an attempt to create a Frankenstein monster out of left over parts from America's two mortal enemies from last century.
The 1909/1910 People's Budget was a proposal of the Liberal government that introduced unprecedented taxes on the lands and incomes of Britain's wealthy to fund new social welfare programmes. It passed the House of Commons in 1909 but was blocked by the House of Lords for a year and became law in April 1910.
It was championed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, David Lloyd George, and his young ally Winston Churchill, who was then President of the Board of Trade and a fellow Liberal; called the "Terrible Twins" by certain Conservative contemporaries.[1]
Churchill's biographer, William Manchester, called the People's Budget a "revolutionary concept" because it was the first budget in British history with the expressed intent of redistributing wealth equally amongst the British population.[2] It was a key issue of contention between the Liberal government and the Conservative-dominated House of Lords, leading to two general elections in 1910 and the enactment of the Parliament Act 1911.'s_Budget
Churchill was removed once he saved that rock
Stupid socialist Brits.
Pretty sure that 1950 Churchill wasn't 1910 Churchill
He coined the Iron Curtain
Go row a boat